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Криворучко М.Е. Показатели физического развития 10-летних детей, проживающих в г. Луганске
15.05.2014, 09:27

Криворучко М.Є. Показники фізичного розвитку 10-річних дітей, що проживають у м. Луганськ.
З метою вивчення фізичного розвитку дітей періоду другого дитинства було досліджено сучасних мешканців м. Луганськ 10-ти років та показано, що вони випереджають однолітків початку ХХ віку за основними антропометричними показниками (маса и довжина тіла, зріст сидячи і окружність грудної клітки). Такі зміни призводять до формування відносно вузької грудної клітки у дітей початку ХХІ віку. По низці показників діти з порушенням постави чи деформацією хребтового стовпа випереджають здорових однолітків. Дівчинки в 10 років випереджають хлопчиків за показниками довжини тіла і росту сидячи. Прискорене зростання дітей в 10-річному віці пов’язане із ризиком розвитку негативних змін у хребтовому стовпі.
Ключові слова: антропометрія, друге дитинство, порушення постави, деформація хребтового стовпа
Криворучко М.Е. Показатели физического развития 10-летних детей, проживающих в г. Луганске.
С целью изучения физического развития детей периода второго детства были исследованы современные жители г. Луганск в возрасте 10 лет и показано, что они опережают сверстников начала ХХ века по основным антропометрическим показателям (масса и длина тела, рост сидя и окружность грудной клетки). Такие изменения привели к формированию относительной узкогрудости детей начала ХХІ века. По ряду показателей дети с нарушением осанки или деформацией позвоночного столба опережают здоровых сверстников. Девочки в 10 лет опережают мальчиков по показателям длины тела и роста сидя. Ускоренный рост детей в 10-летнем возрасте связан с повышенным риском развития негативных изменений в позвоночном столбе.
Ключевые слова: антропометрия, второе детство, нарушения осанки, деформация позвоночного столба
Krivoruchko M.E. Indexes of physical development of the 10-year-old children living in Lugansk.
With the purpose of studying the physical development of the children of the period of the second childhood were studied contemporary inhabitants of the city Lugansk at the age of 10 years and it is shown that they are ahead of their peers of the beginning of XX century on the basic anthropometric indicators (weight and body length, the growth of the sitting and circumference of the chest). Such changes have led to the formation of relative narrow chest children of the beginning of the XXI century. On a number of indicators of children in violation of carriage or deformation of the spinal column are ahead of their healthy peers. Girls in 10 years ahead of the boys on indicators of body length and growth of the sitting. Accelerated growth of children less than 10 years of age is associated with an increased risk of adverse changes in the spinal column.
Key words: anthropometry, the second childhood, violations of posture; deformation of the spinal column.

УДК 611.01 – 053.5 (477.61)

ГУ «Луганский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко»

91002 г. Луганск, ул.Оборонная, 2

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National Univesity

Oboronnaya Str.,2, Lugansk,Ukraine


Capacity building of human health, the most actively develops in childhood and adolescence [1]. At the present stage of development of science, there has been considerable interest in the growth and development of the child's organism, actively разрабатывавшимся throughout the twentieth century [5; 11; 12]. Update this topic is associated with numerous information on lowering the level of health of the modern younger generation [1; 5; 13; 14]. A growth of the number of children with дисгармоничным development, functional immaturity, which results in the unwillingness to address the challenges posed in front of a mature organism [7; 8]. There remains a need for updating the standards of regional development with a view to developing prevention of pathological conditions at the individual and community level [12].

In studying the processes of morphofunctional development of the inhabitants of Lugansk in the age of the first childhood marked by the phenomenon of negative influence on the formation of the posture of the accelerated growth of the body [2]. In the structure of morbidity of the children's population violations of posture and deformation of the spinal column are of the highest specific weight [9; 10]. Thus, the urgent necessity to study questions morphofunctional development in children of the age of the second childhood for the solution of theoretical and practical tasks [11; 12].

This publication is part of the scientific research work of the Department of anatomy, physiology of human and animals Lugansk national University named after Taras Shevchenko, number of state registration of the 0198U002641 «Mechanisms of adaptation to environmental factors».

The aim of the research was to investigate the peculiarities of physical development of the children of the period of the second childhood (10-year-old boys and girls) of the beginning of the XXI century in comparison with children of the beginning of the twentieth century and the relationship between these characteristics with the violation of the posture and the deformation of the spinal column.


Participated in the study 219 children (98 boys and 121 of a girl). Obtained data on a number of parameters of physical development of the 10-year-old children (weight and body length, the growth of the sitting, the circumference of the chest). The comparative analysis of these indicators and data of the beginning of XX century [10; 11]. The program of diagnostics of violations of posture and deformities of spinal column consisted of screening diagnostics [9; 12], the study of history, patient examination.

Digital data processed by methods of variation statistics. When working with children are respected principles of bioethics, regulated by the Convention of the Council of Europe on human rights and Biomedicine.


In the group of boys found 27 healthy children (27,6 %), 39 children with violations of posture (VP) (39,8 %), 28 children with deformity of the spinal column (DSC) of I degree (28,6 %) and 4 of the child with the DSC of the II degree (4,0 %). In a group of girls there were 26 healthy children (21,5 %), 37 children with VP (30,6 %), 50 children with DSC I degree (41,3 %), 7 children with DSC II degree (5,8 %) and 1 child with DSC III degree (0,8 %).

Boys with VP had a body weight larger than healthy children and children with DSC less compared with healthy children. In comparison with the data of the beginning of XX century the body weight of a modern 10-year old boys has increased in the group of healthy children in a 1,29 times, in children with VP – in 1,3 times, in the group with the DSC I degree – to 1,21 times, the boys with the DSC II degree – 1,27 times. In the overall weight of body weight increased by 1,27 times.



Anthropometric indicators morphofunctional development of the 10-year-old children

Indicators of anthropometry

Body Weight

Body Length

Growth of sitting

Circumference of the chest


Children of the beginning of XX century

26,4 (1)

131,5 ± 5,2 (2)

70,0 (3)

63,0 ± 1,04 (4)

Children of the beginning of XXI century

Children with DSC



33,5 ± 2,3

140,5 ± 1,8

74,9 ± 1,2

67,8 ± 1,4


32,0 ± 0,8

141,2 ± 1,1

74,7 ± 0,5

65,1 ± 0,7

Children with VP

34,3 ± 1,1

140,9 ± 0,9

74,6 ± 0,4

66,5 ± 0,9

Healthy children

34,0 ± 1,1

138,2 ± 0,9

74,8 ± 0,5

66,2 ± 1,1

M ± m

33,5 ± 0,6

140,2 ± 0,5

74,7 ± 0,3

66,0 ± 0,5


Children of the beginning of XX century

24,5 (1)

132,0 ± 6,9 (2)

70,5 (3)

62,0 ± 1,7 (4)

Children of the beginning of XXI century

Children with DSC







29,3 ± 2,6

139,8 ± 3,3

74,1 ± 1,4

63,3 ± 3,1


32,5 ± 0,8

141,4 ± 1,0

75,7 ± 0,5

64,0 ± 0,7

Children with VP

33,3 ± 1,1

142,7 ± 1,1

75,9 ± 0,6

65,5 ± 1,1

Healthy children

33,3 ± 1,5

140,2 ± 1,4

75,1 ± 0,7

66,2 ± 1,2

M ± m

32,9 ± 0,6

141,5 ± 0,6

75,5 ± 0,3

65,0 ± 0,5



Appendix: DSC – deformation of the spinal column; I – III – degree of the DSC; VP – violations of posture; M ± m – arithmetic average of the sample and its bug, p<0,05. 1 – data Н. П. Гундобин [3]; 2 – average indicators of data Н. П. Гундобин, A. O. Карницкий, A. П. Бондырев [3; 4]; 3 – data W. Kornfeld [4]; 4 – the average of the data Н. П. Гундобин and A.П. Бондырев [3; 4].


Girls with DSC I and II degree had a body weight of less than healthy children. The girl with the DSC III degree preceded by body weight of children of all groups. In comparison with the data of the beginning of XX century the body weight of a modern 10-year-old girls has increased in the group of healthy children in 1,36 times, in children with VP is in 1,36 times, in the group with the DSC I degree – in 1.33 times, with DSC II degree – in 1,2 times, with DSC III degree – increased of 1,83 times.

In healthy boys body length was less than in children with DSC and VP. In comparison with the data of the beginning of XX century the length of the body at the modern 10-year old boys has increased in the group of healthy children of 1,08 times, in children with VP – in 1,07 times, in the group with the DSC I degree – in 1,07 times, the boys with the DSC II degree – in from 1,07 times.

In healthy girls body length was less than in children with VP, DSC I and III degree and more than in children with DSC II degree. In comparison with the data of the beginning of XX century the length of the body at the modern 10-year-old girls has increased in the group of healthy children in 1.06 times, in children with VP – in 1,08 times, in the group with the DSC I degree – in 1,07 times, with DSC II degree – in 1,06 times, with DSC III degree – in 1,12 times.

Growth sitting in healthy boys was more, than in children with and DSC. In comparison with the data of the beginning of the twentieth century the growth of sitting in modern 10-year old boys increased in the group of healthy children in 1,07 times, in children with VP – in 1,07 times, in the group with the DSC I degree – in 1,07 times, the boys with the DSC II degree – in from 1,07 times.

Growth sitting in healthy girls was less, than in children with and DSC I degree, more than in children with DSC II and III extent. In comparison with the data of the beginning of the twentieth century the growth of sitting in modern 10-year-old girls has increased in the group of healthy children in 1,07 times, in children with VP – in 1,08 times, in the group with the DSC I degree – in 1,07 times, with DSC II degree decreased in 1,05 times, with DSC III degree – in 1,06 times.

The boys with the VP and DSC II degree surpassed in terms of the circumference of the chest healthy children, children with DSC I degree lag of healthy children. In comparison with the data of the beginning of XX century the circumference of the chest in modern 10-year old boys has increased in the group of healthy children in 1,05 times, in children with VP – in 1,06 times, in the group with the DSC I degree – to 1,03 times, the boys with the DSC II degree – of 1,08 times.

In healthy girls ratio of the circumference of the chest was more, than in children with and DSC. The exception was the girl with the DSC III degree. In comparison with the data of the beginning of XX century the circumference of the chest in modern 10-year-old girls has increased in the group of healthy children in 1,07 times, in children with VP – in 1,06 times, in the group with the DSC I degree – to 1,03 times, with the DSC of II degree in the 1,02 times, with DSC III degree – by 1,24 times.

Comparison of boys and girls in selected as posture groups demonstrated a number of sex differences. In General, the array boys outperform girls on the mass of the body and the circumference of the chest. The body mass in boys than in girls, in all groups, except for children with DSC first degree. Body length was greater than in girls, with the exception of children with DSC, II degree. A similar pattern was observed when comparing indicators of growth sitting in all groups except for the boys with the DSC and II degree. Circumference of the chest boys at the age of 10 was more than that of girls.


The data on the growth and development of modern 10-year-old children, who permanently live in Lugansk, showed an increase in all of anthropometric indicators in comparison with the data of the beginning of XX century. It is noted pronounced increase in body weight, especially for girls. The body length is increased largely than the circumference of the chest that says about the relative narrow chest of new children. Healthy children in a number of indicators differ from children with and DSC. Therefore, boys with VP are ahead of their healthy peers by weight, body length and circumference of the chest. Girls with VP more healthy age on indicators of body length and circumference of the chest. The boys of the DSC are great indicators of body length in comparison with healthy peers, the mass of the body they have less. Girls with DSC III degree exceed the healthy children in all indicators. Girls with DSC I – II degree, have lower rates of body weight. Awarded the smaller circumference of the chest in girls with road police of the I – II degree compared with healthy on equal terms. Comparison of children of both sexes testifies to the accelerated growth of girls, who at the age of 10 are beginning to outstrip the boys on indicators of body length and growth of the sitting. Accelerated growth in the age of the second childhood can be one of the reasons of violations of posture and deformations of the spinal column.

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