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Опрошанська Т.В. Вивчення елементного складу настоянок кореня та листя лопуха великого
14.05.2014, 16:49

Опрошанська Т.В. Вивчення елементного складу настоянок кореня та листя лопуха великого.
Стаття присвячена вивченню елементного складу настоянок кореня та листя лопуха великого. У настоянках було ідентифіковано та вивчено кількісний вміст 15 елементів, з яких найвищий вміст притаманний калію – 435,64мг/100мл (настоянка кореня) та 544,80мг/100мл (настоянка листя), при цьому вміст важких металів не перевищує гранично допустимі концентрації.
Ключові слова: лопух великий, листя, корінь, настоянка, елементний склад.
Опрошанская Т.В. Изучение элементного состава настоек корня и листья лопуха большого.
Статья посвящена изучению элементного состава настоек корня и листьев лопуха большого. В настойках были идентифицированы и изучено количественное содержание 15 элементов, из которых высокое содержание характерно для калия – 435,64 мг/100 мл (настойка корня) и 544,80 мг/100 мл (настойка листьев), при этом содержание тяжелых металлов не превышает предельно допустимые концентрации.
Ключевые слова: лопух большой, листья, корень, настойка, элементный состав.
Oproshanska T.V. Study of element composition of tinctures of root and leaves of burdock of large.
The article is devoted the study of element composition of tinctures of root and leaves of burdock large. In tinctures it was identified and studied quantitative content 15 elements which the greatest content is inherent potassium from – 435,64mg/100ml (tincture of root) and 544,80mg/100ml (tincture of leaves), here content of heavy metals does not exceed possible concentrations maximum.
Key words: a burdock large, leaves, root, tincture, element composition.

УДК 615.32:582.998.2:615.451.16

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков) 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 53
National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov) Ukraine, 61002, Kharkov, 53, str. Pushkinska


Mineral substances  are vital for exchange processes in  human body. Although mineral substances are found in a little amount in an organism,  they provide osmoses pleaser constancy, evenness of acid-base balance, take part in metabolism, in the absorption processes, secretion, blood formation, hemopexis and removal of metabolites [1, 3, 5].

The important sources of natural mineral compounds are plants and preparations on the basis of vegetational raw materials, where  these compounds are in the most accessible form for digestion. Therefore the study of quantitative composition of element formulation of burdock large root and leaves tinctures is actual.

The research was conducted in accordance with a plan of scientifically research works of the National university of pharmacy «Pharmacognostic study bioactive matters, creation of medications of phytogenous» (the № of national registration is 0103U000476).

The aim is a study of element formulation of burdock large root and leaves tinctures .

Materials and research methods.

For research used the burdock large root and leaves tinctures, which were gotten by the generally accepted method [2]. 40% ethanol was used as an extractant [4].

An element analysis was conducted with the use of atomic-emission spectrographic method with photographic registration on the device DFS-8. Calibration graph in the interval of measurable concentrations of elements was built by the standard samples of solutions of metal salts (ICOMP - 23-27). The samples were evaporated from the craters of graphite electrodes in the digit of a.c. arc by force 16A at the display of 60s;  IBC-28 was used as a source of excitation of spectra. The spectra were registered on a light-sensitive film by the spectrograph DFS-8 with three-lens system of crack illumination and diffraction grate of 600 grating/mm.

The lines of spectra were photometred at a wave-length from 240 to 347 ηm in samples comparing with the state standards of mineral elements mixture, with the microphotometer MF-4. Relative standard deviation (for five parallel measurements) did not exceed 30% at determination of numeral sizes of elements concentrations [1].

Results and discussions.

The results of study element composition of burdock large root and leaves tinctures are presented in the table. While studying the element composition of the tinctures 6 macro- and 9 microelements were identified. Among the macroelements content potassium prevailed in the tinctures, while in the leaves tincture this index is 1.3 times higher than in the root tincture (435.64mg/100ml). In the leaves tincture content of calcium (68,00mg/100ml) is 2.3 times higher than in the root tincture (29.37mg/100ml). Content of sodium differed insignificantly and totalled 45.20mg/100ml (the leaves tincture) and 36.63mg/100ml (the root tincture ). In the leaves and root tinctures content of magnesium (27.20mg/100ml and 22.11mg/100ml respectively) and phosphorus (13.60mg/100ml and 12.54mg/100ml respectively) differed insignificantly. In the root tincture content of silicify is 2.5 times less than in the leaves tincture (14.60mg/100ml).

Content of the microelements in the root and leaves tinctures was insignificant. Among the microelements in the root tincture the greatest content is inherent for cuprum – 0.59mg/100ml, while in the leaves tincture this index is slightly less and totalled 0.44mg/100ml. Content of iron and  aluminium in the root tincture was identical and totalled 0.15mg/100ml while there was 0.03mg/100ml of iron in the leaves tincture , to the aluminium less than 0.01mg/100ml.

There was 0.07mg/100ml of mangan and zinc in the root tincture, while in the leaves tincture the index is 0.09mg/100ml. The amount of nickel in the root tincture (0.04mg/100ml) is higher than in the leaves tincture. Content of molybdenum, plymbum and strontium was in minor amounts both in the root and leaves tinctures. The amount of arseniy lies outside the device sensitiveness.

A table

Element composition of burdock large root and leaves tinctures

The name of elements

The contain of element, mg/100ml

tincture of root

tincture of leaves















































Note: «*» are macroelements, the others are microelements


1. The quantitative content was determined in the root and leaves of burdock large tinctures. There are 15 macro- and microelements.

2. Among the macroelements for tinctures the greatest content is inherent for potassium – 435.64mg/100ml (root tincture) and 544.80mg/100ml (leaves tincture).

3. It is determined that quantitative content of heavy metals in tinctures does not exceed possible concentrations maximum.

4. The findings will be used in future researches of root and leaves of burdock large tinctures.


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