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Козира С.А. Систематична та фармакологічна характеристика рослин роду Гравілат (Geum L.)
27.05.2014, 13:17

Козира С.А. Систематична та фармакологічна характеристика рослин роду Гравілат (Geum L.).
Охарактеризовані дані літератури і результати власних досліджень з питання таксономічних, хорологічних, екологічних і ценотичних особливостей рослин роду Гравілат (Geum L.), а також лікувального використання фітозасобів з цих рослин.
Ключові слова: рід Гравілат, систематика, застосування в медицині.
Козыра С.А. Систематическая и фармакологическая характеристики растений рода Гравилат (Geum L.).
Охарактеризованы данные литературы и результаты собственных исследований по вопросам таксономических, хорологических, экологических и ценотических особенностей растений рода Гравилат Geum L., а также лечебного использования фитосредств из этих растений.
Ключевые слова: род Гравилат, систематика, применение в медицине.
Kozyra S.A. Taxonomic and pharmocological charachteristics of the Genus Geum L.
Data from literature and results of the own studies concerning taxonomic, chronological, ecological and coenotic features of the Genus Geum L. plants, as well as medicinal use of phytoremedies from these plants have been characterized.
Key words: Geum L. genus, taxonomy, medical application.

Рецензент: д.фарм.н., проф. А.Г. Сербін

УДК 615.1:582.734.3:547.98

Нацiональний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

61002, г. Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 53

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov) Ukraine,

61002, Kharkov, 53, str. Pushkinska


Introduction. According to the World Health Organization, nowadays in the medical practice there exists a tendency to a wider use of raw materials and medicines of herbal origin [14]. Therefore, a study of domestic flora, its raw materials, application in medicine and identification of herbal drug materials is of great theoretical and practical significance. In addition, systematics of the genus Geum L. is quite controversial; hence it is important to involve additional methods for a systematic analysis.

Relation of the work to academic programs, plans, themes: the work was conducted according the plans of NUPh academic researches with the problem of “Pharmacognostic study of biologically active substances, development of herbal medicines” (Number of state registration – 0103U000476).

Aim of this work is to perform theoretical taxonomy generalization for species of the genus Geum L., present application techniques and methods for these plants in the treatment of patients with various acute and chronic diseases.

Research methods: historical-research, logical-analytic.

Results and discussion

Plants of the genus Geum L. belong to the Rosales order, the Rosidae subclass, the Rosaceae family, the Rosoideae subfamily [19].

The Rosaceae family is rich in large amounts of polymorphous and polyploid genera of Fragaria L., Potentilla L., Crataegus L., Geum L., their genesis is complicated by allogamy, alo- and autopolyploidy [3, 4, 6, 21, 24, 31].

The population genetics method, which analyzes the speciation process, is a comparatively new method of phylogenetic systematics [7, 25, 31, 38, 39].

In the studies by N.A. Alekseeva [1, 2] the ontogenesis of Yellow Avens (Galeppicum Jacq.), and Water Avens (Grivale L.) has been analyzed for different sections of their realm, new types of species’ multivariate development dependent on the ecological environment have been described. The variability range of the chromosome variations for each species in different cenopopulations have been established by the conducted karyological researches. Utilization of discrete ontogenesis description concept has allowed identifying the varying extent of heterogeneity in the populations of studied species by age-related and environmental structure depending on the humidity of soil within one natural zone and on climate factors [8].

Radyukina N. L. et al. [32] have studied the protective system induction of G. urbanum L. under the influence of NaCl. Plants G. urbanum L. aged 6 weeks (5 – 6 leaves) were exposed to salt shock (300 mM NaCl) during 6 days or to gradual salinization with the increase of NaCl concentration in nutrition medium from 100 to 400 mM. The dynamics of stress-related accumulation of the Na+ and Cl ions, proline, polyamines and activity of antioxidant enzymes: superoxidedismutase (SOD) as well as free, ion-bound and covalently-bound forms of guaiacol-dependent peroxidase (PO) in leaves and rhizomes have been studied. It has been established that G. urbanum L. is able to adapt to the effect of gradual salinization through the formation and action of stress-induced protective mechanisms: accumulation of proline and spermine, as well as by activation of constitutive ones (SOD and PO).

Swiss researchers Plluess A. and Stöcklin G. [32] have studied genetic diversity inside and between 20 populations of Creeping Avens (Geum reptans L.), outcrossing clone species in Swiss Alps, on the different altitude and succession stage having the interpopulation distance of 0.2 – 208 km. The distribution of seeds by wind was weak: only 0.015% flied more than 100 m. The pollen scatter was even more limited. Intrapopulation molecular variety was not dependent on the population origin and was similar to average level given in other studies. Populations were moderately differentiated, which was unexpected, however well-defined space of genetic structure as well as positive relation between genetic and geographical distances correlated two by two have been manifested. Significant gene interchange between populations on the regional level has been established; however genetic fatigue during succession or at the peripheral distribution areas was not identified. Thus, despite high natural fragmentation and role of vegetative reproduction of this alpine plant, the gene interchange and regular seed renovation during succession may be more frequent.

Floristical geobotanical work by Yu.D. Kleopov [12] containing the analysis of deciduous forest flora of the CIS countries categorizes plants of Geum L. genus as follows: Water Avens (Grivale L.) – to Boreal geoelement type, subtype of Panboreal geoelement (European-Panboreal subelement); Yellow Avens (Galeppicum Jacq.) – to South Siberian geoelement type, and Wood Avens (G. urbanum L.) – to European geoelement type as a bonding one which tends to European type. Concerning Ukraine, given species are spread in 6 associations. Percentage ratio of these species in studied associations has been clarified.

  1. Association FRUTICETO - QUERCETUM VALLENSE MOLDAVICUM (Dniester Left bank) Grivale L. 18,3%, G. urbanum L. 15,6%.
  2. Association FRUTICETO - QUERCETUM VALLENSE DONETZI­CUM (Donets Basin) G. urbanum L. 28,6%.
  3. Association MIXTO - NEMORETUM TANAITICUM S.L.(Forest-steppe of river Don basin with Seversky Donets from Vorskla to Khoper rivers) Galeppicum Jacq. 6,1%, G. urbanum L. 16,7%.
  4. Association CARPINETO - NEMORETUM POLESSICUM (Right Bank Polissya) Grivale L. 23,4%, Galeppicum Jacq. 8,4%, G. urba­num L. 21,81%.
  5. Association CARPINETO-NEMORETUM UCRAINICUM S.L. (Forest-steppe between Dniester and Vorskla rivers) Galeppicum Jacq. 6,1%, G. urbanum L. 16,7%.
  6. Association SPINOSO – FRUTICETO - QUERCETUM HERBOSUM THYRAICO - BORYSTHENICUM (Southern part of Right Bank Forest-Steppe) G. urbanum L. 18,2%.

Simultaneous existence of species with diverse reproduction methods in the same local population has been found to be the basis of the agamo-sexual complexes formation. Implementation of cross-pollination between sexual and apomictic species causes embriologically complex structure of populations [65].

Thus, in the Geum L. genus, one species insensibly transforms into another due to the presence of new biomorphological properties, and generally increased flexibility and hysteresis. In many cases they are successfully introduced into new regions [189, 190, 191].

More than 10 species of Geum L. genus occur in the flora of CIS [150]. Three of them can be found in Ukraine: G. urbanum L. G. aleppicum Jacq. and G. rivale L. [113].

Data concerning distribution and location of the most widespread species of Geum L. genus are given in the table 1.1.

Table 1.1

Distribution of some species of Geum L.


Name of species






Section І. Caryophyllata

Water Avens – Geum rivale L.

Wet meadows, forests and shrubberies, river and lake banks, marshlands.

European part of Russia: Volga Region, Caucasus, Western and Eastern Siberia, Central Asia.

Section ІІ. Caryophyllastrum

Range 1. Grandiflora Juz.

Scarlet Avens – Geum coccineum Sibth et Smith.

Alpine and subalpine meadows, woodland edges, banks of mountain streams.

Caucasus, Balkans, Asia Minor, Greece.

Range 2. Stricta Juz.1

Yellow Avens –

Geum aleppicum Jasq.s. str.

Alpine and subalpine meadows, woodland edges, banks of mountain streams.

Far East, European part of Russia, Central Asia, Ukraine.

Geum strictum Ait.1

Alpine and subalpine meadows, woodland edges, banks of mountain streams.

Asia, North America.

Geum Potaninii Juz. Nom. Nov.

Meadows and other grasslands.

Far East, China.

Geum glabricaule Juz.

Riverside meadows and shrubberies in the river valleys.

Eastern Siberia, Far East.

Range 3.Macrophylla Juz.

Geum Fauriei Levl.

Forests, grasslands by the springs.

Far East.

Largeleaf Avens – Geum macrophyllum Willd.

Groves, shrubberies, forest edges, gardens and parks, ditches, roadsides.

European part of Russia.

Geum latilobum L.

Subalpine meadows and pastries.

Caucasus: Western Transcaucasia. Endemic.

Wood avens – Geum urbanum L.

Forest edges, shrubberies, gardens, parks, roadsides.

European part of Russia. Caucasus. Central Asia: Tien Shan, mountain Turkmenistan.

Geum spurium Fish (Gаleppicum Jacq.× G. urbanum L.)

Gardens and parks, roadsides and by the ditches, weeds.

European part of Russia, Volga Region.

Geum kokanicum (Rgl. Et Schmal)

Mountain slopes.

Central Asia: Tien Shan, mountain Turkmenistan (Kopet Dagh).

Pharmacological efficiency of the genus Geum L. plants is due to their rich chemical composition [26, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40]. However, G. urbanum, G. aleppicum, G. rivale, G. kokanicum and G. japonicum are more widespread and more used in medicine [9, 13, 28, 33, 42].

Wood Avens – G. urbanum L. This medicinal plant has been used from ancient times. Earlier G. urbanum L. was considered an officinal plant. Dry rhizomes with roots called “clove roots” have been used as astringent and strengthening remedy for gastrointestinal disorders [10, 16, 28]. Under the name of “Radix cariophyllatae” it was listed in a number of pharmacopeias since 1818, including the Russian Pharmacopeia, III ed., 1889 [18] and has been removed from it only in the IV edition [15].

Grodzinsky A.M. indicates that the herb and rhizomes of G. urbanum L. are used as sedative, anti-inflammation, antiemetic, choleretic, analgesic, hemostatic, wound healing, astringent and strengthening remedy. For these purpose tinctures and decoctions are applied [16].

According to Yordanov D et al., G. urbanum L. has anti-inflammable and antiseptic action [11]. In Bulgarian medicine it is used for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract diseases (dysentery, catarrh), especially accompanied by fever, for cough, bleeding gums, indigestions, flatulence, vomiting, intestinal colic, liver and biliary ducts disorders and hemorrhoids [11].

Renowned Ukrainian phytotherapeutist E.S. Tovstukha widely employs G. urbanum L. medicines, viz. 20% tincture of wood avens rhizomes with 40% of ethyl alcohol is used for inhalations in treatment of chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchiectasis, asthma, as well as to gargle for angina, stomatitis, and gingivitis. To treat anacid and hipoacid gastritis patients are given 1 tablespoon tincture with 1 tablespoon water 3 times a day before eating. The use of alcohol tincture is contraindicated for patients with hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, as it intensifies excretion of digestive juices [20].

G. urbanum L. herb is considered very useful remedy for prolapse of rectum and uterus [15]. G. urbanum L. herb and inflorescences tincture has antimalarial and anthelminthic action [10, 14]. External application includes apposition of ground and steamed root of G. urbanum L. to sore spots for rheumatism and dislocations, and fresh one – to calluses [14].

Yellow Avens – G. aleppicum Jasq. V.I. Vereschagin et al. indicates that tincture of Galeppicum Jasq. roots is used in folk medicine for prolonged diarrhea, uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding [5].

N.K. Fruentov has gathered recipes of the use of aboveground and underground parts of Galeppicum Jasq. for nervous diseases and rheumatism, headache, insomnia; and the use of inflorescences tincture for a fever [22].

Water Avens – Geum rivale L. The name derives from Greek geum – land and Latin rivus- stream, literally – a plant that grows along the river.

In folk medicine G. rivale L. tincture (2 tablespoons of ground rhizomes and roots are poured over with 1 glass of boiling water, brewed for 1 hour and consumed in quantity of 1 tablespoon 3 – 4 times a day before eating) is used for diarrhea, malaria, scurvy, migraine, uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding, and after serious illnesses as a restorative remedy [16, 23].

It was found in Iran, that tincture of Gеum kokanicum Rgl. roots has an inhibitory effect on the expression of matrix metalloproteinase, which makes it possible to use it to create anticancer drugs [33].

Researchers at Teheran University – M.A. Faramarzi et al. have obtained an essential oil from rhizomes of G. kokanicum Rgl. and studied its antimicrobial action. Pronounced antimicrobial activity against the main pathogens: S. aureus, E. coli, K. pneumonia, P. vulgaris, B. subtilis, A. flavus, C. аlbicans have been discovered [27].

Chinese and Japanese researchers have studied aboveground and underground parts of Gеum japonicum Thunb. and identified different pharmacological properties of the studied species [40, 41, 42, 43, 44].

In preclinical in vivo experiments the therapeutic effect of cardiogenine (component of alcohol extract from the herb G. japonicum Thunb.) for myocardium renewal after infarction, as well as its ability to induce the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells to cardiomyocites have been shown [41].

Alcohol extract from the rhizomes of G. japonicum Thunb. demonstrated strong antioxidant activity, stronger than that of vitamin C, and dimer elagotannin from the same extract showed a cytotoxic effect.

Tincture from G. japonicum Thunb. herb is used in Chinese medicine as a diuretic remedy. It has been shown on cell cultures (in vitro) that tincture from G. japonicum Thunb. herb is able to inhibit metastasis of tumors and angiogenesis [43]. 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzaldehyde which was extracted from the G. japonicum Thunb. herb inhibits metalloproteinase and migration of smooth muscle tissue cells, that may take part in pathogenesis of atherosclerotic plaques [44]. Therapeutical angiogenic effect of water extract derived from the leaves of G. japonicum Thunb. has been shown [43].


1. Theoretical generalization of taxonomy of the genus Geum L. species has been made as a result of conducted studies.

2. Taxonomic, chronological, ecological and coenotic features of the genus Geum L. plants have been identified.

3. Techniques and methods of the application of these plants for treatment and medical rehabilitation of patients with different severities and chronic pathology have been given.

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Всего ответов: 55



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