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Городюк Е.В. Современные представления об экологической роли эдафотопов в степи
05.08.2014, 11:51

Городюк Е.В. Современные представления об экологической роли эдафотопов в степи.
Представление об экологической роли эдафотопов в степи позволяет сделать вывод, что эта наука развивалась не как чисто описательная и умозрительная дисциплина, а сформировалась в ответ на практические запросы бурно развивающегося земледелия индустриальной эры. На основании этого автор сделал вывод, что надо подчеркнуть широкое использование в почвоведении системного методического подхода, при котором почва рассматривается, с одной стороны, как целостная система, состоящая из множества взаимодействующих подсистем–блоков, а с другой – как подсистема в экосистемах биосферы или экосферы.
Ключевые слова: биосферы, экосферы, эдафотоп, эрозия, микроморфология, экосистема, экологическая роль, организм, климат.
Городюк О.В. Сучасні уявлення про екологічну роль едафотопів в степу.
Уявлення про екологічну роль едафотопів в степу дозволяє зробити висновок, що ця наука розвивалася не як описова і умоглядна дисципліна, а сформувалася у відповідь на практичні запити землеробства індустріальної ери, що бурхливо розвивається. На підставі цього автор зробив висновок, що потрібно підкреслити широке використання в грунтознавстві системного методичного підходу, при якому грунт розглядається, з одного боку, як цілісна система, що складається з безлічі взаємодіючих підсистем–блоків, а з іншого – як підсистема в екосистемах біосфери або екосфери.
Ключові слова: біосфера, екосфери, едафотоп, ерозія, мікроморфологія, екосистема, екологічна роль, організм, клімат.
Gorodyuk E.V. Modern concepts of environmental role edafotop in the steppes.
Idea of the ecological role of the steppe edafotop suggests that this science is not developed as a purely descriptive and speculative discipline , and was formed in response to the practical demands of agriculture booming industrial era. On this basis, the author concluded that it is necessary to emphasize the wide use of the system in Soil methodical approach in which the soil is considered, on the one hand, as an integrated system consisting of many interacting subsystems blocks , and on the other – as a subsystem in the ecosystems of the biosphere or ecosphere .
Key words: biosphere, ecosphere edafotop, erosion, micromorphology, ecosystem, ecological role, body climate.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. С.М. Смірнов

УДК 631.42

Академия таможенной службы Украины (Днепропетровск)

Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk)


Idea of the ecological role of the steppe edafotop suggests that this science is not developed as a purely descriptive and speculative discipline, and was formed in response to the practical requirements of rapidly developing land farming of the industrial era.

With occurrence of the land farming a human introduced into his daily use the representation about the soil as about respectively incoherent earthly layer, in which the land plants take roots and which serves as the subject of agricultural cultivation; the belief popular before identified soil with the land – the part of surface, where the human dwells. The simple representation about the soil completely satisfied the humankind during several thousands of years of the historical development, as a human hadn’t faced closely to those problems of land farming, before which he turned out to be in the last centuries, - the problems of hunger, land scarcity, catastrophic erosion, desertification, fertility reduction, necessity of the obtainment of the more products from the less square. Solutions of these tasks led to genesis of the new science on the turn of XX cent. – soil sciences. It is important that this science developed not as purely descriptive and speculative discipline, but formed in response to the practical requests of the rapidly developing land farming of the industrial era.

The definitions existed earlier became useless, as they didn’t characterize all the specificity of the soil as a natural body and didn’t reflect its most characteristic peculiarities. The three-way attitude of a human to the soil – as to the natural body, labour subject and labour product – complicated the choice of the most accurate scientific definitions of the soil.

To the mid of the previous century in the works of agriculturists, agrogeologists, agrochemists there the certain definition of the soil was formed that identified it with the top soil that serves the direct subject of the processing and in which the basic mass of the plant roots was formed, at that the main attention was paid to the material composition of this upper layer of the Earth crust (the mixture of the mineral and organic elements). Such substantive staining of the soil was distributed up to the appearance of works of V.V. Dokuchaev, who demonstrated its scientific incapability and gave the new definition of the soil, thus having made the revolution in the science.

Concurrently with Dokuchaev’s direction, in which the soil was considered, first and foremost, as the independent natural body in its functional dependence from other natural bodies and phenomena, the other direction connected with the names of P.A. Kostychev (1845-1895) and V.R. Williams (1863-1939) appeared in the Russian science. These scientists first of all paid attention not at the “ingoing” functions of the soil, but at the “outgoing” ones on the attitude to the soil of the plants, which grew at it. Accordingly, the definition of the soil given by them emphasized completely other its party.

Developing the ideas of P.A. Kostychev about the soil as a medium of the growing plants, the academician V.R. Williams gave such definition of the soil in his text-book of the soil science: “When we talk about the soil, we understand incoherent surficial horizon of the terrestrial parts of the globe, able to produce the harvest of the plants. The definition of the soil and its fertility is impartible. The fertility is the essential property, the qualitative sign of the soil, independently on the degree of its quantitative display. To the concept about the fertile soil we oppose the notion about the infertile stone, or in the other words, the notion about massive mountainous breed”.

The attempt was made to develop classification of the black soils of Ukraine (Bozhko, 1939); the nature of the regarded black soils was detected (Vernander, 1939); the basic agroindustrial properties of the black soils were studied (Kostyuchenko, 1939; Godlin, Antonova, 1936). The big factual evidence on the characteristic of the black soils was received as a result of the soil research of the variety test plots. All these researches ended by formation of the republican soil map in 1939 made by the group of authors edited by A.N. Sokolovskiy.

After the Great Patriotic War the regional researches of the soils of Ukraine conducted by Bozhko, Vernander, Godlin, Kostyuchenko, Sambur, Skorina and ended with composition of the monograph “USSR Soils”, as well as the new republican soil map were prolonged. In the system of agrometeorological service the study of the hydrophysical properties of the black soils of Ukraine was conducted (Ikovenko, 1960).

The new modern stage in the study of the black soil began since 60s of the XX century. In 1956-1960 the wide-scale soil research of all economies of the republic was conducted, ended by the formation of the regional and republican soil maps of the different scale, formation of the regional soil essays, as well as the soil and erosion district zoning. The stationary researches of the hydrous and carbonate regimes (Kisel, Platonova, 1968; Mikhnovskaya, Breus, 1973; Kisel et al. 1974), dynamics of the organic matter (Godlin, Son’ko, 1970; Bystryi, 1966; Son’ko, 1968; Breus, Mikhnovskaya, 1976 etc.) belong to up to 1964-1972.

On this basis, the author concluded that it is necessary to emphasize the wide use of the system in Soil methodical approach in which the soil is considered, on the one hand, as an integrated system consisting of many interacting subsystems blocks, and on the other – as a subsystem in the ecosystems of the biosphere or ecosphere.


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4. Волынский И.С. Определение рудных минералов под микроскопом. Т. III : Описание минералов / И.С. Волынский. – М.: Госгеолиздат, 1949. – 339 с.
5. Горбунов Н.И. Изготовление шлифов. Методы минералогического и микроморфологического изучения почв / Н.И. Горбунов, З.В. Филиппова. – М.: Наука, 1971. – 584 с.
6. Гринченко А.М. Исследования плодородия почв Украины / А.М. Гринченко. – Харьков: [б. и.], 1960. – 271 с.
7. Добровольский В.В. Гипергенез четвертичного периода / В.В. Добровольский. – М.: Недра, 1966. – 230 с.
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10. Добровольский В.В. О палеопедологических работах В. Кубиены / В.В. Добровольский // Геохимия степей и пустынь. – М.: Госгеографиздат, 1962. – 140 с.
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15. Парфенова Е.И. Минералогические исследования в почвоведении / Е.И. Парфенова, Е.А. Ярилова. – М.: Изд–во АН СССР, 1962. – 206 с.
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Городюк Е.В. Современные представления об экологической роли эдафотопов в степи.
Представление об экологической роли эдафотопов в степи позволяет сделать вывод, что эта наука развивалась не как чисто описательная и умозрительная дисциплина, а сформировалась в ответ на практические запросы бурно развивающегося земледелия индустриальной эры. На основании этого автор сделал вывод, что надо подчеркнуть широкое использование в почвоведении системного методического подхода, при котором почва рассматривается, с одной стороны, как целостная система, состоящая из множества взаимодействующих подсистем–блоков, а с другой – как подсистема в экосистемах биосферы или экосферы.
Ключевые слова: биосферы, экосферы, эдафотоп, эрозия, микроморфология, экосистема, экологическая роль, организм, климат.
Городюк О.В. Сучасні уявлення про екологічну роль едафотопів в степу.
Уявлення про екологічну роль едафотопів в степу дозволяє зробити висновок, що ця наука розвивалася не як описова і умоглядна дисципліна, а сформувалася у відповідь на практичні запити землеробства індустріальної ери, що бурхливо розвивається. На підставі цього автор зробив висновок, що потрібно підкреслити широке використання в грунтознавстві системного методичного підходу, при якому грунт розглядається, з одного боку, як цілісна система, що складається з безлічі взаємодіючих підсистем–блоків, а з іншого – як підсистема в екосистемах біосфери або екосфери.
Ключові слова: біосфера, екосфери, едафотоп, ерозія, мікроморфологія, екосистема, екологічна роль, організм, клімат.
Gorodyuk E.V. Modern concepts of environmental role edafotop in the steppes.
Idea of the ecological role of the steppe edafotop suggests that this science is not developed as a purely descriptive and speculative discipline , and was formed in response to the practical demands of agriculture booming industrial era. On this basis, the author concluded that it is necessary to emphasize the wide use of the system in Soil methodical approach in which the soil is considered, on the one hand, as an integrated system consisting of many interacting subsystems blocks , and on the other – as a subsystem in the ecosystems of the biosphere or ecosphere .
Key words: biosphere, ecosphere edafotop, erosion, micromorphology, ecosystem, ecological role, body climate.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. С.М. Смірнов

Категорія: 6 (120) | Додав: siderman | Теги: ecosystem, erosion, ecosphere edafotop, body climate, micromorphology, ecological role, Biosphere
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