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Баєв О.А. Дослідження адаптаційного потенціалу організму студентської молоді.
14.08.2014, 17:33

Баєв О.А. Дослідження адаптаційного потенціалу організму студентської молоді.
Досліджували адаптаційний потенціал організму юнаків і дівчат у віці 18-20 років. Оцінка адаптаційного потенціалу організму не виявила серед досліджених юнаків і дівчат жодного випадку незадовільної адаптації або зриву адаптації. Показано зростання адаптаційного потенціалу організму під впливом тривалих фізичних навантажень.
Ключові слова: адаптація, адаптаційний потенціал, серцево-судинна система, фізичні навантаження, лонгітудинальні дослідження.
Баев О.А. Исследование адаптационного потенциала организма студенческой молодежи.
Исследовали адаптационный потенциал организма юношей и девушек в возрасте 18-20 лет. Оценка адаптационного потенциала организма не выявила среди исследованных юношей и девушек ни одного случая неудовлетворительной адаптации или срыва адаптации. Показано возрастание адаптационного потенциала организма под влиянием длительных физических загрузок.
Ключевые слова: адаптация, адаптационный потенциал, сердечно-сосудистая система, физические нагрузки, лонгитудинальные исследования.  
Baev O.A. Study of adaptive capacity of the young students organism.
The adaptive capacity of 18-21-years old youths and girls organisms were explored. Evaluation of adaptive capacity of the organism has not identified among the studied youths and girls district and one case of unsatisfactory adaptation or failure to adapt. It is shown  increase the adaptive capacity of the organism under long-term physical loads.
Key words: adaptation, adaptive capacity, cardiovascular system, exercise, longitudinal studies.  

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. М.О. Пересадін

УДК 612.1.8.062 - 057.87

Луганський національний аграрний університет

Луганский национальный аграрный университет

Lugansk National Agrarian University


        From possibilities of adaptation to different environmental factors and, in particular, exercise, health largely depends health. Reliable indicftion of adaptive responses to emerging internal and external influences in heavy physical activity, can serve the function state of cardiovascular system, that quickly responds to the most muscular efforts and limiting the organisms capacity. The main attention in the study of organism patterns adaptation should be given to pupils and students, which is in terms of age-related alterations and heavy teaching load.

         The aim of our work was the study and evaluation of adaptive capacity of the organism 18-20-year-old boys and girls.

        The study involved junior students Lugansk National Agrarian University and Lugansk National Pedagogical University named after Taras Shevchenko. The main group consisted of boys and girls aged 18 to 20 years - Students of the Institute of Physical Education and Sports. The control group consisted of students from other faculties - boys and girls of appropriate age who are not involved in sports and enrolled in the regular program of physical education university. Adaptation potential cardio-vascular system (APB) was determined by the method of R. Baevsky.

      Identified absolute values ​​of the main group 18- years old boys APB (1,91±0,03) were lower than in the control group (2,05 ± 0,03). The lower absolute value of adaptive capacity in the main group was  identified of 19 and 20 year old boys. Consequently, we obtained data testify at increasing adaptive capacity of the organism under the influence of prolonged youth physical activity. Evaluation of cardiovascular system adaptation of individual adaptive capacity values ​​not found in inspect them boys is the main and control groups of flax cases failure of adaptation and poor adaptation. Conducted analysis of the interest distribution in the people from different estimate the APB found in the main group a higher percentage of boys with satisfactory adaptation  (86.7% - 93.3% of the patients) than among boys in the control group (66.7% -73.3% of patients). At the same time, under the control group revealed a higher percentage of people with tension hardware and swept adaptation (26.7% - 33.3% of the patients) than among boys of the main group (6.7% - 13.3% of the patients). In our opinion, this indicates that the adaptive possibilities of the youth organism under the influence of prolonged physical activity are increase.

     The 18-year-old girls who are not involved in sports APB is 2,06±0,04 and significantly (p <0.01) higher than its value in the main group girls (1,89 ± 0,03). The values ​​of APB, which were obtained by further longitudinal surveys proved significantly lower in the study group. The assessment of individual values ​​of APB on a scale not found among girls individuals with poor adaptation and failure of adaptation. Person with a satisfactory adaptation in the main group was more (83.3% - 90.0% of the patients) than in controls (63.3% - 66.7% of the patients). Girls in the control group revealed a higher percentage of people with stress mechanisms of adaptation (33.3% - 36.7% of the patients) than in the main group (10.0% - 16.7% of the patients). Under the influence of prolonged physical activity takes place is by increase adaptive capacity of girls organisms cardiovascular system.


    1. Evaluation of adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system of individual variables APB would not found to inspect them is boys and girls at primary and counter flax groups of cases failure of adaptation and poor adaptation.

     2. An absolutely value APB in boys and girls are the main group were lower than in the control group, corresponding to higher adaptive capacity of the young people organism under the influence of prolonged physical loads.

     3. Percentage distribution in the individuals with different levels of APB expressions in the main group in a higher percentage of boys (86.7% - 93.3%) and girls (83.3% - 90.0%) with satisfactory adaptation than among boys and girls in the control group. Boys (26.7% - 33.3%) and girls (33.3% - 36.7%) in the control group revealed a higher percentage of people with stress mechanisms of adaptation among main group youth, indicating improvement adaptive processes in the organism under the influence of prolonged physical loads.


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