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Cухомлин Г.М. Оздоровлення та реабілітація: методичні аспекти оцінки впливу хімічних факторів ризику плавальних басейнів.
14.08.2014, 18:33

Cухомлин Г.М. Оздоровлення та реабілітація: методичні аспекти оцінки впливу хімічних факторів ризику плавальних басейнів.
Дослідження аутомікрофлори шкіри плавців та осіб контрольної групи свідчить про негативний вплив хімічного складу води плавального басейну на рівень неспецифічної резистентності шкіри плавців, та її захисні компоненти (лізоцим, комплемент, рівень рН). Вивчення донозологічних змін здоров’я кожної особи є важливою ланкою в системі сучасного підходу до оцінки не тільки впливу чинників навколишнього середовища але й стану здоров’я населення в цілому.
Ключові слова: профілактика, реабілітація, плавання, методика, ризик.

Cухомлин Г.М. Оздоровление и реабилитация: методические аспекты оценки влияния химических факторов риска плавательных бассейнов.
Исследование аутомікрофлори плавцов и лиц контрольной группы свидетельствует о негативном влиянии химического состава воды плавательного бассейна на уровень неспецифической резистентности кожи плавцов и ее защитные свойства (лизоцим, комплемент, уровень рН). Изучения донозологических изменений индивидуального здоровья является важным звеном  в системи современного подхода к оценке не только влияния факторов окружабющей среды, но и здоровья населения в целом
Ключевые слова: профилактика, реабилитация, плаванье, методика, риск.

Suhomlin G.M. Methodical aspects of impact assessment of chemical risk factors for swimming pools in recovery and rehabilitation.
The study of automiсroflora of the skin of swimmers and people in the control group indicates a negative influence of the chemical water composition of a swimming pool on the level of non-specific resistance of the skin of swimmers, and its protective components (lysozyme, complement, pH level). Study of prenosological changes of people’s health is an important component in the system of modern approach to assess not only the impact of environmental factors but also the health of the population in general.
Key words: prevention, rehabilitation, swimming, methods, risk.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. М.О. Пересадін

УДК 613.471:616.5-093

Кіровоградський університет «Україна» МОН України

Kirovohrad University "Ukraine"

Кировоградский университет «Украина» МОН Украины


Introduction. In the matter of impact of chemical loads of low intensity on the human body, which is typical for the environment of swimming pools [7, 8], non-specific resistance acquire special importance as part of the immunological body's reactivity, which ensures its endurance to adverse effects of various factors. It is provided by mechanical and physical factors, as well as humoral and cellular mechanisms [9], and characterized by the degree of adaptation and resistance of the body to the action of various risk factors, and is one of the leading criteria that characterize health and determines the level of adaptive capacity of the organism in the research of prenosological states during hygiene monitoring of population.

When visiting a swimming pool complex effect of chemicals on the body of a swimmer acquires priority importance, skin and mucous membranes experience especially significant impact. Barrier properties of the skin and mucous membranes, the state of hypodermic connective tissue, pH level, the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, bactericidal in many respects define the level of compensatory and adaptive capacity of the organism [10], causing nonspecific protect of the body against all sorts of foreign substances.

The purpose of the work was to study the condition of automikroflora of the swimmers' skin as part of ensuring the nonspecific resistance of the organism.

Materials and methods. A comparative study of AMFSH among the visitors of swimming pools (n1 = 30) and control group (n2 = 25) who did not attend the specified type of sports facilities for the purpose of swimming, but do not have contraindications to swimming, by age and gender distribution the control and experimental group is statistically homogeneous, age of the participants ranged from 18 to 25 years.

Obtained results. According to the study there were identified 40 strains of bacteria which were isolated from the skin of swimmers before swimming, and 35 strains - after going to the swimming pool, while from the skin of control group were isolated 53 strains. Most of the isolated strains were presented by the microorganisms of normal aerobic and facultative anaerobic flora, except crops S.aureus (pathogenic staphylococci) and opportunistic pathogens S.haemolyticus, S.pyogenes, S. agalactiae, P.aeruginosa - specific weight of which was (30%). Abjection of culture of pathogenic staphylococcus S.aureus and S.haemolyticus was the exception. In swimmers strains of these crops of the 1st degree of growth were found in 60% of patients, both before and after going to the swimming pool. Thus the number of the isolated strains  of the members of normal flora of S. epidermidis swimmers, both before and after the swimming pool was significantly lower than in the control group 15%, 11.4% and 28% respectively.

Among the control group in 100% of cases were isolated pathogenic staphylococci S. epidermidis, S. Saprophyticus and only in 30% of cases in parallel with normal flora were identified isolated colonies of S.aureus or S.haemolyticus. The degree of microbial colonization of the skin and its species range, both before the use of the swimming pool, and after had no significant differences (p <0.05). In direct sowing the growth rate corresponded to the 1st degree of contamination (-101 - 103) CI. By the same criteria as compared with the control group (those who do not attend the swimming pool) also found no significant difference (p <0.05). Estimating provides information from position prenosological diagnosis, we can assume that the risk factors of swimming pools enhance the level of tension of regulatory mechanisms and the reduction of functioning homeostatic mechanism.


1. The study of automikroflora of the skin of swimmers and of the control group indicates a negative influence of the chemical composition of the water of a swimming pool on the level of non-specific resistance of the skin of swimmers, and its protective components (lysozyme, complement, pH level). The result is inhibition of normal flora of the skin and a corresponding increase in the number of CI representatives of strains of pathogenic organisms, including S.aureus and S.haemolyticus due to higher colonization of the skin by pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms on the background of decrease in activity of antagonistic flora.

2. It can be considered that the impact of risk factors in terms of swimming pools leads to excessive physiological stress adaptation mechanisms and provide nonspecific resistance, followed by an increase in the probability of forming prenosological health problems of the swimmers.

3. Study of prenosological changes of each people is an important component in the system of modern approach to assess not only the impact of environmental factors but also the health of the population in general.


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