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Головна » Файли » 2014 » 1 (121)

Григоров С.М. Методичні та клінічні аспекти оцінки стану репаративного остеогенезу при пошкодженнях щелепно-лицьової ділянки (частина ІІ)
14.08.2014, 17:43

Григоров С.М. Методичні та клінічні аспекти оцінки стану репаративного остеогенезу при пошкодженнях щелепно-лицьової ділянки (частина ІІ).
У пацієнтів з пошкодженнями лицьового черепа досліджено вміст білково-вуглеводних метаболітів кісткового ремоделювання та вивчені показники структурно - функціонального стану кісткової тканини. При ускладненому перебігу пошкоджень лицьового черепа виявлено абсолютне збільшення (р<0,05) концентрації хондроітин-6-сульфатів, а при аналізі результатів виявлено, що і в абсолютних значеннях, і в структурних показниках питома вага різних фракцій змінюється, що може свідчити про нестабільність механізмів кісткоутворення та про порушення фізіологічних механізмів репаративного остеогенезу. Визначені кореляційні взаємозв’язки між вмістом білково-вуглеводних метаболітів та структурно-функціональним станом кістокової тканини. Денситометричними еквівалентами формування ускладненого перебігу пошкоджень лицьового черепа є збільшення широкосмугового ослаблення ультразвуку та зменшення швидкості його поширення на тлі низьких рівнів хондроітин-6-сульфатів.
Ключові слова: пошкодження лицьового черепа, ускладнений перебіг, діагностика, репаративний остеогенез.
Григоров С.Н. Методические и клинические аспекты оценки состояния репаративного остеогенеза при повреждениях челюстно-лицевой области (часть ІІ).
У пациентов с повреждениями лицевого черепа исследовано содержание белково-углеводных метаболитов костного ремоделирования и изучены показатели структурно-функционального состояния костной ткани. При осложнённом течении повреждений лицевого черепа выявлено абсолютное увеличение (р<0,05) концентрации хондроитин-6-сульфатов, а при анализе выявлено, что и в  абсолютных значениях, и в структурных показателях удельный вес разных фракций изменяется, что может свидетельствовать о нестабыльности механизмов костеобразования и о нарушении физиологичесмких механизмов репаративного остеогенеза. Выявлены корреляционные взаимосвязи между содержанием белково-углеводных метаболитов и структурно-функциональным состоянием костной ткани. Денситометричнескими эквивалентами формирования осложнённого течения повреждений лицевого черепа являются увеличение широкополосного ослаблення ультразвука и уменьшение скорости его распространения на фоне низких уровней хондроитин-6-сульфатов.
Ключевые слова: повреждения лицевого черепа, осложнённое течение, диагностика, репаративный остеогенез.
Grygorov S.M. Methodological and clinical aspects of assessment of reparative osteogenesis in injuries of facial cranium (part II).
The content of carbohydrate-protein metabolites of bone remodeling was investigated and the indexes of structural-functional state of bone tissue were studied in patients with injuries of facial cranium. By complicated course of injuries of facial cranium the absolute increase (р<0,05) of concentration of chondroitin-6-sulfates was revealed, and during the analysis of results it was found out that in absolute values, as well as in structural indexes, the specific weight of various fractions changes, that can be the evidence of instability of mechanisms of osteogenesis and of damage of physiological mechanisms of reparative osteogenesis. Correlation between content of protein-carbohydrate metabolites and structural-functional state of bone tissue was studied. Densitometric equivalents of forming of complicated course of injuries of facial cranium are the increase of broadband ultrasonic attenuation and the decrease of its spreading speed on the background of low levels of chondroitin-6-sulfates.
Key words: injuries of facial cranium, complicated course, diagnostics, reparative osteogenesis.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., доц. І.І. Зєльоний

УДК 617.52-001.4/.5-089-08-039.76

Харківський національний медичний університет МОЗ України

Харьковский национальный медицинский университет

Kharkiv National Medical University


The goal of research consisted in studying of the content of carbohydrate  protein metabolites, as marker medications of the reparative osseogenesis state for patients with  complicated course(CC) and uncomplicated course (UC) of facial skeleton damages (FSD). 81 patients took part in the testing, including n1=53 with CC FSD (1n1=28 without coexist cerebro-cranial trauma (ССT) and 2n1=25 united with CCT); a control group consisted of nо =28 patients with UC FSD. For the revealing of features of  CC FSD forming mechanisms it was studied the concentration of glycosaminoglycan sulfates  and their fractional composition according to the R.Shtern’s method and others in (1982), particularly it was investigated three  fractions: glycosaminoglycan1 (GAG1) , fraction contained mainly  chondroitin-6-sulphate, GAGІІ, chondroitin-4-sulphate and GAGІІІ, that contained highly sulphonated GAG that lyzed (mainly keratosulfats) difficult. It was revealed that the level of content of general glycosaminoglycan sulfates   in the blood serum  of patients of the control group was (12,6±0,14) units, that  exceeded a corresponding index for certain (р<0,05), both among patients with CC FSD without CCT and also with CCT (accordingly (10,64±0,41)units and (9,87±0,46) units).

At CC FSD the absolute increase (р<0,05) of concentration of chondroitin-6-sulphate was revealed; so if in the control group its level was (5,69±0,10) units, then among patients with CC FSD it was (6,53±0,28) units. Also it should be noted  that among patients with CC FSD without CCT the level of GAG1 was characterized by a tendency to more significant increase, than with CCT (accordingly (6,75±0,33)units and (6,32±0,34) units; р>0,05). While analysing the results it was revealed that  in absolute values and in structural indexes at presence of CC FSD grew significance of GAG1 , that could testify to instability of mechanisms of reparative osseogenesis  for this category of patients.

The opposite tendency was observed by the indexes of  chondroitin-4-sulphate  concentration for patients with CC FSD. It was appeared by absolute reduction (р<0,05) of chondroitin-4-sulphate concentration; so if in the control group its level was (3,74±0,08) units, then among patients with CC FSD it was(2,33±0,16) units. It should be noted that among patients with CC FSD in combination with CCT the level of GAG ІІ was characterized by the tendency to less significant  reduction than at presence of CCT (accordingly  (2,41±0,23) units and (2,21±0,18) units; р>0,05). While analysing the results it was revealed that  in absolute values and in structural indexes in the groups of patients with CC FSD a great significance of GAG ІІ for sure decreased (in the group of control it was (30,5±2,0)% ,at CC FSD it was (22,4±1,7)% but it did not depend on the presence of coexist CCT) , that was explained by the redistribution of  GAG structure in behalf on the increase of GAG І and GAGІІІ and it testified to the  presence for patients with CC FSD abnormality of physiological mechanisms of reparative osseogenesis . It was revealed the absolute increase (р<0,05) of concentration of keratosulfates) (GAGІІІ) for patients with CC FSD ; so, if in the control group its level was (2,60±0,03) units, then among patients with CC FSD it was (1,56±0,17) units.

Separately it should be noted that among patients with CC FSD with coexist CCT the level of GAGІІІ was characterized for certain (р<0,05) by more significant reduction, than in absence of CCT (accordingly  (1,82±0,31) units and (1,33±0,10) units; р<0,05). While analysing the results it was revealed that in absolute values and in structural indexes great significance  of GAGІІІ was decreasing, that could testify to tension of compensatory mechanisms, especially in case of the united course of CCT and FSD, when, even, low-solubility GAG ("reserve of the metabolic reacting") decreased. The analysis of correlation relationships between the concentration of different fractions of GAG and indexes of the structural-functional state of bony tissue of patients with FSD testified (pic.1) that reduction of GAGІІ was a metabolic factor that fromed one side was characterized by positive middle force relationship with  supersound spreading speed (SSS) (rXY=+0,322) and middle force reverse relationship with the index of  supersound wide-band attenuation (SWBA) (rXY=-0, 594).  Taking into account direct middle force of relationship between ІІ and ІІІ  fractions of GAG (rXY=+0,432), and also between the general level of GAG and concentration of glycoproteins (rXY= +0,486) and their relationship with I fraction of GAG, it is possible to state, that forming of the complicated course of FSD takes place on a background of  glucoproteins increase and structural deformation of fractions of glycosaminoglycan sulfates of the  blood serum. The densitometric equivalents of these processes are an increase of SWBA and reduction of SSS at simultaneous decrease (absolute or relative) level of chondroitin-6-sulphates.

The prospects of further researches are connected with the analysis of dynamics of carbohydrate-protein markers of mechanism of  bony tissue remodeling on the stages of FSD course with determination of informing indicators of the clinical monitoring  of reparative osseogenesis state.


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2. Григоров С.М. Ускладнений перебіг пошкоджень лицьового черепа: судинно - рефлекторні реакції центрального генезу та їх морфо - фізіологічні патерни. Частина І / С.М. Григоров // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2011. – Т. 3 (89), вип. 3. – С. 50-56.
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