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Григорова А.О. Клініко-патогенетичний аналіз реабілітаційної тактики хірурга-стоматолога при пошкодженнях щелепно-лицевої ділянки: проблемні
14.08.2014, 17:40

Григорова А.О. Клініко-патогенетичний аналіз реабілітаційної тактики хірурга-стоматолога при пошкодженнях щелепно-лицевої ділянки: проблемні питання та інноваційне удосконалення.
Узагальнено існуючий досвід етапів застосування реабілітаційних програм для пацієнтів з пошкодженнями ЩЛД залежно від виду та обсягу хірургічних втручань. Визначені показники адекватності безпосередньої дії фізичних навантажень при контролі досягнення безпеки і позитивного кумулятивного ефекту, а також клініко-патогенетичні індикатори кумулятивного ефекту реабілітаційної програми. Інноваційно вирішено проблему індивідуалізації комплексного лікування за рахунок ранньої реабілітаційної тактики ведення пацієнтів з пошкодженнями ЩЛД.
Ключові слова: хірургічна стоматологія, пошкодження, реабілітація.
Григорова А.А. Клинико-патогенетический анализ реабилитационной тактики хирурга-стоматолога при повреждениях челюстно-лицевой области: проблемные вопросы и инновационное совершенствование.
Обобщён существующий опыт применения реабилитационных программ для пациентов с повреждением челюстно-лицевой области в зависимости от вида и объёма хирургического вмешательства. Определены показатели адекватности непосредственного влияния физических факторов при контроле достижения безопасности и позитивного кумулятивного эффекта, а также клинико-патогенетические индикаторы кумулятивного эффекта реабилитационной программы. Инновационно решена проблема индивидуализации комплексного лечения за счёт ранней реабилитационной тактики ведения пациентов специализированного стационара хирургической стоматологии.
Ключевые слова: хирургическая стоматология, повреждения, реабилитация.
Hryhorova A.O. Сlinical pathogenetic analysis of surgeon-dentist’s rehabilitation management if the injury is in the maxillufacial area: problem questions and innovative improvement.
It is generalized the existent experience of application of the rehabilitation programs for patients with the injury of maxillufacial area depending on the kind and volume of surgical interference. It is determined the indexes of adequacy of direct influence of physical factors at control of safety achievement and positive cumulative effect, and also it is determined clinical pathogenetic indicators of cumulative effect of the rehabilitation program. The problem of individualization of integrated treatment is decided innovative due to early rehabilitation policy of case management of the specialized in-patient department of maxillofacial surgery.
Key words: maxillofacial surgery, injuries, rehabilitation.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., доц. І.І. Зєльоний

УДК 616+612.75] - 053.5/.6 : 616.2/.6-036.12(477)

Харківський національний медичний університет МОЗ України

Харьковский национальный медицинский университет

Kharkiv National Medical University


Particular significance of traumatic injuries in the clinic of maxillofacilal surgery, increase of number of heavy injuries of maxillofacilal area (MFA) bones and also the high level of complications progression determine the further searches of decision ways of the problem of sufferers’ treatment and rehabilitation.

The aim of the work consisted of generalization of existent experience concerning the reasoning of the stages of the rehabilitation programs application for patients with MFA injuries depending on the kind and volume of surgical interferences.

Published results of clinical and experimental researches for the last few years on the issue of  rehabilitation programs reasoning for patients with the MFA injuries depending on the kind and volume of surgical interferences became the research material. The methods of logical structuring, functional approach and functionally - topographical description were applied for the implementation of the research;   scientific reviews, special (of the first two levels of provability) and methodical publications were used for the analysis.

The main principles for the application of physical rehabilitation facilities in the structure of integrated treatment are timeliness, individualization of physical activities in accordance with clinical implications, patient's physical fitness, and also gradualness of increase of intensity and duration of physical activities, their systematic character.

There are corresponding periods of application of rehabilitation actions for MFA injuries. Particularly, in the first period of immobilization in 72 hours after  onejaw splinting or osteosynthesis with the aim of acceleration of primary osteotylus forming, resorption stimulation of posttraumatic infiltration of telas and hemorrhages, trophism of muscular-ligamentous apparatus, articular cartilages and synovial fluid and preventive measures of osteomyelitis and contractures are executed isometric motions by the low jaw, mimic musculature and in temporo-mandibular joints three times per twenty-four hours with duration of 10-15 min and with  interval of 1-2 sec.

In the second period of immobilization with the aim of stimulation of osteotylus forming, normalization of masticatory and articular muscles trophism and renewal of the range of motions in temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) are consistently executed dynamic and isometric motions by low jaw, mimic musculature and in temporo-mandibular joints with controlled by a patient amplitude 8-10 times per twenty-four hours with duration of 10-15 min and with interval of 1-2 sec.

In the post-mobilization period for stimulation of restructuring of a primary osteotylus in a secondary one and renewal the complete range of motions in TMJ, forces, speed and coordination of masticatory muscules and functional possibilities of life-support systems of organism to 16-20 times per twenty-four hours with duration of 10-15 min and with interval of 1-2 sec are consistently executed  active, active-passive and with resistance  special exercises for  masticatory musculature.


1. It  is generalized the existent experience concerning the reasoning of the stages of the rehabilitation programs application for patients with the injuries of MFA depending on the kind and volume of surgical interferences.

2. It is determined the periods, tasks and indicators of the rehabilitation program efficiency at the injuries of MFA.

3. It is defined the indexes of adequacy of direct action of physical activity at operative control for the sake of achievement of safety and positive cumulative effect and also clinical pathogenetic indicators of cumulative effect of the rehabilitation program.

4. The problem of individualization of the integrated treatment is decided innovative due to early rehabilitation tactics of case management with injuries of MFA [8]

5. Future trends for researches of problematics of the rehabilitation programs improvement for the patients of in-patient department of maxillofacial surgery are associated with the determination of  periods of  rehabilitation facilities  application at inflammatory diseases of MFA.


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