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Ярошева Н.А. Применение флавоноида - кверцетина в лечении больных диабетической ретинопатией.
14.08.2014, 17:29

Ярошева Н.А. Використання флавоноїду - кверцетину в лікуванні хворих з діабетичною ретинопатією.
Обстежено 134 хворих (268 очей) з діабетичною ретинопатією (ДР), середній вік яких склав 39,7±8,2 років. Встановлено, що при застосуванні ліпофлавону в комплексному лікуванні хворих з ДР нормалізація калібру мікросудин настає на 4 дні швидше, зменшення микрогеморрагий на 6 днів швидше, зменшення набряку макули на 5 днів швидше, ніж при звичайній комплексній терапії. Показники рівня цитокінів IL-1β і TNF-α достовірно швидше знижуються, ніж при лікуванні традиційною терапією. Що сприяє поліпшенню функції судинного ендотелію і, як наслідок, покращенню зорових функцій в середньому на 0,15-0,2 од. (проти 0,1 при традиційній терапії). Отримані результати дослідження свідчать про більшу ефективність терапії з застосуванням флавоноїду – кверцетину при лікуванні хворих з ДР, ніж традиційної терапії.
Ключові слова: діабетична ретинопатія, кверцетин, лікування.
Ярошева Н.А. Применение флавоноида - кверцетина в лечении больных диабетической ретинопатией.
Обследовано 134 больных (268 глаз) с диабетической ретинопатией (ДР), средний возраст которых составил 39,7±8,2 лет. Установлено, что при применении Липофлавона в комплексном лечении больных с ДР нормализация калибра микрососудов наступает на 4 дня быстрее, уменьшение микрогеморрагий на 6 дней быстрее, уменьшение отека макулы 5 дней быстрее, чем при обычной комплексной терапии. Показатели уровня цитокинов IL- 1β и TNF-α достоверно быстрее снижаются, чем при лечении традиционной терапией. Что способствует улучшению функции сосудистого эндотелия и, как следствие, улучшению зрительных функций в среднем на 0,15-0,2 ед. (против 0,1 при традиционной терапии). Полученные результаты исследования свидетельствуют о большей эффективности терапии с применением флавоноида - кверцетина при лечении больных с ДР, чем традиционной терапии.
Ключевые слова: диабетическая ретинопатия, кверцетин, лечение.
Yarosheva N.A. Application of flavonoid - quercetin at treatment of patients with diabetic retinopathy.
It is examined 134 patients (268 eyes) with diabetic retinopathy (DR), which middle age has compounded 39,7±8,2 years. It is determined, that at Lipoflavon application in complex treatment of patients with DR normalization of caliber of microvessels begins on 4 days quicker, reduction of microhemorrhages on 6 days quicker, reduction of macula edema on 5 days quicker, than at ordinary complex therapy. Indexes of cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α authentically quicker reduce, than at treatment by traditional therapy. Its promote improving of function of vascular endothelium and, as consequence, improving of visual functions on the average on 0,15–0,2 units (against 0,1 at traditional therapy). The received results of researches testify about larger efficacy of complex therapy with application of flavonoid - quercetin at treatment of patients with DR, than by traditional therapy.
Key words: diabetic retinopathy, quercetin, treatment.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. А.М. Петруня

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State Institution Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky

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Background. The number of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) steadily increases. Also physical invalidism from this pathology essentially grows, especially from its complications, where the first place on frequency has vascular angiopathy, to which carry also diabetic retinopathy (DR). Modern pathogenetic treatment of patients with DR provides, first of all laser-coagulation of retina (LCR), but also high performance of conservative therapy, which can be used both before, and after of LCR, especially for stabilization of proliferation processes and prevention of disease progressing at the same time proved. Conservative treatment of DR includes a combination of angio- and retinoprotectors, antioxidants, hemostatics, vitamins and tissue drugs. Influence of drugs of flavonoids’ group (Quercetin) on biological effects of cytokines has been proved in experiments in vitro. Flavonoids (Quercetin) concern to non-toxic polyphenolic compounds – capable to break chain free-radical reactions, to change activity of various ferments; directly and medially (through antioxidative effect) to modulate cytokine potential, etc. In small series of the water-soluble forms of Quercetin the special place has Lipoflavon, included in unique system of delivery – a liposome. It is determined in experiment in vitro, that at DR there is statistically authentic influence of Lipoflavon on functional activity of mononuclear cells: at cultivation of cells at presence of Lipoflavon the level of cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α in cultural medium reduces, that allows to recommend it for treatment of DR.

Materials and methods. It is examined 134 patients (268 eyes) with DR, according to ETDRS classification (1991) divided on following groups of research: the 1st group – 39 patients (78 eyes) with no proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NDR) receiving only complex therapy also served as control to the 2nd group; the 2nd group – 53 patients (106 eyes) with no proliferative retinopathy (NDR), the 3rd  group – 42 patients (84 eyes) with  proliferative retinopathy (PRP). Patients of the 2nd and 3rd groups received in complex treatment of DR instillations of quercetin on 2 drops 6 times in day within the 1st month, and as intravenous course of quercetin injections on 2 bottles 1 time a day intravenously № 3 (ZAO  production “BIOLEK”). The patent for useful model «Method of treatment of diabetic retinopathy» № 36203 received. The middle age of patients has compounded 39,7±8,2 years, men and women was equally.

To the patients is conducted the standard ophthalmologic researches.

Complex therapy included tablet’s forms of drugs and an injection (parabulbarly, intravenously and intramusculary): emoxypin, Dicynon, mildronat, FIBS, vitamin В6, vitamin В1, etc. Patients participated in research without concomitant ocular diseases. On age, sex, clinical forms DR of research groups were identical.

Results. At application of quercetin in complex treatment of patients with DR normalization of caliber of microvessels begins on 4 days quicker, reduction of microhemorrhages on 6 days quicker, reduction macula edema on 5 days quicker, than at ordinary complex therapy.

It is determined that under the influence of traditional complex therapy in patients of the 1st group the level of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α is reduced on 9,5% and on 4,9%, accordinly, and in the patients of the 2nd group receiving in complex treatment quercetin under the schema developed by us – is reduced on 34,9 % and on 31,4 % accordingly that promotes restoration of balance of investigated cytokines as the imbalance of cytokines is the important pathogenetic "starting" mechanism of vascular angiopathy in patients with DM, to improving of vascular endothelium function and, as consequence, improving of visual functions on the average on 0,15 – 0,2 units (against 0,1 at traditional therapy), stabilization of DR and owing to antioxidative properties of a drug, most likely, to inhibition of proliferation processes.

Conclusions. At application of quercetin in complex treatment of patients with DR normalization of calibre of microvessels begins on 4 days quicker, reduction of microhemorrhages on 6 days quicker, reduction of macula edema on 5 days quicker, than at ordinary complex therapy. Indexes of cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α are authentically quicker reduced, than at treatment by traditional therapy. That promotes to improving of function of vascular endothelium and, as consequence, improving of visual functions on the average on 0,15 – 0,2 units (against 0,1 at traditional therapy). The received results of research testifies about larger efficacy of complex therapy with application of quercetin at treatment of patients with DR, than at traditional conservative therapy.


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