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Головна » Файли » 2014 » 1 (121)

Кись А.В., Войт О.В. Ограничение использования источников ультрафиолетового излучения при поиске следов биологического происхождения...
21.04.2014, 18:33

Кісь А.В., Войт О.В. Обмеження використання джерел ультрафіолетового випромінювання при пошуку слідів біологічного походження на місці події з метою збереження структури ДНК досліджуваного матеріалу.
До цього часу головним засобом пошуку слідів крові при огляді місця події було використання різних приладів джерел ультрафіолетового випромінювання. Але, враховуючи, що промені ультрафіолетового спектру руйнують структуру ДНК крові у слідах, що підлягають дослідженню, пошуки слідів крові на місці події належить здійснювати з використанням тест-стрічок «Гемофан», або реактиву для пошуку слідів крові людини SERATEC HEMDIRECT, а слідів сперми - SERATEC PSA SEMIQUANT.
Ключові слова: сліди крові та сперми, огляд місця події, ультрафіолетове випромінювання.
Кись А.В., Войт О.В. Ограничение использования источников ультрафиолетового излучения при поиске следов биологического происхождения на месте происшествия с целью сохранения структуры днк исследуемого материала.
К этому времени главным средством поиска следов крови при осмотре места происшествия было использование различных приборов источников ультрафиолетового излучения. Но, учитывая, что лучи ультрафиолетового спектра разрушают структуру ДНК крови в следах, подлежащих исследованию, поиски следов крови на месте происшествия следует осуществлять с использованием тест-лент «Гемофан», или реактива для поиска следов крови человека SERATEC HEMDIRECT, а следов спермы - SERATEC PSA SEMIQUANT.
Ключевые слова: следы крови и спермы, осмотр места происшествия, ультрафиолетовое излучение.

Kis A.V., Voit O.V. Limiting the use of UV sources when searching for traces of biological origin on the spot in order to preserve the structure of the dna test material.
The primary goal of experts (immunologists and cytologists) is production of examinations of the material evidences which conclusions are used for working off of investigatory versions at investigation of crimes, for the purpose of search of the criminal on the abandoned traces of biological parentage located as is independent (traces in situ incidents or detection of a corpse), and on subjects-carriers (subjects of clothes of alive people and corpses, crime tools). Applying both methods of research experts solve some question for law enforcement bodies.
Key words: traces of blood and sperm, inspection of situ incidents, Uf-radiation.

UDC 340.6:343.983.2


A.V. Kis, O.V. Voit

Kharkiv regional forensic medical examination

Experts-immunologists make examinations of material evidences for the purpose of detection of objects of biological parentage (blood, a saliva, urine, sperm, hair, bones, dens, etc.) and definitions of their specific and group accessory on many systems, for an establishment of possibility of parentage to the concrete person. For today of reagents for research of serum systems of blood is not present.

Cytological researches are made for the purpose of an establishment of the sexual and regional nature of lood, saliva, the hair, the isolated cages, particles of members and fabrics, a specific and group accessory of cages, an organ-fabric accessory of cages. Objects of research of medico-legal cytological examination are cages and particles of damaged members and the fabrics revealed on tools of a trauma, in nail contents of hands of victims and suspects and on other material evidences, and also separated mammary glands at the permission of a question on prescription of sorts. Besides, cytological researches probably differentiation blood of children of early chest age from blood of adult people. Use of cytological methods of research considerably dilates possibilities of a forensic medical examination of objects of the biological nature in aspect of an establishment of their source of parentage and a concrete definition of expert conclusions.

Possibilities of medico-legal serologic examinations confine definition of the biological nature of investigated objects, an establishment of their specificity, and in case of parentage from the person – group (ABO and others) and a sex-hromatine, that allows to exclude only possibility of parentage of bio-objects from the certain person.

Now the DNA analysis is used for:

- Establishments of genetic signs of traces of biological parentage,

- Establishments of the persons who have abandoned biological traces in situ of incident, on material evidences,

- Carrying out of medico-legal expert identification of neolearnt remains,

- An establishment of an accessory of blood, sperm, a saliva, hair, fabrics, members and the cut off parts of a body to the concrete person,

- The facts of an accessory of biological traces to the same positioned or unstated person (persons),

- Establishments of the fact of an accessory of the biological traces withdrawn on several crimes, the same person.

- An establishment of relationship of the first order. 

Detection of objects of biological parentage begins with visual survey of subjects. Survey is necessary for making at natural, artificial illumination. Survey at artificial illumination allows to find inveterate traces of blood, stratification in the form of traces of hands, poorly visible stratifications formed by a saliva, sperm.

It is forbidden to prospect objects of biological parentage by means of ultra-violet beams since at their application there is a damage of a strand of DNA.

In connection with impossibility of application of devices – sources of Uf-radiation for detection of traces of biological parentage, it is necessary to apply more widely the express methods of detection of traces of blood and sperm. Application of test reagent "Haemofan" (made in Czech Republic) in the Russian Federation recognised by L.O.Barsegjants's monography a demonstrative method of detection of traces of blood, and in Ukraine this method is among of the pre-award. Has well proved test SERATEC HEMDIRECT applied in forensic medicine for express detection of blood of the person. Paste use in practice does not demand special preparatory procedures or special skills.

For an establishment of presence of seed fluid of the person it is possible to use test SERATETEC PSA SEMIPOLE FOR PUSHING away. It`s the test for the medico-legal analysis for revealing of the Prostato-Specific Antigen in an investigated stuff.

Application of tests for haemoglobin SERATEC HEMDIRECT and on seed fluid SERATETEC PSA SEMIPOLE FOR PUSHING (made in Germany) gives the chance fast detection of blood and sperm of the person in investigated objects as in the conditions of laboratory, and in situ incidents.

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