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Рибак В.А. Визначення ефективної дози (ЕД50) густого екстракту квасолі з потенційними гіпоглікемічними властивостями
14.08.2014, 16:22

Рибак В.А. Визначення ефективної дози (ЕД50) густого екстракту квасолі з потенційними гіпоглікемічними властивостями.
Проведено визначення ефективної дози (ЕД50) густого екстракту квасолі у інтактних тварин графічним способом за методом Я.І. Хаджая. Найбільш виражена гіпоглікемічна активність за всіма часовими точками досліду спостерігалась в групі тварин, що отримувала густий екстракт квасолі у дозі 40 мг/кг.
Ключові слова: ефективна доза (ЕД50), густий екстракт квасолі, гіпоглікемічна активність, цукровий діабет.

Рыбак В.А. Определение эффективной дозы (ЕД50) густого экстракта фасоли с потенциальными гипогликемическими свойствами.
Проведено определение эффективной дозы (ЕД50) густого экстракта фасоли у интактных животных графическим способом по методу Я.И. Хаджая. Наиболее выраженная гипогликемическая активность по всем точкам опыта наблюдалась в группе животных, получавших густой экстракт фасоли в дозе 40 мг/кг.
Ключевые слова: эффективная доза (ЕД50), густой экстракт фасоли, гипогликемическая активность, сахарный диабет.

Rybak V.A. Determination of the effective dose (ED50) of spissum bean extract with potential hypoglycemic properties.
The determination of the effective dose (ED50) of spissum bean extract in intact animals by the graphical method of Hadzhay J.I. has been conducted. The most apparent hypoglycemic effect at all time points was observed in a group of experimental animals treated with spissum bean extract at a dose of 40 mg/kg.
Key words: effective dose (ED50), spissum bean extract, hypoglycemic effect, diabetes mellitus.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. Н.І. Філімонова

УДК 615.25.252.349.7:615.451.16:582.894.6

Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)


Determining the significance of certain plants in complex therapy of diabetes mellitus we should take into consideration that the majority of these plants refers either to food or those that can be eaten.

According to the data of the World Health Organization plant extracts are nowadays used by approximately 4 bln of patients [3 , 6, 7] .

As the object of pharmaceutical research was chosen spissum bean extract which was obtained under the guidance of Prof. at Pharmacology Department – Kovalyova V.M.

Earlier we conducted screening assay, in the course of which a discernable hypoglycemic effect of spissum bean extract was shown both in intact animals and in the animals with increasing glucose level. This effect was close to the one of comparator agent’s (metformin) potency and prevailed over Cornelian cherry leaf extract and lupine fruit extract [5].

The aim of the research was to determine the effective dose (ED50) of spissum bean extract in intact animals.

Materials and methods. Experimental research was carried out on 25 Chinchilla rabbits breed weighing 2,8-3,2 kg. All animals were divided into 5 groups (5 animals in each) and treated with a spissum bean extract at doses of 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 mg/kg. Animals of group 1 received intragastrically spissum bean extract at a dose of 20 mg/kg, animals of group 2 – spissum bean extract at a dose of 30 mg/kg, animals of group 3 – spissum bean extract at a dose of 40 mg/kg, animals of  group 4 – spissum bean extract at a dose of 50 mg/kg and animals of group 5 – spissum bean extract at a dose of 60 mg/kg (see table 1).

In all groups of rabbits the initial glucose level in the blood and the levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 hours after a single injection of spissum bean extract in experimental doses were determined.

The concentration of glucose in the blood was determined by glucose oxidase test by using a set of reagents produced by “Filicit-Diagnostyka”.

The effective dose (ED50) of spissum bean extract was determined by the graphical method of Hadzhay J.I. which is based on the linear dependence of the effect on the doses studied [8].

The research was conducted in compliance with the requires of the Commission on Bioethics and Pharmacy and "General ethical principles of animal experimentation" (Kyiv, 2001), which correspond to the provisions of the  "European Convention for the protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes" (Strasbourg , 1985) [2]. Statistical analysis of the results obtained has been conducted according to analysis-of-variance method «Statistica, v.6,0».

Results and discussion. Preliminary introduction of spissum bean extract at doses of 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 mg/kg caused a significant decrease in blood glucose levels in rabbits 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 hours later in all the groups (Table 1).

The most apparent hypoglycemic effect at all time points of the experiment was observed in the group of animals treated with spissum bean extract at a dose of 40 mg/kg, which corresponded to 15 %, 35 %, 45 %, 30 % and 15 %, and the least apparent – in a dose of 20 mg / kg, which corresponded to 6%, 16%, 29%, 17% and 5% compared with the initial data (Fig. 1).

In the group of animals which received spissum bean extract at a dose of     30 mg/kg there was a slow decline in blood glucose level during the experiment by 9 % , 21 % , 36 %, 21 % and 8 % compared with the initial level.

Hypoglycemic effect of spissum bean extract at doses of 50 and 60 mg/kg occured at the level of the hypoglycemic effect of spissum bean extract at a dose of 40 mg/kg.

Thus, the effective dose (ED50) of spissum bean extract equals 40 mg/kg.

Conclusions. The effective dose (ED50) of spissum bean extract, which was determined by a decrease in blood glucose levels of intact animals equaled 40 mg/kg, can be used in further pharmacological research to create phytopreparation with hypoglycemic properties for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes.


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