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Головна » Файли » 2014 » 1 (121)

Шкляр А.С. Жирова компонента маси тіла людини: антропометрична оцінка на етапах постнатального онтогенезу (методологічні, інноваційні...
24.04.2014, 16:43


Шкляр А.С. Жирова компонента маси тіла людини: антропометрична оцінка на етапах постнатального онтогенезу (методологічні, інноваційні та прикладні аспекти).

На основі результатів прямої антропометрії виявлені закономірності формування жирової компоненти маси тіла людини на етапах постнатального онтогенезу, які проявляються різною частотою дисгармонійності маси тіла за рахунок жирової його компонети, насамперед у порівняльному аспекті онтогенезу статевих груп. Отриманими результатами можно пояснити вікові відмінноситі у частоті формування функціональних розладів, донозологічних, а також нозологічно окреслених патологічних станів, як проявів загального процесу росту та розвитку в постнатальному онтогенезі.

Ключові слова: анатомія, антропометрія, онтогенез, жирова компонента маси тіла.


Шкляр А.С. Жировая компонента массы тела человека: антропометрическая оценка на этапах постнатального онтогенеза (методологические, инновационные и прикладные аспекты).

На основе результатов прямой антропометрии выявлены закономерности формирования жировой компоненты массы тела человека на этапах постнатального онтогенеза, которые проявляются разной частотой дисгармоничности массы тела за счёт жировой его компоненты, в первую очередь при сравнении в онтогенезе половых групп. Полученными результатами можно объяснить возрастные отличия в частоте формирования функциональных и донозологических  расстройств, а также нозологически очерченных состояний, как проявлений общего процесса роста и розвития в постнатальном онтогенезе.

Ключевые слова: анатомия, антропометрия, онтогенез, жировая компонента массы тела.


Shklyar A.S. Fatty component of the human body weight: anthropometric estimate at the stages of postnatal ontogenesis (methodological, innovative and economic aspects)

On the basis of results of direct anthropometry regularities of formation fatty components of body weight of the person at stages of post-natal ontogenesis which are shown by the different frequency of a disgarmony of body weight at the expense of fatty its components, first of all when comparing in ontogenesis of sexual groups are revealed. It is possible to explain with the received results age differences in the frequency of formation functional and the prenozological frustration, and also nosologically outlined states, as manifestations of the general process of growth and development in postnatal ontogenesis.

Key words: anatomy, anthropometry, ontogenesis, body weigh fatty component.

UDC 616-056.7-02:616.248-053.2


Shklyar A. S.

Kharkiv  National  Medical  University

Research is executed within the comprehensive program of receiving, collecting and analysis of information of results with use of known classical and innovative techniques. Material of research was  results of direct anthropometry about 1300 people divided on the basis of the ontogenetic period. Anthropometric research is executed proceeding from V. V. Bunak's scheme and meant definition of the general (growth, weight, body surface area), the partial sizes of a human body (longitudinal, volumetric, cross, sagittal) and thickness of a skin and fatty fold. The saved-up results made the reference database which results of development became a basis of the statistical analysis which fragment is given in this article, and also - a number of innovative development.

In anthropometry , using the caliper on the back of the shoulder (d1, mm.) measurements was performed at lowered hand in the upper third of the arm triceps, close to its inner edge (the result is recorded on the vertical axis), under shoulder-blade (d2, mm., measurements are performed under the lower angle of the scapula, in an oblique direction: from top to bottom, inside out ) and the side (d3, mm. fold, that measured above the iliac crest (the result is recorded on the vertical axis), on the front surface of the shoulder (d4, mm. it measured in the upper third of the inner surface of the upper arm biceps , in vertical direction). Mean thickness of fatty folds index was calculated using the formula: F1= 1,14 - 0,06 × lоg2(d1 + d2 + d3 + d4), and general thickness: F2=d1+d2+d3 and determine the absolute amount of fat component (М) with formula М = 100 × (G0/F1-G1). Further, the evaluation performed by ЖКМТ endomorphic index (МЖТ ), which is defined by the formula МЖТ = G2+G3×F2 - G4×F22 +G5×F23, considering age and sexual coefficients (G0-G5) and variability (SD) of an endomorphic indicator (М± SD) and absolut amount of fatty tissue (М± SD) [11].

Results and their discussion. Using the accumulated database, programmed in Excel for each of the patients, the basis of the data of direct anthropometry calculated: index of absolute fat mass and endomorphic index, which allowed to determine ontogenetic harmonious relation of fat mass components body, defined relative and absolute frequencies of this phenomenon.

Analysis of these data revealed that the frequency of ontogenetic disharmony of fat component of body mass analyzed by ontogenetic periods ranged from 11,0 ± 1,6% to 30,0 ± 3,0%, averaging over all persons at 15,4 ± 1,0%. Among males the lowest frequency of disharmony body weight on his fat component found in the second period of childhood - is 8,4 ± 1,8%, and the highest - 33,3 ± 4,4% in the first period of adulthood. Among females the highest frequency disharmony of body weight on his fat component found in the first period of adult age - 26,7 ± 4,1%, whereas in previous ontogenetic periods , this figure has been relatively stable and not significantly different, depending on age.

Based on the data, elaborated analytical and numerical models (polynomials) frequency of ontogenetic disharmony of body weight due to fat component, which allows the application to objectify identified patterns and, if necessary, calculate the frequency of ontogenetic are caused chopped disharmony of body weight in fat component by gender (means of traveling power-substitution instead of X - the number you ontogenetic period).

1.On the basis of direct anthropometry identified patterns forming of fatty components of body weight on postnatal stages of ontogenesis, which show different frequency disharmony of  body weight due to fat component, especially in terms of comparative ontogenesis of sex groups .
2.When a result, the development of anthropometric data collected and the direction of the classical methodology of anthropometry, in particular innovation based techniques, provided the definition ontohentic-disharmonious figure at the expense of fatty component by body weight.
3. Estimation of ontogenetic disharmony of fat component of body weight related to anatomy, topographic anatomy and other clinical disciplines and can be used to stocktaking for the peculiarities figure when evaluating a component part of its mass.
4. Obtained results can be explain age differences in the frequency of formation of functional disorders prenosological and nosology defined pathological states as manifestations of the general process of growth and development in the postnatal ontogenesis.

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