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Головна » Файли » 2014 » 1 (121)

Сябренко Г.П. Напрямки удосконалення лікування та реабілітації хворих з HCV- інфекцією на основі урахування особливостей обміну ретинолу
14.08.2014, 16:43

Сябренко Г.П. Напрямки удосконалення лікування та реабілітації хворих з HCV- інфекцією на основі урахування особливостей обміну ретинолу та токоферолу.
Дослідження показників ліпідного спектру у сироватці крові хворих з HCV інфекцією необхідно виконати залежно від тяжкості та форми перебігу гепатиту. Вміст токоферолів і ретинолу у сироватці крові хворих з HCV інфекцією необхідно дослідити залежно від тяжкості та форми перебігу гепатиту. Вивчення та аналізу потребує система взаємозв’язків між показниками ліпідного спектру та рівнями вмісту токоферолів і ретинолу у сироватці крові хворих з HCV інфекцією.
Ключові слова: лікування, реабілітація, HCV- інфекція, вітаміни.
Сябренко Г.П. Пути совершенствования лечения и реабилитации больных с HCV- инфекцией на основе учёта особенностей обмена ретинола и токоферола.
Исследование показателей липидного спектра сыворотки крови больных с HCV инфекцией необходимо выполнять в зависимости от тяжести и формы течения гепатита. Содержание токоферолов и ретинола в сыворотке крови больных с HCV инфекцией інфекцією необходимо выполнять в зависимости от тяжести и формы течения гепатита. Изучения и анализа требует система взаимосвязей между показателями липидного спектра и витаминным статусом больных с HCV инфекцией.
Ключові слова: лікування, реабілітація, HCV- інфекція, вітаміни.
Syabrenko G.P. Directions of improving the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with HCV-infection taking into account features of retinol and tocopherol exchange.
Investigation of lipid spectrum in the blood serum of patients with HCV-infection must be performed, depending on the severity and form of hepatitis. The content of tocopherols and retinol in the serum of patients with HCV-infection should be investigated depending on the severity and form of hepatitis. The system of relationships between lipid spectrum and levels of tocopherols and retinol in the serum of patients with HCV infection requires studying and analysis.
Key words: treatment, rehabilitation, HCV-infection vitamins.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. Я.А. Соцька

УДК [616.36-002:616.98]-036.12-071

Кіровоградський університет «Україна» МОН України

Kirovohrad University "Ukraine"

Кировоградский университет «Украина» МОН Украины


Introduction. Despite the development of improved methods of diagnosis and treatment, the problem of virus hepatitis (VH) remains urgent. The problem of viral hepatitis was given the status of general medical problem. It is caused by an extremely widespread VH including parenteral hepatitis B and C, considering their chronization, the predominant opportunity of especially severe disease with the threat of fatal, attract the greatest attention. According to the Center for disease Control hepatitis C takes the first place in the structure of mortality from liver disease; annually in the world, more than two million people dies from parenteral hepatitis [11].

The purpose of work was to conduct a content analysis of the results of studies on the clinical and biochemical features and diagnosis of retinol and tocopherol exchange in patients with HCV-infection.

Results and their discussion. The study of the peculiarities of HCV - infection has revealed a variety of displays: from inapparent and subclinical to severe forms, characterized by out-hepatic displays, frequent development of chronic hepatitis, in the progression of which repeatedly, and sometimes incessant aggravation plays the main role. The problem of functional disorders of the liver, including the regulation of vitamin A exchange and the role of vitamin E in the prevention of fibrosis, can’t be considered studied [8].

The study of functional changes of the liver in terms of lipid metabolism is of great interest, since disruption of free radical oxidation of lipids of cell membranes and lipid metabolism is considered as the primary mechanism for development of pathology and can serve as the target of antioxidant effect [6]. Analysis of the literature indicates the need for further study of the important pathogenesis of HCV-infection, including lipid metabolism and vitamins A and E, which is necessary for optimization of treatment.

Clinical displays and prognosis of HCV-infection is determined by a number of factors, including, first of all, a virus features and factors of "carrier". Some of them are well known, first it is significant viral load during infection, high rate of viral replication, resistance to immune response and the immunodeficiency state. Immunosuppression is an essential condition for the progression of chronic hepatitis C (CHC). It is known that endogenous immunosuppression factors which contribute to the progression of HCV-infection is immunoglobulin deficiency, uremia, old age, excess of iron in the liver, co-infection by other viruses, particularly hepatitis B virus and so on. [8]

The problem of diagnosis and treatment of liver disease are relevant and its solution deserves attention. Cases where the cause of liver disease has few etiological factors, each of which has a specific effect on the liver and the human body remain especially unexplored in hepatology. There was argumented the need for research in this field of hepatology, which aims to study pathogenetic mechanisms of liver disease of mixed genesis and justify effective differentiated treatment complexes [9-11].

First of all, drugs used for this purpose should have hepatoprotective properties. Protection of hepatocytes membranes from damage and their ability to restore them causes success in the treatment of chronic hepatitis. Protection of hepatocytes membranes from damage and restore their ability causes success in the treatment of chronic hepatitis. In addition, these drugs should control the process of development of liver steatosis, eliminate it and prevent the progression of the pathological process. Another necessary condition is the lack of antagonistic interactions with means of basic therapy of cardiovascular disease [10].

Intermittent prescribing which increase the body's non-specific immune resistance (vitamin therapy, Nucleinat sodium komplevit, flakozyd) and form a distinct tonic effect is indicated to patients with chronic hepatitis C [8-11].

Numerous studies in recent years shown that the breach in antioxidant system, which reduces the protection of cell and its genetic material from negative influence of free forms of oxygen, increase the risk of cancer [10-12]. Therefore, improving the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with HCV-infection can be done by considering patterns of lipid metabolism exchange and vitamins A and E.


1. Investigation of lipid spectrum of the blood serum of patients with HCV infection should beperformed, depending on the severity and course of hepatitis forms.

2. The content of tocopherols and retinol in the serum of patients with HCV-infection should be investigated depending on the severity and course of hepatitis forms.

3. The system of relationships between lipid spectrum and levels of tocopherols and retinol in the blood serum of patients with HCV infection require study and analysis.


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