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Козира С.А., Кулагіна М.А., Радько О.В. Гравилат річковий (Geum rivale L.) як танідоносна рослина
07.05.2014, 16:20


Козира С.А., Кулагіна М.А., Радько О.В. Гравилат річковий (Geum rivale L.) як танідоносна рослина.
В стеблах, листках, коренях, кореневищах гравілату річкового (Geum rivale L.) методом перманганатометрії вивчено вміст окремих фракцій танідів. Показано, що максимальний вміст танідів спостерігається у підземній частині досліджуємого виду.

Ключові слова: G. rivale L, стебла, листки, корені, кореневища, фракції танідів.


Козыра С.А., Кулагина М.А., Радько Е.В. Гравилат речной (Geum rivale L.) как таннидоносное растение.

В стеблях, листьях, корнях, корневищах, гравилата речного (Geum rivale L.) методом перманганатометрии изучено содержание отдельных фракций таннидов. Показано, что максимальное содержание таннидов наблюдается в подземной части исследуемого вида.

Ключевые слова: G. rivale L., стебли, листья, корни, корневище, фракции таннидов.


Kozyra S.A., Kulagina M.A., Radko E.V. Water Avens (Geum rivale L.) as a tannide-containing plant.

The content of particular tannide fractions in stems, leaves, roots and rhisomes of water avens has been studied by permanganatometry method. It is shown that the peak value of tannides content is observed in the underground part of studied species.

Key words: G. rivale L., stems, leaves, roots, rhizomes, tannide fractions.

Рецензент: д.фарм.н., проф. В.І. Чуєшов

UDC 582.71:582.734.4:547.587.52


S.A. Kozyra, M.A. Kulagina, E.V. Radko

The National University of Pharmacy


At the present time both general public and manufacturing enterprises pay closer attention to pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements derived from plant-based raw materials. However the true potential of native medicinal plants, in spite of long periods of use in official and folk medicine, is far from being fully elicited.

One of such plants that pertains to Ukraine’s flora is water avens (Geum rivale L.), which has been used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory, astringent and wound-healing remedy. Tincture of rhizomes and roots of water avens is taken as a remedy against diarrhea, malaria, uterine and hemorrhoidal bleedings, scurvy, migraine, venomous snake bites and also after severe illnesses as a general tonic remedy; tincture of water avens herb is used as a gargle for tonsillitis and for balneal treatment of arthropathy.

Preliminary chemical studies of raw materials of water avens (herbs and rhizomes with roots) have revealed the presence of polyphenols with anti-inflammatory, astringent and wound-healing potential.

The purpose of this work was to study the quantitative content of individual tannide fractions obtained from water avens herb and rhizomes with roots.

Materials and investigative techniques. Aboveground portion – herb (stems, leaves and flowers) and underground portion (rhizomes with roots) of water avens harvested in 2011–2012 in Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, Ukraine, have been studied as a raw material. Identification of raw materials was conducted by taking into account the array of morphological features, which have been assessed macro- and microsopically.

Quantitative content of particular tannide fractions obtained from water avens herb and rhizomes with roots have been determined by Leventhal method.

Results and discussion

Represented data indicates that all portions of water avens are characterized by prevailing fraction of tannins, unsettable by concentrated sulfuric acid.

Percentage of this fraction on an air dry matter has been found in

roots – 9,12; rhizomes – 16,0; leaves – 7,05; stems – 2,23; moreover, investigated fraction in the underground portion (rhizomes with roots) 10,2; is prevailing over the whole aboveground portion (stems and leaves) 6,2 respectively. This fraction is represented by condensed tannides that pertain to most useful for medical applications pyrogallol-type derivatives. The fraction of condensed substances could not be completely settled by ammonium sulfate, which is probably attributable to its inhomogeneity. Quantitative content of tannides in water avens raw materials has been determined, viz.: in roots – 11,35; in rhizomes – 21,85; in leaves – 9,3; in stems – 4,56; and the total content of tannides in the underground portion (rhizomes with roots) 15,15 is prevailing over the whole aboveground portion (stems and leaves) 6,56 respectively.


1. The contents of particular tannide fractions in stems, leaves, roots and rhizomes of water avens have been investigated.

2. Obtained results indicate that the tannide content is mainly represented by pyrogallol-type derivatives and is prevailing in the underground portion (rhizomes with roots) of water avens.

3. Results obtained from the conducted investigations indicate that the raw materials (rhizomes with roots) of water avens are the most viable for future chemical and pharmacologic studies and could be used for the development of anti-inflammatory, astringent and wound-healing medications.

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