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Малоштан А.В., Загайко А.Л., Малоштан Л.М. Вплив «Фітовагіна» на рівень трансферину у сироватці крові в умовах експериментального вагініту.
27.05.2014, 11:26

Малоштан А.В., Загайко А.Л., Малоштан Л.М. Вплив «Фітовагіна» на рівень трансферину у сироватці крові в умовах експериментального вагініту.
Було вивчено вплив «Фітовагіна» на показники трансферину і залізовмісних продуктів у сироватці крові. Було встановлено, що у щурів, на тлі експериментального вагініту, песаріі «Фітовагін», на основі ефірних масел, підвищували кількість залізовмісних продуктів в сироватці крові і перешкоджали анаеробним бактеріям доступ до використання заліза.
Ключові слова: «Фітовагін», вагініт, трансферин, залізо-зв’язуючі продукти.

Малоштан А.В., Загайко А.Л., Малоштан Л.Н. Влияние «Фитовагина» на уровень трансферрина в сыворотке крови в условиях экспериментального вагинита.
Было изучено влияние «Фитовагина» на показатели трансферрина и железосодержащих продуктов в сыворотке крови. Было установлено, что у крыс, на фоне экспериментального вагинита, пессарии «Фитовагин», на основе эфирных масел, повышали количество железо-связывающих продуктов в сыворотке крови и препятствовали анаэробным бактериям доступ к использованию железа.
Ключевые слова: «Фитовагин», вагинит, трансферрины, железо-связывающие продукты.

Maloshtan A.V., Zagajko A.L., Maloshtan L.N. Effect of “Phytovagin” to the level of transferrin in blood serum under conditions of experimental vaginitis.
The effect of «Phytovagin» on indicators of transferrin and iron products in serum was stadied. It was found that pessaries “Phytovagin”, based on essential oils, in rats against experimental vaginitis increased the amount iron connecting products in serum and prevented anaerobic bacteria access to use of iron.
Keywords: “Phytovagin”, vaginitis, transferrin, iron connecting products.

Рецензент: д.біол.н., проф. В.М. Кравченко

УДК 615.322: 615.454.2:615.262.1: 618.15-002

Національній фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

61002, г. Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 53

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov) Ukraine,

61002, Kharkov, 53, str. Pushkinska


Nonspecific vaginitis (NV) colpitis - no transmission disease of the vagina caused by the action of opportunistic pathogens (E. coli, enterococcus, indigenous bacteria, streptococcus, staphylococcus, etc.) that occur over a wide age range.

Vaginal content consists of fluid and cellular components of mucus produced by the cervical glands transudate, desquamated epithelium of the vagina and uterus, leukocytes and microorganisms. Vaginal fluid (VF) contains organic and inorganic substances. Important role in the regulation of metabolism play trace elements: iron, copper, zinc, and cobalt. They play an important role in ensuring the usefulness of the processes of fertility and ovulation, normal pregnancy.

Especially important is the presence of lactoferrin in vaginal fluid, because this protein retains the ability to hold iron in the acidic pH range typical of vaginal fluid in norm or rate. Microorganisms used iron for the synthesis iron seroprotedies and cytochromes.

Given the lack of iron bacteria strongly produce siderohroms, while the virulence of microorganisms is largely dependent on the ability of siderochroms to compete with syderofilinies by the host organism is present in tissues and biological fluids iron. Lactoferrin and transferrin are a group of syderofilin. They limit the availability of iron bacteria, firmly linking this trace element, so they are independent system of natural immunity.

Present in the serum (plasma) blood iron is associated with the protein beta-1 - globulin fraction - transferrin. The function of this protein, which is continuously synthesized in the liver, is the way of transport and accumulation of toxic plasma free iron ions. Under normal physiological conditions, this protein is rich in iron for about 30% of the maximum capacity to saturation. The most amount of iron that can connect transferrin to its saturation, denoted as overall (total) iron connecting capacity of serum - OICC. Overall (total) capacity to connect iron is the sum of indicators that reflect the contents of iron in serum and unsaturated iron connecting capacity of serum (UICC): the concentration of iron in serum + UICC = OICC.

The object of the study were pessaries "Phytovagin", developed at the Department of Drug Technology DT National University of pharmacy. The structure of pessaries "Phytovagin" is a complex of essential oils and plant extracts based on vitepsol W 15.

As a reference drug were selected vaginal "Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil."

In the course of these studies we can conclude that "Phytovagin" significantly increased performance OICC, UICC and iron levels in serum compared with model pathology. Thus the percentage of transferrin in serum was close to intact.

"Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil" increased performance of OICC, UICC and iron levels in the serum, but significant differences compared with the CP, were recorded.

Thus, we can conclude that "Phytovagin" increased levels of transferrin in serum, indirectly, by increasing iron connecting capacity, exhibiting antimicrobial properties.

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