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Головна » Файли » 2014 » 2 (122)

Пастух В.В. Изменение механических свойств ахиллового сухожилия кроликов после посттравматического восстановления в условиях медикаментозной
19.05.2014, 09:13

Пастух В.В. Зміни механічних властивостей ахіллового сухожилка кроликів по завершенню післяравматичного відновлення в умовах медикаментозної профілактики спайкового процесу. Експериментальне дослідження.
У результаті зміни механічних властивостей сухожиль, відновлених після травми, виникає парадоксальна ситуація. З одного боку, збільшення пружності покращує характеристики міцності сухожилля, з іншого - знижує величину його відносного подовження, що може бути однією з причин післятравматичних контрактур. У результаті проведеного експерименту підібрані препарати профілактики адгезії, найменш змінюють механічні властивості ахіллового сухожилля.
Ключові слова: сухожилля, адгезія, профілактика, механічні властивості.
Пастух В.В. Изменение механических свойств ахиллового сухожилия кроликов после посттравматического восстановления в условиях медикаментозной профилактики спаечного процесса. Экспериментальное исследование.
В результате изменения механических свойств сухожилий, восстановленных после травмы, возникает парадоксальная ситуация. С одной стороны, увеличение упругости улучшает прочностные характеристики сухожилия, с другой – снижает величину его относительного удлинения, что может быть одной из причин посттравматических контрактур. В результате проведенного эксперимента подобраны препараты профилактики адгезии, наименее изменяющие механические свойства ахиллового сухожилия.
Ключевые слова: сухожилие, адгезия, профилактика, механические свойства.
Pastukh V.V. Changes in the mechanical properties of the rabbits achilles tendon after posttraumatic recovery under medical prophylaxis of adhesions. Experimental study.
As a result of changes in the mechanical properties of tendons, recovered from injury, there is a paradoxical situation. On the one hand, increasing the elasticity improves the strength characteristics of the tendon. On the other hand - it reduces the amount of elongation, which may be a reason of posttraumatic contractures. In the experiment we picked up medicines for adhesion prevention, that little change mechanical properties of the achilles tendon.
Key words: tendon, adhesion, prevention, adhesion, mechanical property.

УДК 616.74-018.38-089

Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования

61176, г. Харьков, ул.Корчагинцев, 58

Kharkov medical academy of Postgraduate Education

61176, Kharkov, 58 str.Korchahyntsev 


Researchers consider that the main reason of unsatisfactory treatment outcome of traumas of tendons is cicatrical dhesive process limiting mobility of the surgically operated tendon. Immobilization of extremity in  postoperative period assists development of unions between a tendon and surrounding telas [10, 11, 12]. Nowadays management of treatment of tendons damages includes reduction of immobilization term   and early use of therapeutic exercises as passive and active motions of the surgically operated extremity assisting the break of adnations of tendon with surrounding telas [13].

The goal of research is selection of preparations for the prophylaxis of adhesiogenesis, application of that the least changes mechanical properties of tendons after posttraumatic recovery.

It is undertaken biomechanics researches of mechanical qualities of the Achilles tendons of rabbits on that the model of their partial damage was created by transection on ½ diameter. A traumatized tendon was taken in by tendon suture.

In the course of an experiment it was studied 5 groups of preparations of the Achilles tendons of rabbits with heel bone of 3 preparations in every group.

The 1st group was a control one. After implementation of tendon suture a wound was lavaged with liquid of antiseptic and took in.

The 2nd  group - animals after wound cleaning with antiseptic were inserted the three-dimensional polyacrylamide polymer (TDPP) 4,5%-1 ml; (Noltrex™) around tendon suture;

The 3d group -animals after wound cleaning  with antiseptic were inserted hyaluronic acid (HA) 1%-1 ml; (Singial™) around tendon suture;

The 4th group - animals after wound cleaning with antiseptic were inserted hyaluronidase (HD) 64 units/ml - 1 ml (Lidaza-Biolack™) around tendon suture.

The 5th group was a norm.  Preparations of the unoperated Achilles tendons of intact animals.

According to the results of tests it was calculated the size of the value of elastic modulus of preparation, tensile strength of preparation.

On the basis of data about the values of lengthening of preparations of rabbits’ Achilles tendon  it was made the calculations of value of elastic modulus of preparations  in all investigated groups.

On the second stage of experimental research it was measured the value of  maximum possible traction load at that there was destruction of preparations of  rabbits’ Achilles tendon of different groups.

In the process of recovery of the Achilles tendon of rabbits after a trauma there is an increase of values indexes characterizing strength properties of telas - elastic modulus, maximum possible load rating and tensile strength. The values of indexes, characterizing plastic properties of telas, diminish that can become one of the reasons of development of posttraumatic stiffness.

The best indexes from the point of view of plasticity of telas were observed in the group of preparations of the Achilles tendon of rabbits, where the prophylaxis of adhesion was made with preparations of HA and TDPP. The worst indexes were in the control group.

Taking into account the results of the carried out experiment with preparations of prophylaxis of adhesion the least changing mechanical properties of the Achilles tendon are hyaluronic acid 1% and  three-dimensional polyacrylamide polymer 4,5% and are perspective for further clinical researches.

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