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Головна » Файли » 2014 » 2 (122)

Рибак В.А., Малоштан Л.М. Вивчення впливу густого екстракту квасолі га гостру інсулінову недостатність, викликану антиінсуліновою сироваткою
07.05.2014, 17:10


Рибак В.А., Малоштан Л.М. Вивчення впливу густого екстракту квасолі га гостру інсулінову недостатність, викликану антиінсуліновою сироваткою у кролів.

У роботі наведені результати досліджень, пов’язаних з впливом густого екстракту квасолі на діабетичний синдром, викликаний у кролів введенням аутоімунної сироватки морських свинок. Густий екстракт квасолі (у дозі 40 мг/кг) протягом всього дослідження (через 2, 4, 6 и 8 годин) проявляв виражену гіпоглікемічну дію та переважав над дією препарату порівняння – метформіну (у дозі 30 мг/кг) в 1,7; 1,9; 2,0 і 1,6 разів відповідно.  Встановлений виражений антигіперглікемічний ефект густого екстракту квасолі дозволяє рекомендувати його для лікування інсулінової недостатності при діабеті «LADA».

Ключові слова: аутоімунний діабет, інсулін, метформін, густий екстракт квасолі.


Рыбак В.А., Малоштан Л.Н. Изучение влияния густого экстракта фасоли на острую инсулиновую недостаточность, вызванную антиинсулиновой сывороткой у кроликов.

В работе представлены результаты исследований, связанных с влиянием густого экстракта фасоли на диабетический синдром, вызванный у кроликов введением антиинсулиновой сыворотки морских свинок. Густой экстракт фасоли (в дозе 40 мг/кг) на протяжении всего эксперимента (через 2, 4, 6 и 8 часов) проявлял выраженное гипогликемическое действие и преобладал над действием препарата сравнения – метформина (в дозе 30 мг/кг) в 1,7; 1,9; 2,0 и 1,6 раз соответственно.  Установленный выраженный антигипергликемический эффект густого экстракта фасоли позволяет рекомендовать его для лечения инсулиновой недостаточности при диабете «LADA».

Ключевые слова: аутоиммунный диабет, инсулин, метформин, густой экстракт фасоли.


Rybak V.A., Maloshtan L.N. Study of the influence of spissum bean extract on acute insulin deficiency caused by antiinsulinic serum in rabbits.

The article presents the research results related to the influence of solid bean extract on diabetic syndrome caused in rabbits by the introduction of antiinsulinic guinea pig serum. Spissum bean extract (40 mg/kg) during the whole experiment (2, 4, 6 and 8 hours after the introduction) developed discernible hypoglycemic effect and prevailed over the effect of the comparator agent – Metformin (30 mg/kg) by 1,7; 1,9; 2,0 and 1,6 times  respectively. Established discernible hypoglycemic effect of spissum bean extract can be recommended for the treatment of insulin deficiency in diabetes «LAD».

Key words: autoimmune diabetes, insulin, metformin, spissum bean extract.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. Н.І. Філімонова

UDC 615.25.252.349.7:615.451.16:582.894.6


Rybak V.A., Maloshtan L.N.

National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv


Autoimmune diabetes (AD) according to the classification of the World Health Organization is Diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2, latent autoimmune diabetes (LAD) – latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) (Zimmet PZ, 1995).

The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of spissum bean extract on acute insulin deficiency caused by antiinsulinic serum (AIS) in rabbits.

Materials and methods. Acute insulin deficiency in rabbits was caused by the introduction of AIS in a dose of 3 ml per animal. AIS was taken from guinea pigs, whose immunization was caused by cattle insulin [1].

AIS of guinea pigs, when introduced into animals of other species, inactivates insulin in their blood, β-cells of the pancreas and thus causes acute diabetic syndrome without disrupting other functions. In the simulation AIS of precipitation titer 1:512 was used.

Research was carried out on 15 Chinchilla rabbits weighing 2,8-3,2 kg. All animals were divided into 3 groups of 5 each. 2 hours before the introduction of AIS the animals from group 1 (control group) were administered equivalent amount of drinking water intragastrically, the animals from group 2 were administered a comparator agent metformin, the animals from group 3 were administered spissum bean extract.

The blood from ear vein was taken from rabbits of all groups to determine glycaemic level – the initial level, the level when introducing AIS and the levels 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours after a single injection of the comparator agent metformin in therapeutic dose of 30 mg/kg and spissum bean extract in dose of 40 mg/kg, which was established in previous studies. The concentration of glucose in the blood of animals was determined by glucose oxidase test by using a set of reagents produced by «Filicit-Diagnostyka».

Results and discussion. Blood glucose level indicant of animals during AIS introducing in all experimental groups tended to increase. In the control group of animals, this indicant increased by 4,3 mmol/L, in the group of animals treated with metformin – by 4,9 mmol/l, in the group of animals treated with spissum bean extract – by 4,8 mmol/l in comparison with the initial level (see Table 1).

Two hours after the introduction there was a further increase in blood glucose levels by 6,9 mmol/L in animals of the control group compared to the initial one. At the same time the blood glucose levels of animals treated with metformin and  spissum bean extract began to decline by 11,1 % and 18,9 % in relation to the AIS admission indicant (Fig. 1).

Four hours after the introduction blood glucose level in animals of the control group reached its peak – increased by 8,1 mmol/l and only six hours after the introduction it begins to decrease by 3,9 % in relation to the AIS admission indicant.

Four and six hours after the introduction a discernible reduction in blood glucose levels could be seen: in animals treated with spissum bean extract by 25,5 % and 41,5 %, in the group of animals treated with metformin – by 13,6% and      20,9 % in relation to the AIS admission indicant.

At the eighth hour of experiment blood glucose levels continues to decrease in the animals of the control group by 23,5 % in relation to the AIS admission indicant. At the same time discernible trend of decreasing glucose level in the blood of animals by 46,2 % in relation to the AIS admission indicant remains and the initial indicant in the group of animals treated with the spissum bean extract is restoring. In the group of animals treated with metformin – blood glucose level has decreased only by 29,1 % in relation to the AIS admission indicant.


1. At all experiment time points (2, 4, 6 and 8 hours after the introduction) spissum bean extract developed discernible hypoglycemic effect and prevailed over the effect of the comparator agent – metformin by 1,7; 1,9; 2,0 and 1,6 times  respectively.

2. In the course of AD progression in rabbits the spissum bean extract develops insulin-like effect, such as binding autoinsulin bodies and releases endogenous insulin.

3. Established discernible hypoglycemic effect of spissum bean extract makes it possible to use it in the treatment of insulin deficiency in diabetes «LAD».

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