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Козира С.А., Кулагіна М.А., Радько О.В. Визначення оптимальних умов екстракції поліфенольних сполук з трави Geum urbanum L.
27.06.2014, 19:51

Козира С.А., Кулагіна М.А., Радько О.В. Визначення оптимальних умов екстракції поліфенольних сполук з трави Geum urbanum L.
Вивчено вплив основних факторів та визначено оптимальний режим екстракції поліфенольних сполук з трави Geum urbanum L. Розроблена технологія одержання суми поліфенольних сполук з сировини G. urbanum L.
Ключові слова: трава Geum urbanum L., сухий екстракт, технологія.

Козыра С.А., Кулагина М.А., Радько Е.В. Определение оптимальных условий экстракции полифенольных соединений из травы Geum urbanum L.
Изучено влияние основных факторов и определён оптимальный режим экстракции полифенольных соединений из травы Geum urbanum L. Разработана технология получения суммы полифенольных соединений из сырья G. urbanum L.
Ключевые слова: трава Geum urbanum L., сухой экстракт, технология.

Kozyra S.A., Kulagina M.A., Radko E.V. Optimization of the extraction process of polyphenol compounds from row material (herba) Geum urbanum L.
It is studied the influence of the main factors and it is determined the optimal mode for extraction of polyphenol compounds from row material (herba) Geum urbanum L. It is developed the technology for obtaining of polyphenol compounds sum from row material (herba) G. urbanum L.
Key words: herba Geum urbanum L., dry extract, technology.

Рецензент: д.фарм.н., проф. В.І. Чуєшов

УДК 615.451.16:615.322:582.71:582.734.4:577.127.4

Нацiональний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

61002, г. Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 53

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov) Ukraine,

61002, Kharkov, 53, str. Pushkinska


Introduction. Geum urbanum L. (wood avens) belongs to Rosaceae family, Rosoideae subfamily and grows all over Ukraine territory on wasty areas, in open forests, amidst shrubs.

Phyto-remedies obtained from wood avens are used in folk medicine against diarrhea, dysentery, fever and as a sedative. Main group of active substances of G. urbanum L. raw material is polyphenol compounds. This is a promising source for obtaining medicinal products with astringent, hemostatic and wound-healing action. Hence, it is of interest to determine the optimal extraction conditions of polyphenol compounds from these raw materials with the purpose of the following development of the substance technology and its application in pharmaceutical production.

The purpose of this work was to determine optimal conditions for the extraction of polyphenol compounds from herb of wood avens with the purpose of the following development of medicinal substances technology.

Material and research methods

Gurbanum L. herb, or «Herba Gei urbani», harvested in 2010–2011 in Kharkiv and Kharkiv region has been chosen as a raw material. Identifying of the raw materials has been conducted by set of morphological features, which were assessed macro- and microscopically.

The most important stage of phyto-remedies production is raw material extraction. The extraction process of the sum of polyphenol compounds from the raw material of G. urbanum L. has been studied depending on the change of the following factors: type and temperature of extractant, raw material – extractant ratio, extraction time (hours). All tests have been conducted under the constant weighed quantity of the raw material (25 g), constant humidity (12%), and dynamic extraction conditions. Optimization variable was the yield percentage from the weight of dry substance of final product and extractive (active) substances. Percentage of extractive substances was determined by SPU methods.

Results and discussion

Temperature of extractant, ratio of raw material to extractant and time of extraction have been determined in the course of the studies. Optimal extractant for extracting wood avens herb is a hot water with temperature of 95оC, ratio of raw material to extractant is 1:10 and optimal extraction time is 2 hours.

Considering the factor mentioned above, that influence the yield of biologically active substances from the raw material, we have developed the technology of obtaining of the sum of polyphenol compounds from the herb of wood avens, with the yield of 20.1%. Obtained product – nonhygroscopic amorphous light-green powder with a peculiar indicative odor, soluble in water and in 50% heated ethanol solution, slightly soluble in chloroform, ethyl acetate and ether.


1. Influence of the main factors on the extraction process of polyphenol compounds from Gurbanum L. herb has been studied.

2. Optimal extraction mode of polyphenol compounds from this raw material has been established.

3. Conducted studies indicate that the dry extract from the Gurbanum L. herb in perspective may be used in developing medical products with astringent, hemostatic and wound-healing action.


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8. Kozyra S.A. Phytochemical investigation of genus Geum L. plants of Ukrainian flora / S.A. Kozyra // Актуальні проблеми ботаніки та екології : матеріали докл. міжнар. конф. молодих учених, 21–25 верес. 2010 р. – Ялта, 2010. – С. 451–452.
9. Kozyra S.A. Study of phenolic connections in plants of Geum L. sort / S.A. Kozyra, M.A. Kulagina, A.G. Serbin // VII международный симпозиум по фенольным соединениям: фундаментальные и прикладные аспекты : материалы симп., г. Москва, 19-23 окт. 2009 г. – М., 2009. – С. 297–298.

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