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Головна » Файли » 2014 » 3 (123)

Пилипенко С.В., Короткий О.Г., Карповець Т.П., Остапченко Л.І. Цитоморфологічний стан лімфоїдних органів щурів за умов тривалої шлункової
27.06.2014, 17:23

Пилипенко С.В., Короткий О.Г., Карповець Т.П., Остапченко Л.І. Цитоморфологічний стан лімфоїдних органів щурів за умов тривалої шлункової гіпоацидності та при введенні мультипробіотика “Апібакт®”.
Досліджена реакція тимуса і селезінки щурів після тривалого пригнічення секреції гідрохлоридної кислоти в шлунку, викликаного 28-денним введенням омепразолу. Показано, що тривала гіпоацидність шлункового соку викликає цитоморфологічні зміни в тимусі і селезінці щурів. Введення мультипробіотика “Апібакт®” справляє імуностимулюючу дію через активацію проліферативних процесів в досліджуваних лімфоїдних органах.
Ключові слова: шлункова гіпоацидність, омепразол, мультипробіотик «Апібакт», тимус, селезінка.
Пилипенко С.В., Короткий А.Г., Карповец Т.П., Остапченко Л.И. Цитоморфологическое состояние лимфоидных органов крыс при длительной желудочной гипоацидности и введении мульмультипробиотика “Апибакт®”.
Исследована реакция тимуса и селезенки крыс после длительного угнетения секреции гидрохлоридной кислоты в желудке, вызванного 28 дневным введением омепразола. Показано, что длительная гипоацидность желудочного сока вызывает цитоморфологические изменения в тимусе и селезенке крыс. Введение мультипробиотика “Апибакт®” оказывает иммунностимулирующее действие через активацию пролиферативных процессов в исследуемых лимфоидных органах.
Ключевые слова: желудочная гипоацидность, омепразол, мультипробиотик “Aпибакт”, тимус, селезенка.
Pilipenko S.V., Korotkyi O.G., Karpovets T.P., Ostapchenko L.I. Cytomorphological state of lymphoid organs of rats with long-term gastric hypoacidity and at introduction of multiprobiotic “Apibact®”.
It was investigated the reaction of thymus and spleen in rats after long-term inhibition of gastric acid secretion evoked by 28 days injection of omeprazole. It was shown that long-term gastric hypoacidity leads to the cytomorphological changes in thymus and spleen in rats. The introduction of multiprobiotic “Apibact®” produces immunestimulating influence via activation of proliferative processes in investigated lymphoid organs.
Key words: gastric hypoacidity, omeprazole, multiprobiotic “Apibact”, thymus, spleen.
Рецензент: д.біол.н., проф. Т.В. Берегова

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Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко

Украина, 01601, г. Киев, ул. Владимирская, 64/13

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

64/13, Volodymyrska Street, City of Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601


The aim of the study was to investigate the reaction of thymus and spleen in rats after long-term inhibition of gastric acid secretion evoked by 28 days injection of omeprazole and after simultaneous administration of omeprazole and multiprobiotic “Apibact®”.

The investigations were done on 40 white non-linear rats which were divided into 4 groups. Animals of the 1st group (control) during 28 days were injected with 0,2 ml of H2O intraperitoneally (i.p.) and 0,5 ml of H2O per os. Animals of the 2nd group during 28 days were injected with 0,2 ml of H2O i.p. and multiprobiotic “Apibact®” (limited company "O.D.Prolisok") (0,14 ml/kg, diluted in 0,5 ml  of H2O, per os). Animals of the 3rd  group during 28 days were injected with inhibitor of Н++-ATPase OM (14 mg/kg, diluted in 0,2 ml of H2O, i.p.) («Sigma-Aldrich», USA) and 0,5 ml of H2O (per os). The rats of the 4th group during 28 days were injected with the same dose of OM and multiprobiotic “Apibact®”. The composition of one dose (10 ml) of Apibact is concentrated fluid biomass of bioplasts of bacterium's symbiosis CFU/cm3, no less: Lactobacillus and Lactococcus – 6,0x1010, Propionic bacterium - 3,0x1010, Bifidobacterium - 1,0x1010, Acetic bacterium - 1,0x106. Also multiprobiotic "Apibact®" contains 2,5% extract of propolis - a natural antiseptic with antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal effect.

In a day after last injection of drugs the rats were sacrificed by lethal dose of urethane. The reaction of the lymphoid organs was evaluated by weight indices and relative content of lymphoid cells, which was calculated by determining the ratio of body weight to the total weight of the animal and the number of cells to body weight, respectively.

Normal distribution of studied parameter for each sampling was checked using Shapiro-Wilka’s criteria. Average value (М) error and standard deviation (SD) were calculated to discover significant changes of indices of blood plasma gastrin concentration and basal gastric acid secretion as well as morphological and bacteriological indices. Sampling comparison was performed using the unpaired Student’s t-test. Differences among values were considered statistically significant if p<0.05.

It was established that in control group of rats relative thymus weight and relative cells number of thymus were respectively 25+2,2×10-4 and 60+5,5×107 conditional units.  Rats treated only multiprobiotic “Apibact®”, relative thymus weight did not change, in contrast to the relative cells number of thymus which grew by the 22% (p<0,05) compared with control.  Long-term hypoacidity evoked by omeprazole resulted in diminishing of relative thymus weight by 40% (p<0,05) with the simultaneous increase of the relative number of thymus lymphoid cells by 53% (p<0,05) by comparison to control. 

Simultaneous administration of omeprazole and multiprobiotic “Apibact®” decreased relative thymus weight of rats by 48 and 41% (p<0,05) compared with control and group of rats treated only multiprobiotic “Apibact®”.  Also in this group of rats the relative number of thymus cells was by 32% more than in control group.

Relative spleen weight and the relative number of spleen cells in rats of control group were 59+3,8×10-4 and 98+8,7×106 conditional units. Rats treated only multiprobiotic “Apibact®” relative spleen weight did not change and the relative number of spleen cells was increased by 46% (p<0,05) by comparison to control. Long-term decrease of gastric acid secretion by omeprazole evoked in experimental rats moderate splenomegaliya: relative spleen weight and the relative number of spleen cells were enhanced by 24%  (p<0,05) and by 51% (p<0,05)  compared with control rats.

Simultaneous administration of omeprazole and multiprobiotic “Apibact®” led to increase of relative weight and the relative number of spleen cells respectively by 20% (p<0,05) and 77% (p<0,05) as compared to control rats.

We concluded that long-term gastric hypoacidity leads to the cytomorphological changes in thymus and spleen in rats. The introduction of multiprobiotic “Apibact®” produces immunostimulating influence via activation of proliferative processes in investigated lymphoid organs.


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