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Самура Б.А., Григорьева Л.В., Самура И.Б. Исследование зависимости острой токсичности, анальгетической и антиэкссудативной активности
27.06.2014, 20:06

Самура Б.А.1, Григорьева Л.В.2, Самура И.Б.3 Исследование зависимости острой токсичности, анальгетической и антиэкссудативной активности от химической структуры аммониевых солей 3-метил-7-ацетилметилксантинил-8-N′-гидроксиэтилпиперазиния.
Изучено влияние аммониевых солей 3-метил-7-ацетилметилксанти-нил-8-N′-гидроксиэтилпиперазиния на чувствительность висцеральных ноцицепторов. Выявлено соединение 12, обладающее выраженной анальгетической и антиэкссудативной активностью, сопоставимое с действием диклофенака-натрия. Аммониевые соли 3-метил-7-ацетилметилксантинил-8-N′-гидрокси-этилпиперазиния являются перспективной группой соединений для дальнейшего проведения синтеза и поиска новых фармакологических веществ с анальгетической и антиэкссудативной свойствами НПВС.
Ключевые слова: аммониевые соли 3-метил-7-ацетилметилксантинил-8-N′-гидроксиэтилпиперазиния, острая токсичность, анальгетическая и антиэкссудативная активность.
Самура Б.А., Григор’єва Л.В., Самура І.Б. Дослідження залежності гострої токсичності, анальгетичної і антиексудативної активності від хімічної структури амонієвих солей 3-метіл-7-ацетілметилксантиніл-8-N′-гидроксі-етилпіперазінію.
Вивчено вплив амонієвих солей 3-метил-7-ацетилметилксантиніл-8- N′-гидроксиетилпіперазінію на чутливість вісцеральних ноцицепторів. Виявлена сполука 12, яка володіє вираженою анальгетичною і антиексудативною активністю зіставима з дією диклофенаку-натрію. Амонієві солі 3-метил-7-ацетилметилксантиніл-8-N′-гидроксіетілпіпе-разінію є перспективною групою сполук для подальшого проведення синтезу і пошуку нових фармакологічних речовин з анальгетичними і антиексудативними властивостями НПЗЗ.
Ключові слова: амонієві солі 3-метіл-7-ацетілметілксантініл-8-N′-гидроксі-етилпіперазінію, гостра токсичність, анальгетична і антіексудативна активність.
Samura B.A., Grigorieva L.V., Samura I.B. Research on dependence of acute toxicity, analgesic and anti-exudative activity on the chemical structure of ammonium salts of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine.
The influence of ammonium salts of 3-methyl -7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′- hydroxyethylpiperazine on the sensitivity of visceral nociceptors . Identified compound 12, which has a pronounced analgesic, anti-exudative activity comparable with the effect of diclofenac sodium. Ammonium salts of 3-methyl -7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′- hydroxyethylpiperaziniya are a promising group of compounds for further carrying out the synthesis and search for new pharmacological agents with analgesic, anti-exudative properties of NSAIDs .
Key words: ammonium salts of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′- hydroxyethylpiperazine , acute toxicity, analgesic and anti-exudative activity.
Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. І.В. Кіреєв

УДК 615.212.276

1Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

61002, г. Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 53

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov) Ukraine,

61002, Kharkov, 53, str. Pushkinska

2Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна

Харьковский национальный университет им. В.Н. Каразина

площадь Свободы 4, 61022, Харьков

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Svobody Sq. 4, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine

3Запорізький державний медичний університет

Запорожский государственный медицинский университет

пр. Маяковского, 26, 69035, г. Запорожье, Украина

Zaporozhye State Medical University

69035, Mayakovsky avenue 26, Zaporozhye, Ukraine


The inflammatory response (inflammation), being a protective attempt by the organism to remove the injurious stimuli, is defined as one of the stereotyped defensive responses of the organism to cellular insult.

The present study was carried out to research the acute toxicity, analgesic and anti-exudative activity of ammonium salts of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′- hydroxyethylpiperazine.

The acute toxicity of ammonium salts of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′- hydroxyethylpiperazine ranges from 630 mpk to 1990 mpk. The most toxic (LD50) proved to be nicotinate salt (comp. 10).

The findings of the study of analgesic activity of ammonium salts of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine (comp. 1-13) are presented in Table 2. It has been identified that among all the compounds studied, salicylate salt of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine (comp. 12) has the most profound analgesic effect. Dosed at 31,8 mpk, it has caused a significant decrease, 46,9% (p<0,05), in the frequency of writhings. Replacement of salicylate salt (comp.12) for aspartate (comp. 8), nicotinate (comp. 10), 4-aminobutanoate (comp. 7), succinate (comp.2), glutamate (comp. 9), benzoate (comp. 13), 3-aminopropinate (comp. 6), orotate (comp. 11), oxalate (comp. 1), citrate (comp. 3), 2-aminopropinate (comp. 5), or aminoacetate (comp. 4) in the molecule of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′- hydroxyethylpiperazine leads to a proven decrease in the compound’s analgesic activity ranging between 46,9% (p<0,01) and 26,1% (p<0,05).

Among all thirteen compounds studied aminoacetate salt of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine (comp. 4) has shown the least profound analgesic effect. Compound 4, dosed at 30,4 mpk, has reduced acute pain reaction to a chemical irritant in laboratory rats only by 17%.

The comparison of data acquired in the course of the study of aminoacetate salts of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine analgesic activity and a comparator product has shown that analgesic activity of compound 4 exceeds that of diclofenac sodium by 6,8%.

Results of the anti-exudative activity study (tabl. 2) prove that ammonium salt of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine (comp. 1-13) has a moderate anti-exudative effect. Among the studied compounds salicylate salt of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine (comp. 12) has shown the most profound anti-inflammatory effect. Dosed at 31,9 mpk, 4 hours after the injection it has reduced the swelling of rats’ paws by 48,9% (p<0,01). Replacement of salicylate salt of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine for 4-aminobutanoate (comp. 7), orotate (comp. 11), nicotinate (comp. 10), benzoate (comp. 13), 3-aminopropinate (comp. 6), succinate (comp.2), citrate (comp. 3), or oxalate (comp. 1) reduces the anti-inflammatory effect.

A less profound anti-exudative effect has been shown by aminoacetate salt of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine (comp. 4), which, dosed at 30,4 mpk, has led to a 16,5% decrease in carrageenan-induced paw oedema in rats.

It may be assumed that the anti-inflammatory effect of ammonium salt of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine is accomplished by inhibition of gene expression, responsible for the synthesis of anti-inflammatory cytokines [9, 13].

To conclude, the given research proves the profound analgesic and anti-exudative effect of compound 12; its specific activity and safety can, therefore, be recommended for further research.


1. Compound 12, salicylate salt of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine, has been identified while conducting writhing and carrageenan-induced paw oedema tests on experimental models. The compound’s profound analgesic and anti-exudative activity equals that of diclofenac sodium, and, therefore, makes the compound’s specific activity and safety worthy of further research.

2. It has been identified that ammonium salts of 3-methyl-7-acetilmethylksantinil-8-N′-hydroxyethylpiperazine prove to be a promising group of organic substances, worthy of subsequent synthesis and pharmacological screening in order to create new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


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