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Вальдовський А.О., Євтушенко О.М. Дослідження цінової кон’юнктури ринку антианемічних лікарських препаратів
27.06.2014, 20:44

Вальдовський А.О., Євтушенко О.М. Дослідження цінової кон’юнктури ринку антианемічних лікарських препаратів.
Викладено результати цінового аналізу ринку антианемічних лікарських препаратів. Досліджено динаміку середньозваженої роздрібної ціни за одну упаковку лікарського засобу протягом 2007-2012 років. Проведено порівняльний аналіз індексу цін з деякими макроекономічними показниками. Проведено зовнішній моніторинг роздрібних цін на деякі антианемічні лікарські препарати. Наведено розраховані показники ліквідності цін на лікарські засоби, що досліджуються, показники адекватності платоспроможності, доступності та адекватності соціального захисту, які свідчать про високу доступність переважної більшості антианемічних лікарських препаратів.
Ключові слова: цінова кон’юнктура, моніторинг, зовнішні (індикативні) ціни, показники доступності, антианемічні лікарські препарати.

Вальдовский А.А., Евтушенко Е.Н. Исследование ценовой конъюнктуры рынка антианемических лекарственных препаратов.
Изложены результаты ценового анализа рынка антианемических лекарственных препаратов. Исследована динамика средневзвешенной розничной цены за одну упаковку лекарственного средства на протяжении 2007-2012 гг. Проведен сравнительный анализ индекса цен с некоторыми макроэкономическими показателями. Осуществлен внешний мониторинг розничных цен на некоторые антианемические лекарственные препараты. Приведены рассчитанные показатели ликвидности цен на исследуемые лекарственные средства, показатели адекватности платежеспособности, доступности и адекватности социальной защиты, которые свидетельствуют о высокой доступности преобладающего большинства антианемических лекарственных препаратов.
Ключевые слова: ценовая конъюнктура, мониторинг, внешние (индика-тивные) цены, показатели доступности, антианемические лекарственные препараты.

Valdovskyi A.O., Yevtushenko O.M. Price conditions research of antianemic medicines market.
The results of price analysis of the antianemic medicines market have been set. Dynamics of average retail price for a medicine package for the period 2007-2012 has been investigated. A comparative analysis of the price index of some macroeconomic indicators has been performed. An external monitoring of retail prices for some antianemic medicines has been carried out. The indeces of medicines price liquidity, solvency adequacy, availability and adequacy of social protection, which indicate the high availability of the majority antianemic medicines, are shown.
Key words: price conditions, monitoring, external (indicative) prices, availability, antianemic drugs.

Рецензент: д.фарм.н., проф. М.М. Слободянюк

УДК 339.13: 616.155.194

Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

61002, г. Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 53

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)

Ukraine, 61002, Kharkov, 53, str. Pushkinska



Introduction. The price conditions analysis of the medicines market is a very important step in marketing research. The results of this analysis to assess the socio-economic affordability of medicines to the public, to determine the dependence of the rates of environmental factors and changes in macroeconomic indicators, to assess the degree of compliance with external (indicative) market prices, to determine the level of competition in the market, which is analyzed to predict the demand for medicines in depending on the level of prices and so on. The complete price analysis lays the foundation of all government programs to regulate the medicines prices. Also, information on the price conditions of the pharmaceutical market is crucial for pharmaceutical manufacturing and trading companies in electing them their pricing policies [13].

In Ukraine The experience in research of pharmaceutical market price conditions is quite large. Particularly in recent years the results of monitoring of prices and availability of anticancer medicines, antivirals and immunostimulants for influenza treatment, antifungal drugs, medicines procured by government programs, etc were published [4-10].

For today the price condicions of antianemic medicines (AAM) market are unexplored, whose research due to the large number of potential AAM consumers is rather pressing issue, attracting them to the market will increase the marketing potential of this market.

The article relationship to the academic programs, plans, themes. The article is carried out according to the research plan of the National University of Pharmacy and is a fragment of "The organization of pharmaceutical business, management and marketing in pharmacy" research work (state registration number − 0103U000479).

The main goal of this study is to conduct price analysis of AAM market over the past 6 years, including the dynamics study of average retail price for one AAM pack, revealing the connection between the values ​​of the AAM price index and some macroeconomic indicators, assessment of the extent to external (indicative) market AAM prices  and research the availability of these medicines.

Materials and methods. The AAM assortment research has been conducted based on the analysis of the Medicines State Register of Ukraine [3]. During the calculation of the average retail price of a package, the price index and indices that characterize the AAM availability the information on the volume of AAM retail sales in 2007-2012 provided by "Morion" company has been used. To calculate the values of change index in U.S. dollar and Euro exchange rates the data from an electronic archive of exchange rates of Ukraine has been used [1]. To compare the dynamics of the AAM price index with the changing values ​​of the price index of consumer goods and health the information, which is located on the official website of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine has been used [2]. Comparison of retail prices for some AAM with the international prices using the International Drug Price Indicator Guide (2012) has been conducted [12]. The AAM accessibility for people has been determined by calculating the liquidity ratio of prices, the solvency adequacy ratio,  the availability index and the adequacy of social security index. Main methods: statistical, graphical, comparative.

The obtained results and their discussion. According to the analysis of the Medicines State Register of Ukraine (march, 2014) 82 AAM trade names, represented by 43 brands, are registered in domestic pharmaceutical market. According to the ATC-classification the AAM are presented in B03 "Antianemic medicines" group. The largest share in the range is occupied by "Iron preparations” (B03A) group, the number of trade names and brands which is 33 and 25 respectively. The second place in the latitude range is taken by "Other antianemic preparations " (B03 X) group, mainly represented by stimulants of erythropoiesis (35 retail names, 11 brands). The smallest number in assortment structure are AAM included in the group of B03B "Cyanocobalamin and folic acid" (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The AAM assortment analysis by the number of trade names and


Traditionally, in the AAM range imported medicines are dominating (73%), the number of which is 60. These mainly include iron preparations and recombinant erythropoietin and darbepoetin medicines. The domestic AAM include all the above aforementioned groups, but to a lesser extent (27%). The highest concentration of domestic production medicines is observed in the groups of "Cyanocobalamin and analogues" (B03B A) and "Folic acid and analogues" (B03B B).

In the study, we have analyzed the structure of the AAM range by separating them into three price categories: low-cost (up to 8.9 UAH for 1 pkg.) mid-cost (8,9-51,2 UAH for 1 pkg.) and high-cost (from 51.2 UAH for 1 pkg.) (Fig. 2). The limit values ​​of each of the AAM price categories have been proposed by the experts in the analysis of the pharmaceutical market of "Morion" company. It was determined that the high-cost group has the largest number of AAM, mainly represented by recombinant erythropoietin and darbepoetin medicines and imported iron-containing preparations. The vast amount of iron and imported folic acid preparations was included into the mid-cost category. The smallest category in terms of AAM is low-cost, represented by domestic vitamin B12 and folic acid preparations.

Fig. 2. The AAM range analysis by the value categories

The next stage of the study was to analyze the dynamics of change in average retail price per one AAM pack in general and some groups in the period from 2007 to 2012. Calculation of the average retail price per 1 AAM package was held as follows:

where P − the average retail price per 1 AAM package of particular group;

          Smt − sales in monetary terms of AAM particular group;

          Svt − sales in volume terms of AAM particular group.

It has been determined that the iron and cyanocobalamin preparations prices have been increased rapidly with a gradual decrease in the growth rate of prices, and the average retail price per package of folic acid preparations during the period has been characterized by fluctuating values ​​of the growth rate (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The dynamics of average retail price per 1 package of AAM and

their separate groups during the 2007-2012 period

The only AAM group for which there is decrease of average retail price per a package during the 2007-2012 period (more than 350 UAH), are recombinant erythropoietin and darbepoetsn medicines (Fig. 4). This is primarily due to the occurrence in this group the new domestically produced medicines in recent years with a lower cost compared to imported products.

Fig. 4. The dynamics of average retail price per 1 package of

recombinant erythropoietin and darbepoetin medicines during

the 2007-2012 period

Also, we had conducted a comparative analysis of the dynamics of change in average retail price per 1 AAM pack with the pace of change in the dollar and the euro. To achieve this task the group index (Ig) of AAM  average retail prices has been calculated as follows:

where n – the number of agents in the group

Ip – the chain price index, which is calculated by the formula:

where Pi − the average retail price of ith AAM in the current period;

Pio − the average retail price of ith AAM in the previous period [9].

The index change in the dollar and the euro has been calculated using the following formula:

where Iv – change index of exchange rate;

K and Ko − average exchange rate of the hryvnia against the U.S. dollar or the euro in the current period and prior periods, respectively [11].

According to a comparative analysis, has been determined that the dynamics of change in the price index for AAM has been strongly associated with changes in foreign currencies, particularly the U.S. dollar, which confirms the dominance of imported AAM in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. The difference in the dynamics of the mentioned above parameters has been observed during the period from 2009 to 2011, when the price index AAM declined less rapidly than the exchange of foreign currency.

In addition we have matched the AAM price index with the changing of macroeconomic indicators such as the consumer price index and the price index for health care (this index reflects the change in the prices for pharmaceutical products, medical supplies and equipment, outpatient and inpatient services) during the same period. The price index for health care during the period under review is characterized by relatively the same dynamics, but its value is somewhat smaller than the AAM index of prices. During this period, for the general consumer price index is a typical modest drop values ​​that distinguishes it from the price indices for AAM and health care. Definitely, the dynamics of consumer price index is significantly different from the dynamics of price indices for AAM and health care (Fig. 5).

 Fig. 5. The comparative analysis of changes in the AAM price index, health care

price index, consumer price index and change in the dollar and the euro

during the 2007-2012 biennium

The next stage of the study was to determine the performance variability of some AAM prices with world prices. This was used International Drug Price Indicator Guide for 2012. This guide contains information about the prices of generic drugs on the world market, collected according to the latest catalogs, bidding, price lists of nonprofit organizations, agencies and medicines suppliers with their purchases. Based on the collected data we have calculated the confirmity ratio to external retail prices (Kw) as follows:

where P − the average retail price of medicine in Ukrainian pharmaceutical market;

Pw – the external reference retail price [6].

The analysis determined that all 18 sample AAM had retail prices lower than international. The confirmity ratios to external retail prices for these drugs vary in the range of 48% -98.4 % (Table 1). This indicates a fairly effective public policy for the regulation of prices for these drugs in Ukraine.

Table 1

The results of external monitoring of the retail prices for some AAM in 2012

Trade name

Manufacturer (country)

The confirmity ratio to external retail prices (Kw), %


Biopharma (Ukraine)



Zdorovye (Ukraine)


FERRUM LEK, inj., №50 amp.

Sandoz (Switzerland)



Euro Lifecare  (UK)


FERRUM LEK, inj., №5 amp.

Sandoz (Switzerland)



Biopharma (Ukraine)


GEMAKS-2000, №5

Bio Sidus  (Argentina)



Farmak/LG Life Sciences, Ltd (Ukraine/Korea)



Egis, (Hungary)


GEMAKS-2000., №1

Bio Sidus  (Argentina)


FOLIC ACID, tabl., №30

Kyiv Vitamin Factory (Ukraine)



Egis, (Hungary)



Euromedex  (France)



Farmak/LG Life Sciences, Ltd (Ukraine/Korea)



Janssen-Cilag (Belgium-Switzerland)



Takeda (Japan)



Jadran  (Croatia)



Euromedex  (France)



We also analyzed some AAM and their groups liquidity ratio of price (Cliq) as of March 2014. Liquidity ratio reflects the degree of price competition in the market and to some extent characterizes the availability of medicines. The lower the value of the liquidity ratio (typically 0 to 0.5), the greater is considered to be the level of competition prevailing in the market, and the more affordable medicines are analyzed. Calculation of this indicator was conducted as follows:

where Pmax – the maximum price of medicine;

Pmin – the minimum price of medicine [8].

The calculations determined that the overall value of the liquidity ratio for AAM groups of less than 0.5, indicating a relatively severe competitive environment prevailing in the market. On the other hand relatively low values ​​of liquidity positively characterize AAM availability for people (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. AAM and their group liquidity of price analysis as for March 2014

One of ratios of availability of medicines the adequacy of solvency ratio (Ca.s.) is considered. The lower the value of the index, the more affordable for the population medicines are considered. Accordingly, we have calculated the value of this indicator for AAM and their groups during the 2007-2012 biennium. The calculation was performed as follows:

where P − the average retail price of drugs in the period;

Wa.w. − the average salary for the same period [7].

The calculations determined that the highest solvency adequacy characterized cyanocobalamin, folic acid and iron medicines. However, in general, the AAM groups have alarming high solvency adequacy ratios, as a large proportion among these medicines take recombinant erythropoietin and darbepoetin preparations that have great value and, therefore, relatively low accessibility to population (table 2).

Table 2

The AAM solvency adequacy coefficient analysis during the 2007-2012 bienniums

Pharmacotherapeutic group by ATC classification

The adequacy of solvency coefficient, (Сa.s.) / The deviation of the total Сa.s. value of  В03 «Antianemic preparations» group, %







B03 "Antianemic preparations"







В03А "Iron preparations"

3.23 / -78%

2.49 / -83%

2.61 / -85%

4.63 / -66%

3.84 / -76%

3.19 / -75%

В03В А"Cyanocobalamin and analogues"

0.14 / -99%

0.11 / -99%

0.14 / -99%

0.16 / -99%

0.17 / -99%

0.21 / -98%

В03В В"Folic acid and analogues"

0.99 / -93%

1.05 / -93%

1.58 / -91%

5.05 / -63%

4.25 / -73%

3.95 / -69%

В03Х "Other antianemic preparations"

55.71 / +271%

55.27 / +275%

64.04 / +275%

45.25 / +229%

55.49 / +248%

43.99 / +243%

We also calculated the AAM availability indicator for the period 2007-2012 biennium as follows:

where Ix − index of change of the average salary in the period;

Zmin – the minimum salary in the country;

Is − composite index of prices for drugs in the same period;

Vk − the cost of the consumer basket [9].

To perform the relevant calculations the official statistics were used: the minimum salary , which at the end of the period under review − December 2012 − was 1134 UAH; the index change of the average salary for the period of 2007-2012, which was equal to 2.24; the cost of the consumer basket in 2012, which corresponded to 1800 UAH. The calculations determined that the AAm availability indicator nearly correspond to the optimal level (D ≥ 1). Closest to the optimal values ​​of availability is cyanocobalamin medications, and despite their high cost medicines that are part of a group B03X "Other antianemic preparations" (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. The AAM availability analysis for the period 2007-2012 bienniums

Medicines availability can be estimated by calculating the adequacy of social protection or social availability (Ds), which is close to that of availability (D), above. The optimal level of this index is the value of Ds ≥ 1. Calculation of the adequacy of social protection is calculated using the formula:

where Ig – the group index of retail prices of medicines in the period;

Kc – the coefficient of social protection, which is calculated by the formula:

where Zmin - minimum salary in the country for a certain period;

Vk − a living wage in the country during the same period [5].

Therefore, based on this, we have calculated the value of this indicator for AAM for the period 2008-2012 bienniums. The results of the study showed that during that period of time the AAM availability for the population gradually increased, in addition to a group of cyanocobalamin medicines, however, given that these preparations belong to the low-cost category (up to 8.9 UAH), essential to their capital adequacy of social protection is not. The highest levels of availability, as well as the results of other approaches to determining the availability of the above, characterized preparations of recombinant erythropoietin and darbepoetin (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. The AAM adequacy of social protection indicator analysis for the period 2008-2012 bienniums

Thus, based on the results of the research, it can be argued that the AAM market is characterized favorable environment for consumers in terms of economic affordability of medicines, which are the main causes of a wide range of all AAM groups, a large number of interchangeable madicines and their relatively low retail prices, as a result rather harsh competitive conditions prevailing in the market. The exceptions are some European brands with low availability "Venofer", "Profer", "Totema", "Ferrum Lek", "Sodiofolin", "Maltofer", "Tyfol", "Eprex", "Recormon", "Aranesp", "Mircera".


1. The current state of the AAM market assortment structure was analyzed. Determined that the largest number of trade names have a group of recombinant erythropoietin and darbepoetin (43%) and iron (40%) medicines. For many brands dominate iron medicines (58%). It was established that in the AAM range import drugs (73%) dominated. Results of the AAM separation on price categories showed that the largest share in high value-priced medicines (55%) − all recombinant erythropoietin and darbepoetin and imported iron medicines.

2. The dynamics of average retail price of a package of individual AAM groups for the period 2007-2012 bienniums was analyzed. Among the analyzed groups, only one is characterized by a tendency to gradually decrease the retail price − recombinant erythropoietin and darbepoetin medicines. The dynamics of the rapid increase in the retail price for the analyzed period is characteristic of iron preparations.

3. The connection between the AAM price index and the change in the index of U.S. dollar and the euro currency was determined. Also found that the dynamics of the price index for AAM is similar to the change in the price index for health care. It is not detected due changes in consumer prices over the dynamics of the aforementioned parameters.

4. An external monitoring of retail prices for some AAM was conducted. Determined that the analyzed AAM domestic retail prices were below the indicative retail price suggested by the WHO. Factor is matching international prices for these drugs is in the range 48%-98.4%.

5. The AAM liquidity of price ratio analysis showed the market was characterized by strong competition, with the AAM availability to the public was quite favorable. In the study of the adequacy of solvency ratios determined that the most accessibility for the population characterized by iron, folic acid and cyanocobalamin medicines. However, analysis of the values ​​of AAM availability indicates that preparations of recombinant erythropoietin and darbepoetin are the most accessible to the public. This is also confirmed by calculating the values ​​of the adequacy of social protection. This is primarily can be attributed to the dynamics of the rapid decline in the price of recombinant erythropoietin and darbepoetin medicines compared with other groups of AAM. Based on these data it can be argued that the most AAM availability for population of Ukraine has quite a high value.

6. The main prospect for further research is to build a statistical model to determine the dependence of the retail price and the price index for AAM on a number of factors that affect these rates. Also promising is the definition of the degree of impact of the calculated availability indicators on the AAM retail sales.


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