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Жабоедов Д.Г. Шовная фиксация ИОЛ SL-907 Centrix DZ к радужке при несостоятельности капсульной поддержки
12.08.2014, 00:44

Жабоєдов Д.Г. Шовна фіксація ІОЛ SL-907 Centrix DZ до райдужки при неспроможності капсульної підтримки.
Розроблено метод шовної фіксації ІОЛ SL-907 Centrix DZ до райдужки, який дозволяє забезпечити центральне і стабільне розташування ІОЛ в задній камері ока після факоемульсифікації катаракти у випадках неспроможності капсульної підтримки, що має важливе значення для створення якісного зору при артифакії. Метод використовується при щільній і добре структурованій райдужці, яка не має механічних і дистрофічних дефектів. Перевагою перед іншими методами є достатня простота, обумовлена доступністю маніпуляцій, створення хорошого візуального контролю виконання підшивання і скорочення часу проведення оперативного втручання. Досвід застосування методу підтвердив його доцільність, оскільки забезпечує центральне і стабільне розташування ІОЛ, достатній функціонально-естетичний ефект, відсутність розвитку інтра- та післяопераційних ускладнень.
Ключові слова: катаракта, факоемульсифікація, інтраокулярна корекція, неспроможність капсульної сумки кришталика, підшивання ІОЛ до райдужки.

Жабоедов Д.Г. Шовная фиксация ИОЛ SL-907 Centrix DZ к радужке при несостоятельности капсульной поддержки.
Разработан метод шовной фиксации ИОЛ SL-907 Centrix DZ к радужке, который позволяет обеспечить центральное и стабильное расположение ИОЛ в задней камере глаза после выполнения факоэмульсификации катаракты в случаях несостоятельности капсульной поддержки, что имеет важное значение для создания качественного зрения при артифакии. Метод используется при плотной и хорошо структурированной не имеющей механических и дистрофических дефектов радужке. Преимуществом перед другими методами является достаточная простота, обусловленная доступностью манипуляций, создание хорошего визуального контроля выполнения подшивания и сокращение времени проведения оперативного вмешательства. Опыт использования метода подтвердил его целесообразность, поскольку обеспечивает центральное и стабильное расположение ИОЛ, достаточный функционально-эстетический эффект, отсутствие развития интра- и постоперационных осложнений.
Ключевые слова: катаракта, факоэмульсификация, интраокулярная коррекция, несостоятельность капсульной сумки хрусталика, подшивание ИОЛ к радужке.

Zhaboiedov D.G. Suture fixation of the IOL SL-907 Centrix DZ to the iris in impaired capsular support.
It has been developed a method of the IOL SL-907 Centrix DZ suture fixation to the iris, which allows to guarantee the central and stable location of the IOL in the eye posterior chamber after cataract phacoemulsification in cases of impaired capsular support, which is essential in quality vision creating at pseudophakia. Method is used in a dense and well structured iris that has no mechanical and degenerative defects. Its advantages over other methods are sufficient simplicity due to availability of manipulation, creating of a good visual control of suture performing, and reducing the time of the surgery. Experience in the use of the method has confirmed its reasonability as provides central and stable location of the IOL, sufficient functional and aesthetic effect, absence of intra- and postoperative complications.
Key words: cataract, phacoemulsification, intraocular correction, impaired lens capsular support, IOL suture fixation to the iris.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. А.М. Петруня

УДК 617.741-004.1-089.843-031:681.7.066

Национальный медицинский университет имени А. А. Богомольца

O.O. Bogomolets National medical university


In modern ophthalmosurgery the implantation of an intraocular lens (IOL) into the lens capsular bag is the most appropriate method of aphakia correction that is the most physiological as from the point of view of optics and from the standpoint of biomechanics of the eye [5, 8]. However IOL intracapsular fixation is difficult or even impossible in the absence of adequate capsular support. Insolvency of the capsule or Zinn ligaments is observed at senile lysis and weakness of Zinn ligament fibers, at overripe age-related cataract, at complicated cataract operated on a background of glaucoma, at pseudoexfoliative syndrome, eyeball traumas and contusions etc. [2, 3, 9]. Furthermore, complications as a rupture of the lens posterior capsule, vitreous loss, often arise during cataract phacoemulsification that also complicates the possibility of IOL intracapsular implantation. Therefore, in all these cases the problem of reliable fixation of the intraocular lens is particularly arise to prevent the cases of IOL dislocation and tilt which reduces the visual functions, results in the development of serious complications, and in some cases – the necessity of re-implantation [1, 10].

Today it have been developed the different methods of IOL haptics fixation to the iris, sclera, to the anterior edge of capsulorhexis, which differ in the way of suture conducting, meridian of IOL fixation, surgical approach, using of various IOL models. However, use of a particular method of fixation often involves the risk of intra- and postoperative complications [7, 11]. In this regard, one of the important lines of the implantation surgery development is designing and improvement of the IOL construction and methods of its fixation in complicated cataract surgeries. Consequently, the preference is given to the search of universal IOL models, i.e. those haptics of which would have a structure suggesting an opportunity not only to intracapsular fixation but also to any kind of suturing that is particularly urgent when the need of suture fixation arises directly during the operation due to intraoperative rupture or detachment of the lens capsule [6, 8].

Thus, the problem of choosing the optimal method of aphakia correction at impaired lens capsule bag despite a long history of issue studying remains a very important of modern ophthalmosurgery.

Purpose – to develop a method of suture fixation of IOL SL-907 Centrix DZ in the back chamber of the eye to the iris at the cataract phacoemulsification in cases of impaired capsular support.

Materials and Methods. The study was conducted in the Ophthalmology Department of the Alexander Clinical Hospital in Kiev and the Ophthalmology Department of the Central Policlinic of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the period 2010 – 2013 years. According to the proposed method it were operated on 62 patients, among whom there were 25 men and 37 women aged 64 to 87 years. The decision about suturing of the IOL to the iris was made on the ground of an evaluation of the state of Zinn ligaments and lens capsular bag, as well as the density of the iris.

The developed method of IOL SL-907 Centrix DZ (patent of Ukraine №59004) suture fixation to the iris after cataract phacoemulsification was performed by the following algorithm.

After performing cataract phacoemulsification followed by aspiration of the lenticular masses and IOL implantation in the posterior chamber of the eye, the anterior chamber was filled with viscoelastic (Provisc, Alcon, USA). For the prevention of deformation of the pupil IOL suturing was performed under maximum miosis, which was created by instillation of 1% solution of pilocarpine into the conjunctival sac.

Mani’s needle with polypropylene thread 10/0 was injected into the anterior chamber through the cornea at the limbus in the meridian of 17 hours. Then we pierced the iris with the needle, but previously fixing it with the collet forceps. To prevent slight tear or detachment of the iris and bleeding the iris was pierced in the ischemic zone created with gripping forceps. To ensure that the needle tip is under the IOL and to facilitate the capture of the haptics the needle was directed toward the center of the pupil, for which we lifted the IOL and under visual control stitched IOL haptics with spigot in the horizontal meridian. At 3 mm from the puncture it was performed the needle poke of the iris. Then the needle was brought through the anterior chamber and led out through the cornea at the limbus in the meridian of 13 hours. At 7 mm from the first fixing stitch and parallel to it the second stitch was performed in a similar manner in the meridian at 7 and 11 hours.

Outer loop of the thread was cut and the very thread was cut off the needle. The thread ends were pulled out of the eye anterior chamber with the IOL manipulator through the horizontal paracentesis in the meridians 9 and 15 hours and by then alternately traction and reducing of the outer thread ends the centering of the IOL in the horizontal meridian has been carrying under visual control. Thread ends were tied with avoiding excessive strain to prevent ischemia of the iris. Thread ends were cut off with collet scissors and the knots were displaced under the iris by pulling-up. Operation was completed by the viscoelastic washing out, the anterior chamber formation and sealing of the corneal incisions.

Results and discussion.

As a result of the surgery the stable central position of the IOL SL-907 Centrix DZ had been achieved in all patients. The average visual acuity in the first day after surgery was 0.4±0.2. IOP - 21±3.7 mm Hg. Hemorrhages in the anterior chamber were noted in 19 patients (30.6%).

In 1 month after the surgery visual acuity – 0,6±0,2, IOP - 21 ± 2,4 mm Hg. The pupil remained round shape in 47 cases (75.81%), oval – 9 cases (14.51%) and had an irregular shape – in 6 patients (9.68%). Vision field and color vision ware registered within the age norm. Hemorrhages were not noted, the elements of the iris dystrophy registered in 8 cases (12.90%).

In 3 months after the surgery all patients’ visual acuity was 0.7±0.4, IOP – in the norm ranges, IOL had the correct central position, which was confirmed by ultrasound biomicroscopy.


Application of the developed method of suture fixation of the IOL SL-907 Centrix DZ to the iris makes it possible to reduce the probability of the IOL decentration, to reduce trauma to the eye tissue, to prevent the development of intra-and postoperative complications, to shorten the time of the operation and to improve functional and aesthetic effect of the surgery. All this indicates that the method of the IOL suturing to the iris is effective and safe enough and can be recommended for widespread use in surgical practice at cataract phacoemulsification in cases of impaired ligamentous apparatus of the lens capsular bag.


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