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Должикова О.В., Малоштан Л.М. Експериментальне вивчення протизапальних властивостей нових супозиторіїв вагінальних «Меланізол»
09.10.2014, 16:38

Должикова О.В., Малоштан Л.М. Експериментальне вивчення протизапальних властивостей нових супозиторіїв вагінальних «Меланізол».
Проведені досліди з вивчення протизапальної активності нових вагінальних супозиторіїв «Меланізол» на антиексудативну стадію запалення на моделі карагенінового набряку у щурів. Встановлена виражена антиексудативна активність супозиторіїв «Меланізол», яка значно перевищує дію референс-препарату – супозиторіїв «Гравагін», та не поступається референс-препарату «Супозиторіям з обліпиховою олією» на моделі карагенінового набряку. Отримані дані свідчать про наявність у вагінальних супозиторіїв «Меланізол» протизапальних властивостей та доцільність їхнього подальшого поглибленого вивчення у якості перспективного лікарського засобу для лікування запальних захворювань жіночих статевих органів.
Ключові слова: вагінальні супозиторії, метронідазол, олія чайного дерева, протизапальні властивості.
Должикова Е.В., Малоштан Л.Н. Экспериментальное изучение противовоспалительных свойств новых суппозиториев вагинальных «Меланизол».
Проведены исследования по изучению противовоспалительной активности новых вагинальных суппозиториев «Меланизол» на антиэкссудативную стадию воспаления на модели каррагенинового отека у крыс. Установлена выраженная антиэкссудативная активность суппозиториев «Меланизол», которая значительно превышает действия референс-препарата – супозитории «Гравагин» и не уступает референс-препарату «Супозиториям с облипиховым маслом» на модели каррагенинового отека. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о наличии у вагинальных суппозиториев «Меланизол» противовоспалительных свойств и целесообразности углубленного их изучения в качестве перспективного лекарственного средства для лечения воспалительных заболеваний женских половых органов.
Ключевые слова: вагинальные суппозитории, метронидазол, масло чайного дерева, противовоспалительная активность.
Dolzhykova O.V., Maloshtan L.M. Experimental studying of antiinflammatory properties of new vaginal suppositories “Melanizol”.
The researches for anti-inflammatory activity of new vaginal suppositories “Melanizol” on antiexudative stage of an inflammation on the rats model caragenin edema were carried out. The expressed antiexudative activity of suppositories “Melanizol” is set, which considerably exceeds referens-preparation suppositories “Gravagin” on force of action and wasn’t inferior in effect of suppositories with hippophae oil on the models caragenin edema. The received results testify to presence of anti-inflammatory properties of a new vaginal suppositories “Melanizol” and expediency of the further profound study it as a perspective drug for treatment of inflammatory diseases of female genitals.
Key words: vaginal suppositories, metronidazole, tea tree oil, anti-inflammatory activity.

Рецензент: д.фарм.н., проф. К.Г. Щокіна 

УДК 615.454.2:618.15-002:616-08

Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)


Introduction. Infectious-inflammatory diseases of genitals are caused by different opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms and a very common pathology among women: they are found in 60-85% of all gynecological patients who seek care in health facilities, and in 55-60% of pregnant women [1, 9]. Besides, these diseases are among the main tools of complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period [3, 10]. A large number of medical schemes are used to treat the diseases, indicates their low therapeutic efficacy. The advantages of local treatment are a minimal risk of side effects, the simplicity, ease of use and the absence of contraindications and the ability to use in extragenital pathology [3, 8, 11]. The arsenal of drugs for the treatment of vaginitis needs replenishment of new effective medicines that contain compatible components with minimal toxicity.

Purpose – to study the anti-inflammatory properties of vaginal suppositories "Melanizol" comprising metronidazole and tea tree oil.

Materails And Methods. Study antiexudative properties suppositories were performed on the model karahenin edema on white nonlinear rats-female [2].

References were vaginal suppositories "Hravahin" (at a dose of 30 mg/kg) and "Suppositories with Oleum Hippopheae" (at a dose of 17.64 mg/kg) were counted with coefficients of Rybolovlev Yu.V. [4, 7]. Vaginal suppositories "Melanizol" was used at a dose of 21 mg/kg.

The first stage of research was to study the anti-inflammatory activity (AIA) of suppositories "Melanizol" under the Guidelines of the pre-clinical study of anti-inflammatory drugs [2, 5] after rectal administration in model of aseptic inflammation caused karahenin (1% solution), which is injected under the aponeurosis back rat paw of 0.1 ml.

The second stage of the study of anti-inflammatory properties of vaginal suppositories "Melanizol" was to study their local effects on the mucous membrane of the vagina [2, 5]. For this pre-anesthetized female-rats after scarification were injected 0.2 ml/100 g 1% solution karahenin. The result was assessed by changes in local temperature in the animal vagina and expressed as a percentage [6].

Results were recorded after 1, 2 and 3 hours and the AIA evaluated on the degree of inhibition of edema foot of experimental animals and were compared with the control and expressed as a percentage [2]. The results have been processed statistically with the help of the program Statistica 6. Excel 2007.

Results And Their Discussions. In the experimental group animals, which were administered by karahenin an hour before rectally administered by suppositories "Melanizol", was found a significant decreasing inflammation after comparing with untreated control at the first hour and throughout the experiment. The highest anti-inflammatory effect was observed in 1 hour after administration of karahenin and was 36.2%, in two hours AIA decrease to 25.6% and in 3rd hour effect was at the same level. Reference "Hravahin" was exceeded 2.1 times suppository "Melanizol". "Melanizol" increases of AIA effect only in the hour, but the in 2nd and 3rd expressive to reference "Suppositories with Oleum Hippopheae".

During the second stage of the experiment were fixed increasing temperature in the vagina of female-rats during 3 h, it indicats the presence of an inflammation. "Melanizol" reduces inflammation during the experiment in the group of animals, which in hour before vaginal suppository was administered karahenin. Vaginal suppositories "Melanizol" and "Suppositories with Oleum Hippopheae" demonstrate AIA effect of 23.26% and 18.60% respectively in the first hour of the experiment and to the end of the study. The highest AIA effect of vaginal suppositories "Melanizol" was observed in 3 hours after administration of karahenin and was 44.92%, and was the same level of reference of "Suppository with Oleum Hippopheae" – 43,22%.

Conclusions. Thus, vaginal suppositories "Melanizol" at a dose of 21 mg/kg have an anti-inflammatory properties and influence to a prostaglandins inflammation phase, better than reference "Hravahin" and the same level of reference of "Suppository with Oleum Hippopheae". The received results testify to presence of anti-inflammatory properties of a new vaginal suppositories "Melanizol" and expediency of the further profound study it as a perspective drug for treatment of inflammatory diseases of female genitals.


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