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Головна » Файли » 2014 » 4 (124)

Єрьоменко Р.Ф., Шаталова О.М. Вплив екстракту з трави люцерни посівної на білковий обмін в умовах гіпопротеїнемії, викликаної гідрокортизоно
08.10.2014, 17:47

Єрьоменко Р.Ф., Шаталова О.М. Вплив екстракту з трави люцерни посівної на білковий обмін в умовах гіпопротеїнемії, викликаної гідрокортизоном.
Вивчено стан білкового обміну щурів в умовах гіпопротеїнемії, викликаної гідрокортизоном, під впливом коректора білкового обміну екстракту з трави люцерни посівної (ЕТЛП) в порівнянні з нестероїдним анаболічним препаратом калію оротатом. Встановлено, що ЕТЛП в дозі 25 мг/кг значніше препарату порівняння калію оротат в дозі 180 мг/кг достовірно відновлює пошкоджений гідрокортизоном білковий обмін, перешкоджаючи втраті маси тіла тварин, збільшуючи масові коефіцієнти литкового м’язу, селезінки, наднирників та тимусу. Отримані результати дозволяють говорити про здатність ЕТЛП корегувати білковий обмін, в регуляції якого беруть участь глюкокортикостероїди, за рахунок вмісту в складі білка та амінокислот, які поповнюють ендогенні запаси білка та перешкоджають його втраті.
Ключові слова: екстракт люцерни посівної, білковий обмін, гіпопротеїнемія, гідрокортизон.
Еременко Р.Ф., Шаталова О.М. Влияние экстракта травы люцерны посевной на белковый обмен в условиях гипопротеинемии, вызванной гидрокортизоном.
Изучено состояние белкового обмена у крыс в условиях гипопротеинемии, вызванной гидрокортизоном, под влиянием корректора белкового обмена экстракта травы люцерны посевной (ЭТЛП) по сравнению с нестероидным анаболическим препаратом калия оротатом. Установлено, что ЭТЛП в дозе 25 мг/кг достоверно восстанавливает поврежденный гидрокортизоном белковый обмен, препятствуя потере массы тела животных, увеличивая массовые коэффициенты икроножной мышцы, селезенки, надпочечников и тимуса в сравнении с референс препаратом калия оротатом в дозе 180 мг/кг. Полученные результаты позволяют говорить о способности ЭТЛП корректировать белковый обмен, в регуляции которого участвуют глюкокортикостероиды, за счет содержания в составе белка и аминокислот, которые пополняют эндогенные запасы белка и препятствуют его потере.
Ключевые слова: экстракт люцерны посевной, белковый обмен, гипопротеинемия, гидрокортизон.
Yeriomenko R.F., Shatalov O.M. Effect extract of Medicago sativa sowing grass (EGMS) protein metabolism in a hypoproteinemia caused by hydrocortisone.
The state of protein metabolism in rats with hypoproteinemia caused by hydrocortisone, under the influence of the corrector of protein metabolism extract of Medicago sativa sowing grass (EGMS) compared with non-steroidal anabolic drug potassium orotate. Established that EGMS 25 mg/kg significantly restores damaged hydrocortisone protein metabolism, preventing weight loss of animals, increasing the mass ratios of the gastrocnemius muscle, spleen, adrenal glands and thymus compared to the reference drug, potassium orotate at a dose of 180 mg/kg. The results obtained suggest the ability EGMS adjust protein metabolism, which are involved in the regulation of glucocorticoids, due to the content in the protein and amino acids that replenish stocks endogenous protein and prevent its loss.
Key words: extract of Medicago sativa, protein metabolism, hypoproteinemia, hydrocortisone.

Рецензент: д.біол.н., проф. В.М. Кравченко

УДК 615.451.1:612.015.3:577.122:582.736.3

Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)


The role of proteins in an organism is very various: their molecules are high-specific, each protein has its personal physiology functions that in totality provide vitally important functions   in an organism : structural, plastic, energy, transport, regulatory and others. The mechanism of action of all steroid hormones consists in direct influence on genetic apparatus of cell nucleuses, stimulation of synthesis of corresponding RNA, activating of synthesis and transport of cations of proteins and enzymes, and also increase of permeability of membranes for amino acids. Glucocorticoids straight or mediated regulate practically all types of metabolism and physiology functions. They brake protein synthesis and increase by means of gluconeogenesis its lysis in lymphoid tissue and somatic compartment, but not in hepar where biosynthesis of many globulins and transaminases opposite increases. Having regard to above-stated and on that object of our research an extract of medicago sativa sowing grass (EGMS) is a corrector of proteometabolism  it has been expedient to study the state of proteometabolism that is regulated by glucocorticosteroids.

The goal of the work is investigation of proteometabolism state of rats in the conditions of hypoproteinemia caused by hydrocortisone under the influence of corrector of proteometabolism extract of medicago sativa sowing grass in comparison with kalium orotate.

For realization of research of proteometabolism state of rats in the conditions of hypoproteinemia it was used 32 white sexually mature rats. Studies were undertaken with observance of the humane handling with animals in accordance with the rules of "European convention of defence of vertebrates that are used in an experiment and other scientific aims" (Strasbourg, 1986). After randomization the animals were inserted intragastrically EGMS in a dose 25 mg/kg and preparation of comparison of potassium orotate in a dose 180 mg/kg during two weeks. Then with the aim of reproduction of hypoproteinemia it was inserted the suspension of hydrocortone acetate in a dose 100 mg/kg intramuscularly during 7 days. At the same time it was continued inserting the investigated preparations in corresponding doses. During the experiment it was determined the body mass dynamics of animals. After completing the experiment it was made clinical blood analysis, then the animals were egested from the experiment by means of narcotization of aethaminalum-natrium. Blood was collected for getting of serum with the aim of biochemical estimation of proteometabolism of animals. The got results were processed by the methods of variation statistics by means of standard package of statistical softwares "Statistica 6,0".

The analysis of the got results showed that hydrocortone causes the expected abnormality of proteometabolism. It appeared for the animals of group of control pathology reliable in relation to the group of intact control (ІC) by the loss of 24% of body mass that pointed on abnormality of trophic processes in the organism of animals.

Abnormality of proteometabolism in the system of hemostasis under the influence of hydrocortone caused reliable in relation to the group of ІC decrease of haemoglobin level, amount of leucocytes and change of leukogram. The analysis of values of mass coefficients of organs testifies that abnormality of proteometabolism and activating of protein degradation in the organism of animals of group CP caused reliable relatively ІC loss of mass cochlear muscle, lien, adrenal and thymus. The increase of mass coefficient (MC) of hepar points on tension of functioning of organ and development of edama under the influence of hydrocortone.

Abnormality of proteometabolism under the influence of hydrocortone is confirmed biochemically, about what testifies the reliable in relation to the group of IC decrease of protein amount in telas of hepar and cochlear muscle, level of total protein and correlation of protein fractions in the blood serum, and increase of amount of molecules of middle mass (MMM) and concentration of urea in the blood serum. The last indexes also testify to activating by hydrocortone of protein molecules breakdown.


It is determined that EGMS in a dose 25 mg/kg more considerable than reference potassium orotate in a dose 180 mg/kg for certain renew damaged by hydrocortone proteometabolism, preventing the loss of body mass of animals, increasing mass coefficients of cochlear muscle, lien, adrenal and thymus, amount of proteins in cochlear muscle, decreasing of protein degradation - a level in the blood serum of   molecules of middle mass and urea. The got results allow to talk about ability of EGMS to correct proteometabolism in regulation of that participate glucocorticosteroids, probably due to content in protein complement and amino acids that supplement endogenous supplies of proteins and prevent its loss.


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