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Бабій Л.М., Ольховський В.О., Шкляр А.С. Соматотип та його взаємозв’язки з анатомо-топографічними особливостями шлунка людини
25.07.2014, 15:54

Бабій Л.М., Ольховський В.О., Шкляр А.С. Соматотип та його взаємозв’язки з анатомо-топографічними особливостями шлунка людини.
Виявлено, що серед осіб доліхоморфного та мезоморфного соматотипів найбільш частими є дві форми шлунка – гачкоподібна та рогоподібна відповідно (21,3±2,1)% та (41,7±2,5%). Найбільшу морфометричну гетерогенність виявлено при обстеженні осіб з брахіморфним соматотипом; в цій групі обстежених на фоні переважання гачкоподібної (25,2±2,2%) та рогоподібної (7,3±1,3%) форм. Із соматометричних факторів найбільш впливовим є соматотип обстежених (RКС=0,523), тоді як серед органометричних факторів – провідна роль належить положенню шлунка (RКС=0,483). Вказані системо-утворюючі фактори займають відповідно перше та друге рангові місця.
Ключові слова: соматотип, анатомія, топографія, шлунок.
Бабий Л.Н., Ольховський В.А., Шкляр А.С. Соматотип и его взаимосвязи с анатомо-топографическими особенностями желудка человека.
Выявлено, что среди лиц с долихоморфным и мезоморфным соматотипом наиболее частыми есть две формы желудка – крючкообразная и рогообразная соответственно у (21,3±2,1)% и (41,7±2,5%). Наибольшую морфометрическую гетерогенность выявлено среди лиц с брахиморфным соматотипом; в этой группе превалировали крючкоподобная (25,2±2,2%) и рогоподобная формы (7,3±1,3%) желудка. Из соматометрических факторов наиболее влиятельным выявился соматотип обследованных (RКС=0,523), тогда как среди органометрических – ведущая роль принедлежит положению желудка (RКС=0,483); указанные системообразующие факторы занимают соответственно первое и второе ранговые места по силе влияния.
Ключові слова: соматотип, анатомия, топография, желудок.
Babiy L.M., Olkhovskiy V.O., Shklyar A.S. Somatotype and its interdependence with the characteristics of the anatomical topography of the human’s stomach.
Analyzing the dependence of the stomach anatomical shapes on the somatotype it has been revealed that dolychomorphic and mesomorphic somatotypes subjects in most cases had two stomach shapes – hook-shaped and hornlike (21,3±2,1% and 41,7±2,5% correspondingly). Morphometric heterogeneity was utmostly observed among the subjects of brachymorphic somatotype; in this group of subjects the hook-shaped and hornlike stomach shapes prevailed (25,2±2,2% and 7,3±1,3% correspondingly). The somatotype of the subjects is one of the most consequential somatometric factors (RКС=0,523), while the stomach position is one of the most significant factors among the organometric ones (RКС=0,483). The abovementioned factors take first and second place by their rank.
Key words: somatotype, anatomia, topographya, stomach.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. В.І. Лузін

УДК 611.9:612.6]-053.8 (043.3)

Харківський національний медичний університет МОЗ України

Харьковский национальный медицинский университет

Kharkiv National Medical University


Introduction.Researching viscera spatial organization and the factors determining anatomical structure thereof is the issue of the day in the modern morphology. The clinical relevance of this problem is closely related to the promising integration development of the diagnostic and screening technologies.

Despite the great number of publications on the human’s stomach anatomy the characteristics of its topography in different age groups are clarified incompletely. Detailed data concerning age-related changes of the stomach internal and external structures is missing in the scientific literature.

Thus, applicability of this research is dictated by the significance for medical science in general of the data on the general regularities of the constitution (shape, position) of the human body organs on various stages of their formation.

The objective of this research was to investigate comprehensively the occurrence of various stomach shapes and positions among the subjects of different somatotypes.

Research materials  and methods. According to the conceptual provisions of the research program the stomach anatomy has been research in linkage to basic somatometric properties. Somatotype, height, bodyweight, Quetelet index, as well as stomach shape and position were defined in the course of this research, following which the angle created between the cardia at the entrance to the stomach, and the esophagus (the angle of His) of the digestive tracts sections of the humans was calculated, with a preliminary contrast studies thereof. In order to perform a morphometric standardization of the research results a special morphometric record card was used. Standard biometrics methods were applied for results statistical generalization. 

Research results and discussions. The interdependence of somatotype and stomach position has been researched on 381 subjects. It was noted that subjects of dolichomorphic and mesomorphic types had vertical oblique position of the stomach, while the subjects of brachymorphic type had all three variants of stomach positioning.

The abovementioned trend indicates that brachymorphic somatotype is more inclined to anatomic inconstancy. In general, the most wide-spread stomach position is vertical with a hooky shape; horizontal and oblique positions of the stomach, especially retort-shaped, sandglass-shaped and cone-shaped, are exceptional occurrences of stomach anatomy.

Another significant organometircal characteristic that was differentiated by the somatotype of the subjects was the angle created between the cardia at the entrance to the stomach, and the esophagus(the angle of His). In most cases the acute angle of His was observed among the mesomorphic type subjects.Acute angle of His among the dolichomorphic somatotype had a rarer occurrence. The stomach with a right angle or oblique angle of His within the specified somatotypes had exceptionally low occurrence rate.

Gender individualities of the organometry characteristics with indifferent somatotypes have been analyzed. The brachymorphic somatotype was observed in approximately equal proportions among male and female subjects, while the dolychomorphic type was recorded more often among the male subjects, and the mesomorphic somatotype among the female ones.

Gender individualities of the stomach positioning were expressed by the higher probability of horizontal position among the male subjects compared to the female ones.

Gender individualities concerning the stomach shape were expressed by the higher probability of hook-shaped stomach among the male subjects,and heterogeneity of the stomach shapes among the female subjects. It should also be noted that cone-shaped stomachs have been observed only among the male subjects, while retort-shaped and sandglass-shaped only among the female ones. Considering the low occurrence of the abovementioned shapes they can be referred to the nontypical.

Summarizing the revealed interconnections between the polyfactorial system of somatometric and organometric characteristics by means of correlational analysis instrument, and based on the properties of the correlational indices a systematically important coefficient (RКС) has been calculated for each of the factors that serves as a criteria for selecting core factors.


1. Analyzing the dependence of the stomach anatomical shapes on the somatotype it has been revealed that dolychomorphic and mesomorphic somatotypes subjects in most cases had two stomach shapes – hook-shaped and hornlike (21,3±2,1% and 41,7±2,5% correspondingly).

2. Morphometric heterogeneity was utmostly observed among the subjects of brachymorphic somatotype; in this group of subjects the hook-shaped and hornlike stomach shapes prevailed (25,2±2,2% and 7,3±1,3% correspondingly).

3. The somatotype of the subjects is one of the most consequential somatometric factors (RКС=0,523), while the stomach position is one of the most significant factors among the organometric ones (RКС=0,483). The abovementioned factors take first and second place by their rank.

The aspects of further researches of interrelations between the somatotype and morphofunctional condition of digestive system are related to there searches of individual anatomic inconstancy of some organs of hepatobilitary system.


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2. Ольховський В.О. Анатомічні особливості шлунка у осіб різних соматотипів / В.О. Ольховський // Медицина сьогодні і завтра. - 2003. - № 3. - С. 119-123.
3. Ольховський В.О. Анатомія шлунка людини: соматовісцеральні взаємозв’язки / В.О. Ольховський // Експериментальна і клінічна медицина. – 2004. - № 1. - С. 57-61.
4. Ольховський В.О. Морфологічні особливості судинно-нервових структур шлунка людини / В.О. Ольховський // Актуальні питання фармацевтичної та медичної науки та практики: зб. наук. статей наук.-практ. конф. морфологів. - Запоріжжя, 2003. - Випуск XI. - С. 188-195.
5. Ольховський В.О. Просторова організація мікроциркуляторного русла шлунка людини / В.О. Ольховський // Таврический медико-биологический вестник. - 2003. –Т.6, № 6. - С. 123-126.
6. Ольховський В.О. Соматометрична характеристика анатомічних варіантів шлунка людини / В.О.Ольховський // Вісник морфології. - 2003. - № 2. - С. 415-418.
7. Пат. 52370 А, Україна. МКІ 7 А61В10/00. Спосіб оцінки тяжкості порушень моторно-евакуаційної функції шлунково-кишкового тракту / Шкляр С.П., Опарін А.Г., Просоленко К.О., Шутова О.В. - № 2002043076; заявл. 16.04.2002; опубл. 16.12.2002, Бюл. № 12.
8. Пат. 66290 А, Україна. МКІ 7 А61В5/107. Спосіб діагностики морфотипу шлунка людини / Бурих М.П., Ольховський В.О., Шкляр С.П., Терещенко А.О., Просоленко К.О., Долгая О.В. - № 2003109169; заявл. 10.10.2003; опубл. 15.04.2004, Бюл. № 4.

Категорія: 3 (117) | Додав: siderman | Теги: anatomia, соматотип, анатомія, stomach, topographya, somatotype, шлунок, топографія
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