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Дубинина Н.В. Перспективы использования комбинации аминокислот при психоорганическом синдроме инфекционного генеза
02.08.2014, 13:04

Дубинина Н.В. Перспективы использования комбинации аминокислот при психоорганическом синдроме инфекционного генеза.
Проведены клинические исследования терапевтического действия глюкогенных аминокислот (суммарная доза 3000 мг и 6000 мг в сутки на протяжении 3-х месяцев, курсами 2 раза в год) на 120 пациентов с психоорганическим синдромом инфекционного генеза. Выявлена положительная динамика вследствие проведённой терапии.
Ключевые слова: глютамин, аспарагиновая кислота, аргинин, психоорганический синдром, нейротропная активность, антимикробная активность.
Дубініна Н.В. Перспективи використання комбінації амінокислот при психоорганічного синдрому інфекційного генезу.
Проведено клінічні дослідження терапевтичної дії глюкогенних амінокислот (сумарна доза 3000 мг і 6000 мг на добу протягом 3 -х місяців, курсами 2 рази на рік) на 120 пацієнтів з психоорганічним синдромом інфекційного генезу. Виявлена позитивна динаміка внаслідок проведеної терапії.
Ключові слова: глютамін, аспарагінова кислота, аргінін, психоорганічний синдром, нейротропна активність, антимікробна активність
Dubinina N.V. Prospects for use of combinations of amino acids at psychoorganic syndrome of infectious origin.
Clinical studies of therapeutic action of glucogenic amino acids (total dose of  3000 mg and 6000 mg per day during 3 months, 2 courses per year) were held on 120 patients with psycho-organic syndrome of infectious origin. Positive dynamics due to the therapy was revealed.
Key words: glutamine, aspartic acid, arginine, psycho-organic syndrome, neurotrophic activity, antimicrobial activity.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. В.О. Тєрьошин

УДК 577.112.3:616.831:616-08

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)


The preparations on the basis of amino acids are widely used in clinical medicine for basic biochemical purposes. Amino acids play an important role in the metabolic processes, in the normalization of the central nervous system. Previously, our studies have shown that used in clinical practice drugs on the basis of aspartic and glutamic amino acids exhibit certain antimicrobial effects. Thus, the composition of glutamine, arginine and aspartic acid may perform versatile pharmacological effect in the treatment of psycho-organic syndrome of infectious origin.

The aim of this work was to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of aspartic acid, glutamine and arginine in patients with psycho-organic syndrome of infectious etiology.

Clinical studies have been conducted during two years at the Scientific Research Institute of immunopathology of Academy of Medical Sciences of Russia (Moscow), led by Professor Abidov M.T.

Treatment was carried out taking into account the clinical, neurophysiological and psychophysiological control. Clinical observation of the effectiveness of the treatment was carried out on 120 outpatients. By gender there were 80 men and 40 women. The average age was 53.

Before treatment according to clinical and paraclinical examinations, patients were grouped as follows: 1) psycho-organic syndrome on the background of cerebral atherosclerosis; 2) psycho-organic syndrome on the background of moderate dysfunction of cerebral hemodynamics.

 In the first group (29 people) patients received a dose of arginine 4000 mg, glutamine, and aspartic acid - 2000 mg per day. In the second group (47 people), patients received glutamine and aspartic acid - 2000 mg per day, and arginine - 1000 mg per day. Drugs were administered orally 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals in average of 3 months, 2 courses per year.

Functional state of cerebral neurodynamic processes was evaluated using the method of spectral strength and coherence analysis on "MBN - neyroreokartografe " (Russia).

Therapeutic target of administration of destination amino acids was acceleration of restorative processes of the CNS due to the optimization of protein and carbohydrate metabolism in the brain tissues, in redox processes, in enhancing brain energy processes, in the transfer of excitation in the central synapses, the therapeutic effects on infectious etiologic and pathogenetic factors.

 The positive effect of therapy on objective physiological and physiological indicators was found out. Significant improvement was registered in 56 patients: increase in the background mood in the study group was 5,4-6,1 points, while in the control group, respectively – 4,7-5,2 points. In treated patients there was improvement of memory on current and past events. Improved was also subjective assessment of the quality of sleep, patients started understanding betters the read and heard information by 7 patients disappeared tinnitus.

Positive therapeutic effect was traced within 1-1,5 years in patients with post-encephalitic psychoorganic syndrome and was observed as a reduction of asthenic syndrome, improvement of efficiency, emotional stabilization.

Usage of glutamine, aspartic acid and arginine may have preventive value in the absence of toxic metabolites and may be used for the relief of asthenic syndrome and improvement of some mental functions in patients with psycho-organic syndrome. Positive clinical effects of the use of glucogenic amino acids combining directional neurotropic action and anti-infective ability show good perspectives for application of these combinations of amino acids in the complex therapy of psycho-organic syndrome of infectious origin.



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9. Дикий И.Л. Зависимость сопутствующих антимикробных свойств от стереохимимческой структуры кислих глюкогенных аминокислот / И.Л. Дикий, Н.В. Дубинина, Е.М. Дикая // Журн. Анали Мечніковського інституту. – Харків, 2003. - №4-5 [Пр. Міжнародної наукової конф. «Актуальні питіння боротьби з інфекційними захворюваннями»]. – С.131.
10. Дубініна Н.В. Перспективи створення протимікробних препаратів на основі глюкогенних амінокислот / Н.В. Дубініна // Проблеми екологічної та медичної генетики і клінічної імунології: зб.наук.праць. – Київ; Луганськ, 2012. - Вип. 1 (114). – С. 343-350.

Категорія: 5 (119) | Додав: siderman | Теги: neurotrophic activity, antimicrobial activity, glutamine, psycho-organic syndrome, arginine, aspartic acid
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