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Головна » Файли » 2013 » 4 (118)

Еременко Р.Ф., Малоштан Л.Н., Яценко Е.Ю. Влияние экстракта из травы люцерны посевной на уровень иммуноглобулинов у крыс с экспериментальным
30.07.2014, 18:24

Еременко Р.Ф., Малоштан Л.Н., Яценко Е.Ю. Влияние экстракта из травы люцерны посевной на уровень иммуноглобулинов у крыс с экспериментальным иммунодефицитом.
Установлено, что в условиях иммунодепрессии, вызванной введением цитотоксина циклофосфана, у крыс группы КП наблюдалось достоверное, относительно группы ИК, снижение концентрации иммуноглобулинов: IgA – в 2,7 раза, IgM – в 1,9 раза и IgG – в 1,4 раза. Введение животным корректора белкового обмена ЭТЛП в дозе 25 мг/кг в превентивно-лечебном режиме препятствовало развитию иммунодепрессии, что выражалось достоверным, относительно группы КП, повышением уровня IgA в 2,2 раза, уровня IgM в 1,6 раза и тенденционным, относительно КП, повышением содержания IgG в 1,2 раза. ЭТЛП в дозе 25 мг/кг проявляет иммуномодулирующее и иммуностимулирующее действие и по активности превосходит препарат сравнения таблетки «Эхинацея-ратиофарм» в дозе 36 мг/кг в 1,1-1,5 раза, что свидетельствует о перспективности применения ЭТЛП в комплексной терапии и с целью предупреждения иммунодефицитных состояний, развивающихся вследствие применения цитостатиков, антибиотиков и других лекарственных средств, нарушающих белковый обмен и функции иммунной системы.
Ключевые слова: иммунитет, экстракт из травы люцерны посевной, иммуноглобулины.

Єрьоменко Р.Ф., Малоштан Л.М., Яценко О.Ю. Вивчення впливу екстракту з трави люцерни посівної на рівень імуноглобулінів у щурів з експеріментальним імунодефіцитом.
Встановлено, що в умовах імунодепресії, викликаної введенням цитотоксину циклофосфану у щурів групи КП спостерігалося достовірне , щодо групи ІК, зниження концентрації імуноглобулінів: IgA – в 2,7 рази, IgM – в 1,9 рази і IgG – в 1,4 рази. Введення тваринам коректора білкового обміну ЕТЛП в дозі 25 мг/кг у превентивно-лікувальному режимі перешкоджало розвитку імунодепресії, що виражалося достовірним, щодо групи КП , підвищенням рівня IgA в 2,2 рази, рівня IgM в 1,6 рази і тенденционно, щодо КП, підвищенням вмісту IgG в 1,2 рази. ЕТЛП в дозі 25 мг/кг проявляє імуномодулюючу та імуностимулюючу дію і по активності перевершує препарат порівняння таблетки «Ехінацея-ратіофарм» у дозі 36 мг/кг у 1,1-1,5 разів, що свідчить про перспективність застосування ЕТЛП в комплексній терапії та з метою попередження імунодефіцитних станів, що розвиваються внаслідок застосування цитостатиків, антибіотиків та інших лікарських засобів, що порушують білковий обмін і функції імунної системи.
Ключові слова: імунітет, екстракт з трави люцерни посівної, імуноглобуліни.
Eremenko R.F., Maloshtan L.N., Yatsenko E. Yu. The effect of extract Medicago sativa sowing grass on immunoglobulin levels in rats with experimental immunodeficiency .
It has been established that in the context of immunosuppression caused by the introduction of cyclophosphamide cytotoxin in rats of the group CP there was a significant, compared to the IC group, reduction of the concentration of immunoglobulins: IgA in 2,7 times, IgM – 1,9 times and IgG – 1,4 times. The introduction to the animal with the protein metabolism corrector EGMS at a dose of 25 mg/kg in the preventive and therapeutic regime hindered the development of immunosuppression, which was reflected in significant, compared to the group CP, increase of levels of IgA at 2,2 times the level of IgM 1,6 times tendencial relative to the group CP, increase of the content of IgG in 1,2 times. EGMS at a dose of 25 mg/kg exhibits immunomodulatory and immunostimulating actions and its activity was superior to the reference the pills “Echinacea-ratiopharm” at a dose of 36 mg/kg to 1,1-1,5 times, which shows the prospect of applying EGMS in the treatment and prevention of the immunodeficiency which occurs from the use of cytotoxic drugs, antibiotics and other drugs that violate the protein metabolism and function of the immune system.
Key words: immunity, the extract Medicago sativa sowing grass, immunoglobulins.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. О.М. Гладченко

УДК 615.272.6:615.322:612.017.1


Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)


Introduction. The immune system is one of the most complex things in the human body. Its role is difficult to overestimate, because it protects our body from various foreign agents (antigens ) – microbial, viral, parasitic, plant and living , and also destroys its own tissues and cells of the body that have undergone pathological changes. With its participation there are the infectious, inflammatory, allergic, autoimmune and other processes [1].

When being ingested the antigens induce an immune response , which results are in the synthesis of special protective proteins (antibodies) – immunoglobulins or g-globulins (IgA, IgG, IgE, IgM), which form humoral immunity [2].

A normally functioning immune system provides the human organism with a high level of protection , and its disorders are the cause of several diseases.

In many diseases protein metabolism disrupted, which leads to hypoproteinemia, which depletes the pool of endogenous protein needed for the synthesis of vital elements including immunoglobulins. Therefore, in treatment of such diseases in order to maintain the normal immune system activity is necessary to use equalizers of protein metabolism which would be donors of proteins and aminoacids, and their deficiency will be eliminated by endogenous protein pool .

As a donor for such substances we may use of extract Medicago sativa sowing grass (EGMS) the kind of bean (Fabaceae), which contains in its composition proteins, 17 aminoacids (8 non-replaceable), 8 enzymes that participate in cleavage of proteins and facilitate their assimilation. Also, the EGMS includes other biologically active substances (BAS) with antioxidant, membranestabilizing , organoprotective, and other anti-inflammatory properties [3]. This BAS composition provides the ability of EGMS induces the protein synthesis, as in healthy animals and in the background of hypoproteinemii [4,5], membranestabilizing and cytoprotective properties of [6].

We carried out the histological studies of immunocompetent organs of animals with immunodeficiency which allowed to find out that the EGMS at a dose of 25 mg/kg for preventive and therapeutic administration due to a correction of protein metabolism, membrane stabilization and organprotective activity caused by the BAS has immunostimulatory effect and restores the histological structure and the functional state of the main organs of the immune system of the thymus, spleen and liver [7].

Connection of the work with academic programs, plans, themes.

The thesis has been performed as part of the research program "The pharmacological studies of biologically active substances and of pharmaceuticals of synthetic and natural origin of their use in the medical practice» (№ state. Registration 0103U000478).

The purpose of the work is to examine the contents of immunoglobulins IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies in the serum of rats with cyclophosphar immunodeficiency and preventive and curative effect on it with the EGMS at a dose of 25 mg/kg.

As a comparison drug we chose permitted in Ukraine plant immunomodulator and immune stimulant-pills "Echinacea-ratiopharm" (FF TEVA, Israel) at a dose of 36 mg/kg [8].

In the experiment, we used white rats weighing 180-200 g that were randomized into 4 groups of 8 animals per group: 1-intact control (IC), 2-control pathology (CP), 3-an experienced group of animals treated in EGMS at a dose 25 mg/kg 4-experimental group of animals which were administered with the tablets "Echinacea-ratiopharm" at a dose of 36 mg/kg.

The study drug and comparator were administered intragastrically within 2 weeks. Further, in order to reproduce immunodeficiency experimental animals against the drug administration and animals in group CP for a week were intramuscularly administered with cyclophosphamide at a dose of 10 mg/kg. Thereafter, animals were withdrawn from the experiment using decapitation under anesthesia and their blood was collected for serum to carry out immunoassay and determination of the concentration of immunoglobulins IgA, IgG and IgM.

All studies were performed in accordance with the requirements of the Commission on Bioethics of the National Pharmaceutical University and the "General ethical experiments on animals" (Kyiv, 2001), which are consistent with the provisions of the "European Convention for the protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and scientific purposes" (Strasbourg, 1986) [9]. The obtained experimental data were processed by methods of variation statistics using a standard statistical software package «Statistica 6,0.

Results and discussion.

Analysis of the data showed that the introduction of cyclophosphane cytotoxin caused immunosuppression in the rats, which manifested itself in certain, compared to the groups IR , reducing the concentration of immunoglobulins: IgA - in 2,7 times, IgM - in 1,9 times and IgG – in 1,4 times. Preventive and curative administration of the EGMS to the rats at a dose of 25 mg/kg and the tablets" Echinacea - ratiopharm" at a dose of 36 mg/kg prevented the development of immunosuppression, which reflected in a significant, relative to the group CP, increase of levels of IgA in the 2,2 and 1,5 times respectively, and tendencial increase of the content of IgG in 1,2 and 1.1 times respectively.

Thus, these results suggest that in the context of cyclophosphar immunosuppression EGMS at a dose of 25 mg/kg exhibits in 1,1-1,5 times a stronger immune-modulating and immunostimulatoryregulating effects than the reference drug pills "Echinacea - ratiopharm" at a dose of 36 mg/kg, which is associated with increased IgA ability to activate the complement, performing a safety function; IgM - to induce primary vet - B cells to antigenic stimulus and phagocytosis; IgG, having the properties of agglutination and precipitation, running the reactions that lead to lysis and phagocytosis.

The conclusions

1. It has been established that under the conditions of cyclophosphane immunosuppression EGMS at a dose of 25 mg/kg prevents the development of immunosuppression, which is expressed in a significant, relative to the group CP, increase of the levels of IgA in 2,2 times, the level of IgM in 1.6 times, tendencial, regarding the group CP, increase of IgG content in 1,2 times.

2. EGMS at a dose of 25 mg/kg exhibits immunomodulatory and immuno- stimulating action and according to its activity is superior to the reference pills" Echinacea - ratiopharm" at a dose of 36 mg/kg to 1,1-1,5 times.

3. The obtained data indicate the prospects of application of EGMS use in the treatment and to prevent immunodeficiency (immunosuppressive), developing as a result of application of cytotoxic drugs, antibiotics and other drugs on the depleting protein metabolism and immune functions .


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