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Головна » Файли » 2013 » 4 (118)

Євтушенко О.М. Ризики в системі фармацевтичної опіки: оцінка витрат на ліквідацію наслідків побічної реакції
30.07.2014, 18:19

Євтушенко О.М. Ризики в системі фармацевтичної опіки: оцінка витрат на ліквідацію наслідків побічної реакції.
У статті приділяється увага питанням безпечного споживання лікарських засобів та раціональної фармакотерапії, оцінки збитків від виникнення побічних реакцій. Проведено комплекс досліджень, спрямованих на вивчення ризиків, пов’язаних з виникненням ПР ЛЗ, і обґрунтовано методичні підходи до їх оцінки. Складено алгоритм для обчислення прямих витрати на усунення наслідків ПР, за допомогою якого проведені розрахунки на прикладі антибактеріальних засобів.
Ключові слова: ризики, лікарські засоби, фармацевтична опіка, побічна реакція, витрати.

Евтушенко Е.Н. Риски в системе реакции фармацевтической опеки: оценка затрат на ликвидацию последствий побочной реакции.
В статье отмечается важность вопросов безопасного потребления лекарственных средств и рациональной фармакотерапии, оценки убытков при возникновении побочной реакции. Проведен комплекс исследований, направленный на изучение рисков, связанных с возникновением побочной реакци  на лекарственные средства, и обоснованы методические подходы к их оценке. Разработан алгоритм оценки прямых затрат на ликвидацию последствий побочных реакций, с помощью которого проведены расчеты на примере антибактериальных средств.
Ключевые слова: риски, лекарственные средства, фармацевтическая опека, побочная реакция, затраты.
Yevtushenko O. Risks in the pharmaceutical care : a costs assessment on the liquidation of the adverse reactions consequences.
The article notes the importance of the issues of medicines safe consumption and rational pharmacotherapy, estimation of losses in the event of adverse reactions. Was carried out a set of studies aimed at studying the risks associated with the occurrence of adverse reactions to medicines, and justified the methodological approaches to evaluation. The algorithm of estimates the direct costs to eliminate the impact of adverse reactions by which the calculations on the example of antibacterial agents was developed.
Key words: risks , medicines , pharmaceutical care , adverse events, costs.
Рецензент: д.фарм.н., проф. А.С. Немченко

УДК 615.065 : 330.131.7

Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)


The processes of socio-economic reforms are determine the need of development of new methods and approaches in the field of organization of medical and drug care. The choice of medicines considering price and quality, as well as the level of safety, the main indicator of which is the number and consequences of side effects (SE) of the medicines.

In connection with the foregoing, the aim of research becomes the study of the risks, which associated with the emergence of SE of medicines, and substantiation of the methodological approaches to those evaluation.

Risks caused by the emergence of the SE, leading to serious economic losses on the liquidation of the consequences of irrational therapy. These risks are classified groups according to the point of impact in the following.

For the person who takes the medicines may occur the following risks: the emergence of SE; adverse outcome of reception of the medicine (incapacitation, the emergence of the new disease, disability, death); moral damages; increase the duration of treatment; increase the cost of treatment.

For organizations employing occur: loss of employment; an increase in payments for sick leaves; a loss of income.

For the health care setting threat includes the following risks: increase of financial expenses in case of replacement of the drug that caused the SE; increase of financial expenses on treatment consequences of SE; increase of financial costs of providing emergency medical procedures in case of SE; reduction trust to medical staff and clinic as a whole; increase of bed days and average employment beds per year; penal sanctions and litigation; irrationality of list of medicines which recommended for purchases by budget funds [2,3].

For a manufacturer in this situation arise the following risks: identifying the adverse effects of medicines; return of the consignment; the ban on the sale of the drug; penalties; the risk of litigation costs; the deterioration of the image of the firm. Economic and social losses related to listed above the risk sufficiently substantial. Their timely assessment enables you to understand the degree of threat and improve the rationality of using budget and off-budget funds for the purchase of medicines.

The algorithm for calculation of a direct expense on elimination of consequences of adverse reactions is given in article. Calculations should be carried out using data on dosage, basic diagnosis, duration of drug therapy, the number of cases of SE, information about cancellation of a particular drug. Next, the calculations take into account the costs on diagnosing the symptoms of the AR manifestation, the average cost of SE symptoms pharmacotherapy, duration of treatment, cost  per bed day.

Using this algorithm we have calculated the direct expenses to remedy the effects of SE through the use of antibacterial agents. Calculations were carried out using a database of cases of SE in the Kharkiv region. Expenses measures of care was evaluated based on the minimum purchase prices for drugs (at the time of research) and minimum rates for medical manipulations which were on the health insurance market .

The analysis shows the need for careful selection of medicines in terms of "quality - safety," because amounts received as costs to eliminate the effects of SE in some cases can  reduced to zero rationality and optimization of pharmacotherapy, significantly increase the duration and cost of treatment.

The proposed analysis algorithm allows to assess the level of costs for elimination of SE, promotes cost-effective methods of drug use, improve the quality of medical and pharmaceutical care, rational use of available resources, including budgetary and extra-budgetary funds allocated for drugs purchasing.


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Категорія: 4 (118) | Додав: siderman | Теги: adverse events, medicines, risks, pharmaceutical care
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