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Головна » Файли » 2013 » 3 (117)

Глазков Е.О. Вплив адаптогенів на показники варіабельності серцевого ритму організму іноземних студентів
25.07.2014, 00:13

Глазков Е.О. Вплив адаптогенів на показники варіабельності серцевого ритму організму іноземних студентів.
У статті подано результати дослідження впливу адаптогенів рослинного походження на функціональні показники серцево-судинної і вегетативної нервової системи в процесі адаптації до навколишнього середовища. Дана оцінка адаптаційних можливостей серцево-судинної системи за показниками варіабельності серцевого ритму. Показана ефективність використання ехінацеї, як засобу корекції порушень процесу адаптації іноземних студентів - громадян Китаю. Дана порівняльна характеристика складових процесу адаптації студентів. Визначені адаптаційні можливості організму іноземних студентів в процесі навчання у навчальному закладі. Визначена необхідність дослідження проблеми адаптації та корекції дезадаптації в процесі навчання.
Ключові слова: адаптація студентів, ехінацея, адаптогени, серцево-судинна система.
Глазков Э.А. Влияние адаптогенов на показатели вариабельности сердечного ритма организма иностранных студентов.
В статье поданы результаты исследования влияния адаптогенов растительного происхождения на функциональные показатели сердечно-сосудистой и вегетативной нервной системы в процессе адаптации к окружающей среде. Данная оценка адаптационных возможностей сердечно-сосудистой системы по показателям вариабельности сердечного ритма. Показана эффективность использования эхинацеи, как средства коррекции нарушений процесса адаптации иностранных студентов - граждан Китая. Дана сравнительная характеристика составляющих процесса адаптации студентов. Определены адаптационные возможности организма иностранных студентов в процессе обучения в учебном заведении. Определена необходимость исследования проблемы адаптации и коррекции дезадаптации в процессе обучения.
Ключевые слова: адаптация студентов, эхинацея, адаптогены, сердечнососудистая система.
Glazkov Е.O. Effect of adaptogens on the heart rate variability of the body of international students.
The article submitted data on the effect of adaptogens plant on the functional indices of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system in the process of adaptation to the environment. The assessment of the adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system in terms of heart rate variability. The efficiency of the use of echinacea as a means of correction of the process of adaptation of foreign students - citizens of China. Comparative characteristics of the components of the process of adaptation of students. Defined adaptive capabilities of foreign students in the learning process at school. Identified the need to study the problems of adaptation and correction of maladjustment in the learning process.
Keywords: adaptation of students, echinacea, adaptogens, cardiovascular system.
Рецензент: д.біол.н., проф. І.О. Іванюра

УДК 616.12-008.1-057.87

Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевчанка

ГУ «Луганский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко»

91002 г. Луганск, ул.Оборонная, 2

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National Univesity

Oboronnaya Str.,2, Lugansk,Ukraine


Introduction. According to the modern concepts, human health largely dependents on the ability of adaptation to different environmental factors and, in particular, to the mental and physical stress [1, 2, 8]. Adaptive reactions provide homeostasis, efficiency, maximum possible in specific circumstances prolong life, reproductive. Adaptation abilities are widely used to determine the level of individual health. Therefore, the study of adaptation specific, management of adaptive processes and their correction is a prerequisite for disease prevention [3, 4]. Reliable indicator of adaptive responses level to emerging internal and external influences can serve functional state of the cardiovascular system, which is most responsive to the environment and limiting the efficiency of the organism [6, 9].

However, analysis of the scientific literature does not enable us to say that there is complete unanimity in understanding the nature and course of long-term adaptive reactions of the cardiovascular system. There are ambiguous and contradictory views in this area. This is primarily attributable to changes in the parameters of central hemodynamics, blood pressure [2, 6].

Literary sources [6, 10, 12] indicate that the activity of the central apparatus of suprasegmental autonomic nervous system (ANS) seeks to regulate vital body functions, internal organs, glands, blood circulation, respiration, digestion, metabolism, thermoregulation – to maintain homeostasis, maintenance of physical and mental activity of an organism that increases its adaptive capacity. At different phases of adaptation syndrome may be a predominance of sympathetic or parasympathetic regulatory influences [8, 13]. In studies of the mechanisms of vegetative regulation of functional states of the most widely used methods of functional dynamic performance autonomic tone and autonomic reactivity, showing the homeostatic capacity of the organism, information on adaptive resources and vegetative indexes of organism [8, 11, 12].

Given that the nervous system play a leading role in shaping the adaptive reactions of the functional system, and the focus of the theory of functional systems is addressed in the process of system of excitation in the central nervous system [1, 11, 12], it is much practical and theoretical importance have researches aimed at clarify the role of individual neural functions in the nature of adaptive responses of autonomic systems.

Connection with scientific programs, plans, themes. The investigation is the fragment of scientific theme “Methodology, Theory and Practice of Forming the Health Culture of Children, Studying Youth and Adult Population” of Physical Rehabilitation and Biology Department, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University; state registration number is 0110U007020.

The aim of this article is to study the influence of adaptogens on the indexes of the cardiovascular system of the organism of foreign students in violation of adaptation to the environment.

The material and methods.

In the investigation used data, which were got in the result of examine 360 teenagers of 17-18 ages, which were divided into three groups. The first group was included 120 students – the citizens of Turkmenistan. The second group was formed with 120 students – the citizens of China, and the control group – with 120 domestic students. The research work was done at the beginning of semester. For studying the features of adaptation process and the mechanisms of regulation of the heart we were used the cardiointervalographic method [5]. For the analyzing the heart rhythm in the state of physiological rest and after function test we were used electrocardiogram (ECG) notes (in II leads), which optimal duration is 100 cardiac cycles. The rest duration before doing notes was 10 minutes. The paper speed moving during the ECG is 50 mm/s. The state regulation of the heart and relationships of parts of the vegetative nervous system we were determined by statistical analysis of the dynamic line of cardio and variation pulsometry (VP). The numerical characteristics of VP were mode (Mo), variation range (Δх) and the mode amplitude (AMo). Based on the VP results we calculated tension index (TI) of regulatory processes and parameters АМо/Мо, АМо/Δх, Мо/Δх, that characterize the activity of the vegetation part of the nervous system (R. M. Baevsky) [5]. The research results were processed by using program Excel-97 and t-criteria [7].

Results and discussion

Analyzing the literature, it was found that the physiological mechanisms of hemodynamic activity still insufficiently studied. The findings of many authors on adaptive responses of central and peripheral hemodynamics remain are controversial. This applies particularly to participate in these reactions of the autonomic nervous system.

The study found that between indicators that characterize the functional state of the cardiovascular system of the foreign students’ organisms, happens changes that associated with inadequate adaptive reactions of organism to new environmental conditions.

When we compared the individual indexes of the cardiac cycle duration (Мо) and heart rate (HR) it was recorded the common to both groups of foreign students tended to reduce the duration of the cardiac cycle and increase in heart rate. Duration of the cardiac cycle (Мо) in the first and second groups were (0,55±0,019 s., and 0,53±0,013 s.) accordingly, opposite 0,58±0,017 (р<0,05–0,01) in the control group, which was due to the influence of heart rate (r=0,25; р<0,05, with tcr.=1,98). The heart rate in the group of students – citizens of China (117,0±0,75 min-¹) was statistically significantly (р<0,001) higher in 1,1 times compared with the control group. At the time of the study the index of variation range (Δх) was 0,28±0,01 s. in the second group opposite 0,33±0,012 s. in the control group with р<0,05. Also, there was a statistically significant (p<0,05) increase in the mode amplitude (АМо) in 1,1 times (51,78±0,85 %) in the second group opposite 47,53±1,1 % in the control group. The dependence of the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system of variation range (Δх) can be illustrated by the following data: correlation between the magnitude of variation range and indicator of the adequacy of the regulation process (r=0,42; р<0,001, with tcr.=3,37), index of autonomic balance (r=0,65; р<0,001, with tcr.=3,37) and vegetative index rate (r=0,51; р<0,001, with tcr.=3,37).

Thus, our study indicates that there is a violation of adaptation process of foreign students that evidenced by increased tone of the sympathetic innervation centers and decreased parasympathetic activity of regulatory mechanisms.

Against the background of the new conditions of in foreign students` life – citizens of China observed changes in rates of cardiac rhythm. Most of them were appeared after functional test. At the same time, it was found higher rates of adequacy of the process of regulation, an index of autonomic balance, rhythm autonomic parameters (86,54±2,76 s.u. 219,72±17,53 s.u. 2,66±0,14 s.u. opposite 73,01±4,06 s.u. 167,34±18,93 s.u. 2,1±0,14 s.u. with р<0,05–0,01) compared with the performance of the control group. The functional test caused shorter duration cardiac cycle and increased heart rate in the first and second groups of foreign students. In the second group of students – citizens of China compared with the controls group revealed differences between the indexes the mode amplitude (AMo) and the variation range (Δx). The index Δх statistically significantly (р<0,05) decreased, but the mode amplitude (АМо), on the contrary increased. In addition, functional tests caused a statistically significant (р<0,01) increase of 1,1 times the tension index of cardiovascular system (TI) in the group of students – citizens of China (202,18±10,39 s.u.) compared with domestic students (154,26±12,36 s.u.).

To correct the disease in the process of adaptation abilities of foreign students that occur during learning in the Ukrainian higher educational institutions we were used a set of rehabilitation. To solve the proposed problem and study the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures students were divided into 4 groups: the control group, “placebo”, first and second experimental groups; the control group consisted of 120 domestic students. The “placebo” group (40 persons) consisted of Chinese students who took over 2 weeks NaCl saline (20ml – 0,9%); the students from the first experimental group took Schisandra L.1 tablet (500,0 mg) 2 times a day regardless of meal in a row (total dose was 1400,0 mg); the students from the second experimental group (40 persons) over 2 weeks took the drug “Echinacea-ratiopharm”. This drug was administered 100,0 mg (1 tablet) 1 per day, regardless of meal in a row. The total dose was 1400,0 mg treatment.

Our investigation has shown that as a result of complex rehabilitation with the use of herbal adaptogens observed improvement in cardiac cycle duration, heart rate, and amplitude of variation range and mode amplitude in groups of foreign students in the use of Echinacea as a means of rehabilitation according to the data given in Table 1. Using Schisandra L. as a means of rehabilitation did not cause a statistically significant difference between the HR, Mo, VR, AMo, TI indexes in the first experimental and “placebo” groups (Table 1). At the same time the using of Echinacea caused a statistically significant (р<0,05−0,01) prolongation of cardiac cycle and decrease heart rate. The indexes of variation range (Δx) were statistically significant (p<0,05) higher than similar in the “placebo” group. Also it was observed statistically significant (p<0,05) decrease in AMo index and stress of the cardiovascular system of the second experimental group compared to the “placebo” group.

Table 1

The influence of rehabilitation on parameters of heart rate

in studied groups (M±m)

The indexes of variation pulsometry

The statistic indexes


The control group


The “placebo” group


The first experimental group


The second experimental group


Мо, s
















Δх, s
















АМо, s
















TI s.u.
















Notes: * − probability differences * – р<0,05; ** – р<0,01 relative indexes in the “placebo” group; # − probability differences # – р<0,05 relative indexes in the first experimental group.


As a result of using adaptogens as rehabilitation measures revealed positive changes in terms of the histogram (АМо/Мо, АМо/Δх, Мо/Δх) foreign students` organism – the citizens of China according the data given in Table 2. In general, a positive effect of Echinacea on the histogram indicators manifested in the tendency to reduce the index of autonomic balance (ABI), vegetative parameter rate (VPR) and the index of adequacy rate parameter (ARPI), which reflecting the participation of sympathetic or parasympathetic and humoral circuits in the regulation of heart rate of the student organism. As it turned out, the index of autonomic balance of the second experimental group when using Echinacea as a rehabilitation measure was statistically significantly (р<0,05−0,01) lower by 1,3 and 1,4 times the same indicators of the first experimental group (196,22±17,39 s.u.) and “placebo” group (215,77±19,16 s.u.), respectively. Indicators of autonomic parameters of rhythm (Мо/Δх) and rate adequacy parameter (АМо/Мо) second experimental group (2,1±0,12 s.u. and 74,29±2,56 s.u.) were statistically significantly (р<0,01) lower than 1,2 times relative to the placebo group плацебо (2,6±0,13 s.u. and 86,47±3,61 s.u.), respectively.

Table 2

The influence of rehabilitation on parameters of heart rate

in studied groups (M±m)

Показники варіаційної пульсометрії

The statistic indexes


The control group


The “placebo” group


The first experimental group


The second experimental group


АМо/Мо, s.u.


















































HR, min-¹

















Notes: * − probability differences * – р<0,05; ** – р<0,01 relative indexes in the “placebo” group; # − probability differences # – р<0,05 relative indexes in the first experimental group.


We believe that the indexes of parameters of heart rate variability in students can be recommended for use in practice as normative quantity and in controlling the efficiency of processes to adapt to a variety of factors internal and external environment, which is consistent with the opinion of many authors [5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12].


Thus, the use of Echinacea as an additional rehabilitation measures positively affect the functionality of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system. The results of the study demonstrated greater hemodynamic stability and economical functioning of the cardiovascular system in use Echinacea as a means of correcting the excitation process of adaptation. Positive impact on the indexes of the histogram is expressed in increasing cardiac cycle duration, reduced heart rate, variation range and mode amplitude, indicating that the increased activity of the parasympathetic system and reduce cholinergic effects on the heart. This is especially important because the sympathetic division plays a unique biological role, which is to mobilize forces and reserves of the body in overcoming difficulties, solve complex problems arising in active interaction with the environment. At the same time sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system activates brain activity, mobilizes defensive reactions: processes of thermoregulation, immune response, blood clotting mechanisms, barrier mechanisms. It excitement is a necessary condition of stress and stheniac emotions. Excitation of the sympathetic division is the primary element incorporating chain of hormonal reactions typical of “stress”. Impulses, which are received by sympathetic nerve fibers don’t interact with devices intraorganic reflex regulation, and have a direct or indirect impact on the work of the bodies.


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