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Головна » Файли » 2013 » 5 (119)

Глущенко В.Ю. Ліпідний спектр крові у хворих молодого віку з хронічним некалькульозним холециститом, у сполученні з гіпертонічною хворобою
01.08.2014, 12:56

Глущенко В.Ю. Ліпідний спектр крові у хворих молодого віку з хронічним некалькульозним холециститом, у сполученні з гіпертонічною хворобою.
В статті наведено дані щодо ліпідного спектру крові у хворих молодого віку з хронічним некалькульозним холециститом, у сполученні з гіпертонічною хворобою. Ліпідограми цих пацієнтів характеризувалися підви­щенням рівня загального холестерину та ліпопротеїдів дуже низької щільності, на тлі нормального рівня тригліцеридів та ліпопротеїдів високої щільності.
Ключові слова: хронічний некалькульозний холецистит, гіпертонічна хвороба, ліпідний спектр крові.

Глущенко В.Ю. Липидный спектр крови у больных молодого возраста с хроническим некалькулезным холециститом, в сочетании с гипертонической болезнью.
В статье приведены данные о липидном спектре крови у больных молодого возраста с хроническим некалькулезным холециститом, в сочетании с гипертонической болезнью. Липидограммы этих пациентов характеризовались повышением уровня общего холестерина и липопротеидов очень низкой плотности, на фоне нормального уровня триглицеридов и липопротеидов высокой плотности.
Ключевые слова: хронический некалькулезный холецистит, гипертоническая болезнь, липидный спектр крови.

Gluschenko V.Y. Lipoprotein profile of blood in young patients with chronic acalculous cholecystitis in combination with arterial hypertension.
The article presents data on the lipid profile in young patients with chronic acalculous cholecystitis in combination with arterial hypertension. Lipid profile of these patients were characterized an increase in total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein, against normal levels of triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein.
Key words: chronic acalculous cholecystitis, hypertension, lipoproteins.

Рецензент: д.мед.н.,  проф. Л.М. Іванова

УДК 616.366-002+616.12-008.331.1]-


ДЗ «Луганський державний медичний університет»


ГЗ «Луганский государственный медицинский университет»

State Establishment "Lugansk State Medical University"


The aim of the research was studying of indexes of blood lipids spectrum for patients of young age with  chronic uncalculary cholecystitis in combination with hypertensive disease. 130 patients with CUC in combination with HD of the II stage in the age from 18 to 45 years were under care. There were 51 men (39,3%) and 79 women (60,7%) among examined patients. Duration of comorbide pathology according to the data of medical documents was from 2 to 7 years on the average 4,2±0,5 years. Patients that were under care had CUC mainly in the phase of the moderate recrudescence; according to the data of anamnesis the amount of the previous  recrudescences of CUC was 2-3 times in a year. 116 (89,3%) patients had gradual beginning of disease. According to the data of anamnesis progression of recrudescences patients connected with eating of rich, fried food and also with nervous overstrain. More frequent recrudescence of CUC for the persons of young age with united HD was observed 1-2 times in a year (in 46,3% cases) and the most rarely recrudescences had  12 (8,9%) patients one time in 2-3 years. According to the data of anamnesis and medical documentation hypertensive hyperkinetic variant of dyskinesia of gall bladder (GB) predominated for patients with duration of disease to 5 years, hypotonic hyperkinetic variant had patients with duration of disease from   5 to 10 years, hypotonic hypokinetic variant had persons with duration of disease more than 10 years. The state of lipid exchange in the blood serum was studied by the level of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerids (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC),very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDLC). All indexes of lipid exchange for patients with comorbide pathology statistically differed from the norm. Young patients with CUC in combination with HD had the level of TC in limits  from 2,8 mmol/l to 7,4 mmol/l. The mid-value of TC for the examined patients was 6,18±0,23 mmol/l (р<0,01), id est multipleness of increase was 1,5. While researching of TG for the patients of young age with CUC in combination with HD the  index discrepancy was from 0,8 to 3,1 mmol/l. Thus the middle level of TG for the examined patients was 2,0±0,12 mmol/l, that was reliable discrepancy from the physiologic norm (р<0,05). The level of LDLC on the average was3,37±0,25 mmol/l, that reliably differed from the physiologic norm (2,56±0,16 mmol/l; р<0,05), and differences in the concentration of the marked index were in limits from 2,44 to 5,09 mmol/l. The most of (72 persons -  55,4%) examined patients had the  concentration of LDLC, that did not  exceed the bounds of physiologic norm - 2,71±0,11 mmol/l (р>0,05).  58 (44,6%) patients had  the increase of content of LDLC and it made 4,06±0,57 mmol/l (variation from 3,4 mmol/l to 5,09  mmol/l). Discrepancy of concentration of VLDLC in blood of patients of the young age with CUC in combination with HD was from 0,34 to 1,52 mmol/l. Mid-values of the index were 0,81±0,08 mmol/l, that was in 1,2 times higher than the norm (0,68±0,05 mmol/l; р<0,05). From them  52 (40,0%) patients had substantial increase (more 1,3 mmol/l) of VLDLC concentration  in blood. 68 (52,3%) patients had  moderate increase of this index (from 0,9 mmol/l to 1,3 mmol/l). For other patients with CUC in combination with HD the concentration of VLDLC remained within the limits of physiologic norm, although on the top limit. The mid-value of HDLTC concentration  was 1,18±0,09 mmol/l (р<0,05), that was a reliable difference from the content of HDLC for healthy donors. The individual analysis of this index showed that all examined patients with CUC in combination with HD had the level of HDLC that did not exceed the bounds of physiologic norm.

It was revealed statistically reliable positive correlation between the level of TG and VLDLC in patients’ blood (r= 0,499), between VLDLC and TC (r= 0,734).



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Категорія: 5 (119) | Додав: siderman | Теги: chronic acalculous cholecystitis, hypertension, lipoproteins
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