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Головна » Файли » 2013 » 5 (119)

Хохленкова Н.В., Буряк М.В. Термогравіметричний аналіз субстанції природного походження – густого екстракту кори дуба
02.08.2014, 15:09

Хохленкова Н.В., Буряк М.В. Термогравіметричний аналіз субстанції природного походження – густого екстракту кори дуба.
Стаття присвячена термогравіметричному аналізу нової стандартизованої вітчизняної субстанції природного походження – густого екстракту кори дуба (ГЕКД). З проведених досліджень можна зробити висновок, що процес поступової втрати маси ГЕКД починається при температурі 29°С і повільно розвивається до 110°С. Встановлено, що ГЕКД в інтервалі температур (29-110)°С характеризується поступовими процесами випаровування вологи, він є відносно термостабільною речовиною, яка не змінює хімічну структуру до 104°С.
Ключові слова: густий екстракт, кора дуба, термогравіметричний аналіз.

Хохленкова Н.В., Буряк М.В. Термогравиметрический анализ субстанции природного происхождения - густого экстракта коры дуба.
Статья посвящена термогравиметрическому анализу новой стандартизированной отечественной субстанции природного происхождения –густого экстракта коры дуба (ГЭКД). На основании проведенных исследований можно сделать вывод, что процесс постепенной потери массы ГЭКД начинается при температуре 29°С и медленно развивается до 110 °С. Установлено, что ГЭКД в интервале температур (29-110)°С характеризуется постепенными процессами испарения влаги, является относительно термостабильным веществом, которое не изменяет химическую структуру до 104° С.
Ключевые слова: густой экстракт, кора дуба, термогравиметрический анализ.

Khokhlenkova N.V., Buryk M.V. Thermogravimetric analysis substance of natural origin - dense extract of oak bark.
The article is devoted to the thermogravimetric analysis of a new standardized national substance of natural origin – dense oak bark extract (DOBE). From the conducted studies it can be concluded that the process of gradual weight loss DOBE begins at temperature 29° C and slowly growing to 110°C. Established that DOBE in the temperature range (29-110)° C is characterized by a gradual process of evaporation, it is relatively heat stable substance that does not change the chemical structure to 104° C.
Key words: dense extract, oak bark, thermo gravimetric analysis.

Рецензент: д.фарм.н., проф. П.Д. Пашнєв

УДК 615.451.16:615.011.1

Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)

hoh.nat@rambler.ru, marinaburjak@rambler.ru

One of the most important problems of modern surgery is the treatment of wound healing , including inflammatory complications .

The frequency of surgical disease is 35-45 %, including the fate of hospital infection 12-22 %. Mortality rates for different data reaches 25 %. According to statistics , the rate of trauma in Ukraine is more than 20 million cases per year.

According to WHO (2011), almost 80 % of the population in the organization of primary health care uses mostly drugs of natural origin. These studies show the superiority of drugs of natural origin in selecting drugs , due to their broad spectrum of activity , the possibility of individual choice in the treatment of comorbidities, flexible dosing and reduced risk of medical complications.

Wound healing medicines of natural origin, as an alternative to synthetic drugs based on active pharmaceutical ingredients that are more effective and more commonly used by clinicians.

Therefore, despite the dynamic development of medicine and active introduction of new drugs for the treatment of wounds, including antibacterials , topical range expansion of research on the development and implementation of medical practice and new ways to treat wounds , inflammatory skin diseases , burns on from raw materials of natural origin.

In this respect, a promising medicinal plant raw material is oak . Experimental and clinical data suggest that drugs with oak bark due to the presence in its composition of tannins with astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

It should be noted that often in medicine and pharmacy used decoctions of oak bark , the lack of which is a limited shelf life. In order to improve the quality of water extractions promising replacement of medicinal plants appropriate standardized extracts.

Aim of this article was to establish the basic parameters of TG, DSC new national substance of natural origin - DOBE developed at the Department of Technology of Drugs under the supervision of prof. Yarnykh T.

In order to study the temperature input modes HEKD in formulations we conducted thermogravimetric study. This method allows to determine the effects of thermal decomposition of medicinal substances and excipients used in determining the temperature conditions of production and in predicting the behavior of drugs in pharmaceutical formulation during storage.

The study was conducted at the Department of Biophysics pharmacy under the supervision of prof. VA Timanyuka .

Thermogravimetric analysis was performed on deryvatohrafi Q- 1000 system F.Paulik , I.Paulik , L.Yefdey with platinum Platinum thermocouple by heating samples in ceramic crucibles from 20 to 600 ° C in air. Heating rate was 5 ° C per minute. The standard was dry aluminum oxide. Sample weight was 50 mg.

Recorded curves T (temperature), TG (change weight), DTA (differential thermal curve of factors), DTG (differential curve of mass).

The article is devoted to the thermogravimetric analysis of a new standardized national substance of natural origin – dense oak bark extract (DOBE). From the conducted studies it can be concluded that the process of gradual weight loss DOBE begins at temperature 29 ° C and slowly growing to 110 °C. Established that DOBE in the temperature range (29-110) ° C is characterized by a gradual process of evaporation, it is relatively heat stable substance that does not change the chemical structure to 104 ° C.


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