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Кудіна О.В. Експериментальне дослідження впливу препарату ліпін на стан легенів плодів щурів на моделі плацентарної дисфункції
09.08.2014, 12:18

Кудіна О.В. Експериментальне дослідження впливу препарату ліпін на стан легенів плодів щурів на моделі плацентарної дисфункції.
В результаті проведених експериментальних досліджень встановлена здатність препарату ліпін усувати патологічні зміни в легенях плодів щурів на моделі плацентарної недостатності у самок, викликаної введенням серотоніну. За встановленою пульмопротекторною активністю ліпін не поступається препаратам порівняння.
Ключові слова: ліпін, ліпосомальні фосфоліпіди, плацентарна дисфункція, серотоніну гідрохлорид.
Кудина О.В. Экспериментальное исследование влияния препарата липин на состояние легких плодов крыс на модели плацентарной дисфункции.
В результате проведенных экспериментальных исследований установлена способность препарата липин устранять патологические изменения в легких плодов крыс на модели плацентарной дисфункции у самок, вызванной введением серотонина. По установленной пульмопротекторной активности липин не уступает препаратам сравнения.
Ключевые слова: липин, липосомальные фосфолипиды, плацентарная дисфункция, серотонина гидрохлорид.
Kudina O.V. The experimental study of the effect of the drug lipin on the condition of the lungs rat fetuses on the model of placental dysfunction.
As a result of experimental studies established the ability of the drug lipin to eliminate the pathological changes in the lungs of rat fetuses on the model of placental dysfunction in females caused by the introduction of serotonin. The prescribed pulmoprotektive activity of lipin does not inferior to comparator drugs.
Key words: lipin, liposomal phospholipids, placental dysfunction, serotonin hydrochloride.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. С.Ю. Штриголь

УДК 615.27:618.36:577.175


Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)


Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)


The issue of the day of modern obstetrics is placental disfunction. This pathology is accompanied by hypoxia and intrauterine growth retardation. Thus breathing abnormalities and respiratory distress-syndrome occure in 11% of new-borns, resuscitation procedures are needed for 15,2% of children. Respiratory distress-syndrome is a disease of new-born children that shows up development of breathing insufficiency directly after act of delivery or during a few hours after act of delivery. The principal reasons of progression of respiratory distress-sindrome are primary immaturity of the surfactant system and enchancement of phosphatidylcholines breaking. Thus an important and actual question is prophylaxis of progression of respiratory distress-sindrome of new-borns for pregnants with placental disfunction.

The goal of this research is investigation of lipin preparation influence that is a loposomal form of phosphotides on afterripening of lungs of fetuses on the model of placental disfunction caused by insert of serotonin.

Experimental researches are executed according to "General ethic principles of experiments on animals" (Ukraine, 2001) in accordance with statutes of "European convention about defence of vertebrates that are used for experimental and other scientific aims" (Strasbourg, 1985).

For making of experiments it was used pregnant females: the nonlinear white rats (weight 200-220 g) grown in the nursery of the Central research laboratory of the National pharmaceutical university (Kharkiv, Ukraine). All of experimental animals were kept in standard sanitary conditions.

PD is caused by subcutaneous introduction of water solution of serotonin hydrochloride in a dose of 2,5 mg/kg from the 13 to the 17th day of pregnancy. The investigated preparation lipin was inserted from the 11th to the 18th day of gestation intravenously in a dose of 100 mg/kg, preparation of comparison "Essentiale® N" was inserted intravenously in a dose of 30 mg/kg, preparation of comparison "Dipyridamole" was inserted intravenously in a dose of 3,2 mg/kg in the analogical course.

On the 20th day of pregnancy it was made research of lungs of fetuses after extrication them from an uterus in a few minutes of breathing. The lungs of fetuses were studied by the method of visible-light microscopy. On slices, except a survey microscopy, was made calculation of comparatively large patulous alveoles.

As a result of research it is set that the fetuses of the 20th day of intrauterine growth from the broods of rats’ females with physiology motion of pregnancy are characterized by the presence of pulmonary parenchima of immature type. At the placental disfunction of rats’ females, caused by insert of serotonin hydrochloride, in the lungs of fetuses from the broods of these females increase the signs of tela immaturity  in comparison with  intact control and also it is revealed abnormalities of microcirculatory processes.

Isert of lipin to the pregnant females of rats on the background of serotonin hydrochloride stimulated afterripening of pulmonary parenchima of fetuses, removed the signs of excitation in it. Such a state of pulmonary parenchima testifies to compared with intact control degree of its maturity. Preparations of comparison dipyridamole and essentiale at pathology of pregnancy that is caused by serotonin hydrochloride have made practically analogical to lipin influence on the pulmonary parenchima of fetuses.

On the model of placental disfunction caused by introduction of serotonin hydrochloride, lipin reveals pulmoprotective properties that in future has the prospects of its application for pregnants with PD for prevention of RDS onset of new-borns.


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Категорія: 6 (120) | Додав: siderman | Теги: lipin, liposomal phospholipids, placental dysfunction, serotonin hydrochloride
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