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Левицкая Г.В. Уровень фактора некроза опухоли-α и фактора роста эндотелия сосудов у больных регматогенной отслойкой сетчатки с разной
30.07.2014, 11:58

Левицкая Г.В. Уровень фактора некроза опухоли-α и фактора роста эндотелия сосудов у больных регматогенной отслойкой сетчатки с разной степенью пролиферативной витреоретинопатии.
Известно, что факторы роста, среди них фактор некроза опухоли-α  (ФНО-α) и фактор роста эндотелия сосудов (ФРЭС), осуществляют регуляцию межклеточных и межсистемных взаимодействий, в том числе обладают способностью регулировать пролиферативные процессы. Поэтому изучение изменений цитокинового профиля у больных регматогенной отслойкой сетчатки (РОС) представляет ин­терес для получения более полного представления о патогенезе заболевания и разработки новых мето­дов его лечения. Цель исследования - выявить особенности экспрессии ФНО-α и ФРЭС в стекловидном теле и витреальной жидкости у больных РОС с разной степенью пролиферативной витреоретинопатии (ПВР). У 79 больных РОС проведено стандартное офтальмологическое обследование. Пациенты были разделены на три группы – со степенью ПВР А, В и С. В стекловидном теле и витреальном содержимом определен уровень ФНО-α и ФРЭС иммуноферментным методом. При ПВР стадии А уровень ФНО-α в стекловидном теле - 39,98±21,95 пг/мл, а по мере увеличения пролиферации - повышается в 2 и 3,5 раза при степени В и С. В витреальном содержимом содержание ФНО-α при степени В увеличивается на 38,2%, при степени С – в 2,5 раза относительно степени А. Концентрация ФРЭС в стекловидном теле также увеличивается при усилении ПВР: при  В - в 1,7, степени С – в 2 раза. В витреальном содержимом различия между уровнем ФРЭС в группах с ПВР степени А и В составляют 31,7%, при ПВР степени С – 150%. Итак, в стекловидном теле и витреальном содержимом у больных с РОС выявлено изменение цитокинового профиля в виде повышения концентрации ФРЭС и ФНО-а в зависимости от степени ПВР.
Ключевые слова: регматогенная отслойка сетчатки, пролиферативная витреоретинопатия, фактор некроза опухоли-α, фактор роста эндотелия сосудов, стекловидное тело, витреальное содержимое.

Левицька Г.В. Рівень фактору некрозу пухлини-α та фактору росту ендотелію судин у хворих на регматогенне відшарування сітківки з різним ступенем проліферативної вітреоретинопатії.
Відомо, що фактори росту, серед них фактор некрозу пухлини-α (ФНП-α) і фактор росту ендотелію судин (ФРЕС), здійснюють регуляцію міжклітинних і міжсистемних взаємодій, в тому числі мають здатність регулювати проліферативні процеси. Тому вивчення змін цитокінового профілю у хворих на регматогенне відшарування сітківки (РВС) являє інтерес для отримання більш повного уявлення про патогенез захворювання і розробки нових методів його лікування. Мета дослідження - выявити особливості експресії ФНП-α і ФРЕС в склоподібному тілі та вітреальній рідині у хворих на РВС з різним ступенем проліферативної вітреоретинопатії (ПВР). У 79 хворих РВС проведено стандартне офтальмологічне обстеження. Пацієнти були розділені на три групи – зі ступенем ПВР А, В і С. В склоподібному тілі та вітреальній рідині визначено рівень ФНП-α і ФРЕС імуноферментним методом. При ПВР ступеня А рівень ФНП-α в склоподібному тілі становить 39,98±21,95 пг/мл, а по мірі збільшення проліферації - підвищується в 2 та 3,5 рази при ступені В і С. У вітреальній рідині вміст ФНП-α при ступені В збільшується на 38,2%, а при ступені С - в 2,5 рази відносно ступеня А. Концентрація ФРЕС в склоподібному тілі також збільшується при посиленні ПВР: при ступені В - в 1,7 рази, ступені С - у 2 рази. У вітреальному вмісті відмінності між рівнем ФРЕС в групах з ПВР ступеня А і В становлять 31,7%, при ПВР ступеня С – 150%. Між рівнем досліджуваних цитокінів в склоподібному тілі і вітреальній рідині та ступенем ПВР виявлено прямий сильний кореляційний зв’язок. Отже, у склоподібному тілі і вітреальній рідині у хворих на РВС виявлено зміну цитокінового профілю у вигляді підвищення концентрації ФРЕС і ФНП-α в залежності від ступеня ПВР.
Ключові слова: регматогенне відшарування сітківки, проліферативна вітреоретинопатія, фактор некрозу пухлини-α, фактор росту ендотелію судин, скловидне тіло, вітреальна рідина.
Levytska G.V. Tumor necrosis factor-α and vascular endothelial growth factor levels in patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with varying degrees of proliferative vitreoretinopathy.
Growth factors including tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) performe regulation of intercellular interactions including regulation of proliferative processes. Aim to detect expression patterns of TNF-α and VEGF in the vitreous and vitreous fluid of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) patients with varying degrees of proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). In 79 RRD patients performed standard ophtalmologic examination. Patients were divided into three groups – PVR A, PVR B and PVR C. In the vitreous and vitreous contents TNF-α and VEGF level evaluated by ELISA. In cases with PVR A tumour necrosis factor-α level in vitreous was – 39,98±21,95 pg/ml and - increased with increasing proliferation in 2 and 3,5 times in grades B and C. In vitreal contents it increased in PVR B – 1,4 times and PVR C – 2,5 times. Concentration of VEGF in vitreous is also increasing by enhancing PVR. Grade A to B – 1,7 times, PVR grade A to C– 2 times. In vitreal contents VEGF level in PVR grade B group was higher by 31,7% and in PVR grade C by 150% than in PVR grade A group. A direct strong correlation was found between cytokines level in the vitreous and vitreous contents and degree of PVR.
Key words: rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, proliferative vitreoretinopathy, tumor necrosis factor α, vascular endothelial growth factor, vitreous, vitreous contents.
Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. А.М. Петруня

УДК 671.735–007.281+617.747–097.092.18


ГУ «Институт глазных болезней и тканевой терапии им. В.П. Филатова НАМН Украины» (Одесса)


SI “The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” (Odessa)



For the past five years fundus pathology (degenerative diseases, retinal detachment, retinopathy in systemic diseases, etc.) consistently remains in the top three of leading ophthalmopathology diseases, causing primary disability in 16 - 19% cases. Development of this diseases group is caused by disregulatory cardiovascular, metabolic, neurotrophic choroidal and retinal damage that leads to the formation of destructive changes [1].

Intraocular proliferation is a common type of eye response to injury of any etiology. It is characterized by fibrovascular or fibrous tissue growth in the vitreous body, on both surfaces of the retina (mostly inner) leading to irreversible consequences in most cases. Chronic inflammation with  mononuclear cells and fibroblasts as the central figure is characterizing this process [6].

There are sufficient evidence of cytokines involvement in the pathogenesis of proliferative vitreoretinal diseases nowadays.

It is known that the pigment epithelium in state of  violated trophic releases vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) that stimulate angiogenesis [2].

Hepatocyte growth factor and connective tissue growth factor expression in the vitreous during proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) studied and shown that the damage caused by inflammation of the retina in response to increasing levels of hepatocyte growth factor induced formation of a migrating pigment epithelium cells group. These cells contacts with the vitreous body, which contains connective tissue growth factor. Transforming growth factor activates, increasing expression of connective tissue growth factor as a result pigment epithelium cells are forming fibrotic low membrane with cells quantity. Transforming growth factor is a major cytokine stimulating tissue fibrosis. Its level in vitreous increase in cases with PVR and correlate with the severity of the process [7, 11]. According to literature hepatocyte growth factor and connective tissue growth factor may play a critical role in PVR development both in human body and in pigment epithelium culture in vitro [9].

IL-1b and TNF a levels in the vitreous and blood serum in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy were defined. Its concentration was significantly higher in vitreous than in serum and control group.  Increased levels of these cytokines plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of proliferative diabetic retinopathy, contributing to abnormal cell proliferation and neovascularization [8].

Interleukins and growth factors play an important role in PVR pathogenesis during rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. In RRD patients with and without PVR and TAC was detected polymorphism in the distribution of transforming growth factor genotype. Connection between genetic profile of this factor and PVR development was noted [12]. This suggests the possibility of the presence of such relations with other clinical signs of disease that requires further research.

Levels of IL-1, IL-6, TNF a, interferon g and transforming growth factor were detected in vitreous aspirates of RRD patients. IL-6 and TNF a were found more often in cases with PVR [10].

M-RNA expression of VEGF and IL-6 was determined in order to elucidate the role of vitreous cells in proliferation. It was demonstrated that cells derived from the vitreous stimulate IL-1a, IL-1b and TNF a and also produce VEGF and IL-6 which promote the proliferation of vascular endothelial cells [13]. However, in literature there no data presented about changes in cytokine profile after surgery, in particular retinal detachment surgery. Therefore the study of the initial cytokine levels and its profile changes in the postoperative period in RRD patients with varying PVR degrees is of interest to gain a better understanding of the disease pathogenesis and the development of new methods of treatment.

The aim of the study - to identify characteristics of TNF a and VEGF expression in the vitreous and vitreous fluid of RRD patients with varying degrees of PVR.

Material and methods. 79 RRD patients (79 eyes), including 36 men and 43 women, underwent a standard eye examination and according to proliferative vitreoretinopathy stage they were divided into three groups - A, B and C.

Grade A and B were detected in 15 and 50 eyes (19.0% and 63.3% respectively ) grade C in 14 patients (17.7%).

TNF a and VEGF levels were detected by ELISA in vitreous body (27 samples) and vitreal contents (60 samples). 87 samples studied in total that was 8 more than the number of patients.  In these cases were posibilities to receive vitreous humor and vitreous contents.

Vitreous sampling was performed during vitrectomy, vitreous content - in the postoperative period during additional gas tamponade to increase the gas bubble in the vitreous cavity for a full block of lower retinal breaks [4].

Analysis of cytokines levels in the vitreous humor and vitreous contents performed depending on PVR grade.

A statistical analysis was made using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test - for simultaneous comparison of more than two groups and the Spearman rank correlation test - to determine the correlation [3].

Results and discussion.

During analysis of cytokine level in the vitreous humor and vitreous of RRD patients depending on the PVR grade.

As it was shown before [5] TNF a level (M ± SD) in the vitreous is 89,28±43,54 pg/ml and in vitreal contents - 129,3±61,03 pg/ml.

Taking into account the data on the extent of proliferative process, complicating rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, we had shown TNF a level in PVR A (minimum manifestation of proliferation)  -  39,98±21,95 pg/ml, in grade B - 81,19±23,01 pg/ml  and in patients with grade C - 141,83±35,32 pg/ml (Fig. 1). Differences in TNF a levels in the vitreous of patients with varying degrees of PVR are significant by the Kruskal-Wallis test (c2=12,58, df=2, p=0,0019).

A similar trend was found in vitreal contents, but these changes were less pronounced. TNF a level – at PVR grade A is 88,20±24,50 pg/ml, in PVR B – 38.2% and in C grade – by 2.5 times. Differences of TNF a levels in vitreous contents of patients with different degrees of PVR are also significant by the Kruskal-Wallis (c2=12,82, df=2, p=0,0016).

VEGF level as it was previously shown in the vitreous is 929.0±351.8 pg/ml and vitreal contents – 1388.1±401.5 pg/ml, which is higher than the corresponding data characterizing the content of TNF a.

VEGF level increasing is also common with the PVR increasing. In patients with PVR A – 560.3±257.8 pg/ml,  B – increased by 1.7 times and stage C  - by 2 times (Fig. 2). Processing statistical data suggest that differences in VEGF levels in vitreous were significant by Kruskal-Wallis test (c2=12,58, df=2, p=0,0019).

In vitreal contents differences between PVR A and B groups was 31,7% (1069.6±263.2 pg/ml 1408.3±399.4 pg/ml, respectively). In patients with stage C VEGF level was increased by 1.5 times. Statistical analysis had showed that differences are significant by the Kruskal-Wallis test (c2=9,40, df=2, p=0,0091).

Determination of connection between cytokines levels in vitreous and vitreous contents in RRD patients with PVR grade revealed the presence of a strong direct correlation in all cases (Table).

Overall, the results indicate the expediency of detection cytokines level as an additional objective criterion for determination the severity of pathological process and consistent to results of other authors [9,10,12].


Increasing of VEGF and TNF a concentrations depending on the PVR grade were found in RRD patients vitreous and vitreous humor. These changes corresponded to increasing severity of clinical disease.


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