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Головна » Файли » 2013 » 3 (117)

Ромаданова О.І. Методологічні та клініко-патогенетичні аспекти ефективності корекції клітинних механізмів прогресування хронічної хвороби
22.07.2014, 14:52

Ромаданова О.І. Методологічні та клініко-патогенетичні аспекти ефективності корекції клітинних механізмів прогресування хронічної хвороби нирок при цукровому діабеті ІІ типу.
За результатами комплексного дослідження 45 хворих на різних стадіях хронічної хвороби нирок на тлі цукрового діабету ІІ типу досліджено ефективність застосування розширеного ТК до складу якого входили інгібітори ангіотензинперетворюючого ферменту, статини та кетоаналог незамінних амінокислот. Доведено, що застосування названого терапевтичного комплексу при ХХН-ІІІ у хворих на ЦД ІІ типу дозволяє досягати стабілізуючого ефекту терапії щодо прогресування клітинно - метаболічих змін; цей ефект пов’язаний на 16,8% зі зменшенням рівня TNF-α, на 22,3% - зі зменшенням рівня МСР-1 та на 6,1% - за рахунок зменшення рівня TGF-β1.
Ключові слова: вторинні гломерулярні ураження, хронічна хвороба нирок, клітинно-молекулярні механізми, ефективність корекції.
Ромаданова О.И. Методологические и клинико-патогенетические аспекты эффективности коррекции клеточных механизмов прогрессирования хронической болезни почек при сахарном диабете ІІ типа.
По результатам клинического мониторнга 45 пациентов на разных стадіях хронической болезни почек на фоне сахарного диабета ІІ типа исследована эффективность применения расширенного терапевтического комплекса за счёт ингибиторов ангиотензинпревращающего фермента, статинов та кетоаналога незаменимых аминокислот. Доказано, что применение указаного терапевтического комплекса при ХХН-ІІІ у пациентов с сахарным диабетом ІІ типа позволяет достигать стабилизирующего эффекта относительно прогрессирования клеточно – метатолических изменений; указанный эффект на 16,8% связан с уменьшением уровня TNF-α, на 22,3% - уровня МСР-1 и на 6,1% - за счёт уменьшения уровня содержания TGF-β1.
Ключевые слова: вторичные гломерулярные поражения, хроническая болезнь почек, клеточно-молекулярные механизмы, эффективность коррекции.

Romadanova O.I. Methodology and clinical pathogenetic aspects of efficiency of correction of cellular mechanisms of progress of chronic kidney disease at type II diabetes mellitus.
The results of complex examination of 45 patients at different stages of chronic kidney disease at the background of type II diabetes mellitus made it possible to investigate the efficacy of comprehensive therapeutic complex administration which included angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, statins and ketoanalogue of indispensable aminoacids. The investigation proved that the administration of the above mentioned therapeutic complex in chronic kidney disease-III in patients with type II diabetes mellitus allows to achieve stabilizing effect of the therapy concerning cellular metabolic changes progression; this effect is connected in 16,8% with the decrease in TNF-α level, in 22,3% with the decrease in MCP-1 level and in 6,1% due to the decrease in TGF-β1 level.
Key words: secondary glomerular impairment, chronic kidney disease, cellular - molecular mechanisms, efficacy of correction.

 Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. С.П. Шкляр

УДК 616.61: 616.379 – 008.64: 612.

Харківська медична академія післядипломної освіти

Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования

61176, г. Харьков, ул.Корчагинцев, 58

Kharkov medical academy of Postgraduate Education

61176, Kharkov, 58 str.Korchahyntsev 


The aim of research consisted in realization of comparative estimation of efficiency of correction of cellular mechanisms of progress of chronic kidney disease at type II diabetes mellitus. The estimation of efficiency of correction of cellular mechanisms of progress of chronic kidney disease at type II diabetes mellitus was executed based on the results of integrated treatment of 45 patients divided into three groups : the first group consisted of patients with СKD-І(4nI=15) (Chronic Kidney Disease), the second one consisted of CKD-ІІ(4nII=16), the third one consisted of CKD-ІІІ(4nIII=14). Three therapeutic complexes (ТК) were used at integrated treatment: the first (ТК1) was provided for inclusion of ACE inhibitors in the therapy, the second (ТК2) was provided for inclusion of ACE inhibitors in combination with statins, the third (ТК3) was provided for inclusion of ACE inhibitors, statins and ketoanalog of essential amino acids. The level of TNF -α in the compared groups of patients with the II type of DM and with CKD-І depending on the applied therapy hesitated in limits from (52,8±2,4) pcg/ml to(55,6±2,7) pcg/ml and in comparison with its level before treatment it did not differ. At CKD-ІІ the level of content of TNF -α for patients with the II type of DM was characterized by variations from(59,9±3,5) pcg/ml at application of ТК3 to (46,8±7,1) pcg/ml at application of ТК1. Its increase (р<0,05) to(53,4±4,2) pcg/ml was registered in the group of patients with CKD-ІІ that got ACE inhibitors in combination with statins and also in the group of patients that got ТК3 it increased to(59,9±3,5) pcg/ml. At CKD-ІІІ the level of content of TNF -α was characterized by variations from (42,1±2,6) pcg/ml at application of ТК3 to (42,7±2,9) pcg/ml at application of ТК1; reliable dynamics of the level of content of TNF -α at CKD-ІІІ was not registered under treatment. The presence of reliable (р<0,05) increase of the level of TNF-α pays attention at application of ТК2 and ТК3 in the groups of patients with the II type of DM and with CKD-IІ . The level of TGF -β1 in the compared groups of patients with the II type of DM and with CKD-I depending on the applied therapy varied in limits from(207,0±5,8) to(248,2±3,4) pcg/ml and in comparison with the level before beginning of treatment, for certain(р<0,05) it was less at application of ТК3 and it was (207,0±5,8) pcg/ml and for certain higher in the case of application of ACE inhibitors (ТК1) -(248,2±3,4) pcg/ml(see table1). At CKD-ІІ the level of content of TGF -β1 was characterized by variations from(407,8±11,6) pcg/ml at application of ТК1 to(385,0±5,6)pcg/ml at application of ТК3. Its reliable increase (р<0,05) was registered in all groups of patients with CKD-ІІ: at application of ТК1 it increased to (407,8±11,6) pcg/ml, at application of ТК2 it increased to(396,4±8,5) pcg/ml , at application of ТК2 it increased to(396,4±8,5) pcg/ml . At CKD-ІІІ the level of content of TGF -β1 was characterized by variations from(243,0±4,7) pcg/ml at application of ТК3, to(256,4±8,5)pcg/ml at application of ТК1; reliable decline (р<0,05) of the level of TGF -β1was reached at all therapeutic sketches. The level of МСР- 1 in the compared groups of patients with the II type of DM with CKD-І depending on the applied therapy varied in limits from(145,8±5,9) to(139,7±3,1) pcg/ml and in comparison with the level before beginning of treatment, for certain(р<0,05) it did not differ from an initial (before treatment) level. At CKD-ІІ the level of content of МСР- 1 was characterized by variations from(75,0±4,1) pcg/ml at application of ТК3 to(72,9±4,6) pcg/ml at application of ТК1; its reliable decrease (р<0,05) was reached in all groups of patients with CKD-ІІ. At CKD-ІІІ the positive effect from the therapy was reached only in the group of patients treatment of that was executed on the sketch of ТК3. For patients with the II type of DM with different stages of CKD under the influence of the applied therapy were no reliable changes of the glomerular filtration speed , its indexes had a tendency to the improvement (р>0,05), that did not reach statistically meaningful differences in comparison with the levels before beginning of treatment. Comparative estimation of efficiency of treatment of patients with the II type of DM with different stages of CKD needed application of multifactor analysis of cellular - metabolic changes under the influence of applied ТК, that was provided with the use of clinical and information analysis on results of that was determined the efficiency of influence on the cellular indicators of progress of CKD depending on the integrated therapy and it was found that at CKD-ІІ for patients with the II type of DM the efficiency of correction was reached by application of all denoted therapeutic complexes, and at that: ТК1 and ТК2 provided deterrent effect, and ТК3 provided inhibitory effect of the therapy in relation to the cellular mechanisms of progress of CKD. The prospects of further researches are related to the study and comparative analysis of the efficiency of correction of cellular mechanisms of progress of CKD at primary and secondary glomerular damage and individualization of the therapy taking into account the united pathology.


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