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Ромаданова О.І. Методологія клінічної оцінки метаболічних порушень при хронічному гломерулонефриті на різних стадіях хронічної хвороби нирок
23.07.2014, 00:21

Ромаданова О.І. Методологія клінічної оцінки метаболічних порушень при хронічному гломерулонефриті на різних стадіях хронічної хвороби нирок.
Досліджені клініко-метаболічні особливочті пацієнтів з первинним гломерулярним ураженням на різних стадіях хронічної хвороби нирок, зокрема виконано аналіз анамнестичних індикаторів прогресування, досліджено мікроелементний профіль 111 хворих на хронічний гломерулонефрит залежно від стадії хронічної хвороби нирок, вивчені кореляційні взаємозв’язки клітинних механізмів та клініко-метаболічних індикаторів прогресування.
Ключові слова: хронічний гломерулонефрит, хронічна хвороба нирок, прогресування, клітинні механізми, метаболізм.
Ромаданова О.И. Методология клинической оценки метаболических нарушений при хроническом гломерулонефрите на разных стадиях хронической болезни почек.
Изучены клинико-метаболические особенности больных с первичным гломерулярным поражением на разных стадиях хронической болезни почек, в частности выполнен анализ анамнестических индикаторов прогрессирования, изучен микроэлементный профиль 111 больных с хроническим гломерулонефритом в зависимости от стадии хронической болезни почек, изучены корреляционные связи клеточных механизмов и клинико - метаболических индикаторов прогрессирования.
Ключевые слова: хронический гломерулонефрит, хроническая болезнь почек, прогрессирование, клеточные механизмы, метаболизм
Romadanova O.I. The methodology of clinical assessment of metabolic abnormalities in primary glomerular impairment at different stages of chronic kidney disease.
The author has investigated clinical metabolic peculiarities of patients with primary glomerular injury at different stages of chronic kidney disease, and has particularly analyzed anamnesis indicators of progression, standardized microelemental profile of 111 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis depending upon the stage of chronic kidney disease and carried out the investigation of correlation relationship between cellular mechanisms of progression and clinical metabolic indicators.
Key words: primary glomerular impairment, chronic kidney disease, cellular-molecular mechanisms, efficacy of correction.
Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. С.П. Шкляр

УДК 616-006.312-036.12:611.018.74

Харківська медична академія післядипломної освіти

Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования

61176, г. Харьков, ул.Корчагинцев, 58

Kharkov medical academy of Postgraduate Education

61176, Kharkov, 58 str.Korchahyntsev 



Introduction. The aim of research consisted in the study of clinical and metabolic features of patients with CG(chronic glomerulonephritis) while progressing of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Patients with CG were examined with a complex program, that provided studying and taking into account anamnestic data, aspects of CKD in 111 patients with CG, separate indexes of system hemodynamics, patients' leukograms and hemograms, functional status of kidneys, and also studies of features of microelement hemostasis and lipid pattern of patients with CG at different stages of CKD. The middle duration of CG for examined patients were (5,8±0,5) years. The analysis of anamnestic indicators in relation to progress of CKD showed reliable (р<0,05) differences in duration of CG at different stages of CKD, that can be an evidence of pathogenetic - starting role of CG in progress of CKD. Anamnestic data testify to correlation between the stage of CKD and duration of CG, and also terms of appearance of hypertension (HTN).

The analysis of leukograms and hemograms of patients with CG depending on the stage of CKD showed some regularities. The changes of peripheral blood at progress of CKD for patients with CG were characterized by moderate leukopenia (р<0,05), by relative eosinophilia (р<0,05) with lymphocytosis(р<0,05) and monocytosis (р<0,05). Significance of these changes contacted with progress of CKD and depended on its stage and is accompanied by changes of red blood, first of all by reduction of the level of content of erythrocytes(р<0,05) and increase of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (р<0,001).

At clinical research of urine, depending on the stage of CKD, it was showed the increase of leucocytes and cylindrical form of ephithelial cells . So, it was showed that at CKD-ІІІ the level of content of leucocytes in urine in 2,5 times exceeded this index at CKD-І(accordingly(6,5±1,5) v/f and(16,5±2,4) v/f). The increase of level of content of erythrocytes was showed in urine : at CKD-І -(13,0±2,0) v/f, at ХХН-ІІІ -(32,0±3,0) v/f, р<0,001, and also the level of content of proteins (at CKD-І in the part of patients appeared only protein marks , while at CKD-ІІІ the level of daily protein loss was (2,621±0,180) g/l, that more than at CKD-ІІ (0,034±0,009) g/l, р<0,001).

On the background of above-mentioned processes day's proteinuria among the patients of investigated groups differed for certain. And, if at CKD-І it was (0,94±0,18) g/twenty-four hours, then at CKD-ІІ it headily (р<0,001) grew to(3,39±0,47) g/twenty-four hours and made (р<0,05) progress to the level of(4,89±1,48) g/twenty-four hours at CKD-ІІІ. Progressive losses of protein with urine took place on conditions that declined the level of glomerular filtration and accordingly day's diuresis. The above-mentioned changes were accompanied by the increase of level of urea and kreatinine.

The main changes of microelement homoeostasis of patients with CG depending on the stage of CKD were characterized by the increase of content of potassium and reduction (р>0,05) of calcium level in peripheral blood, that accordingly formed disbalance in correlations of these microelements. Presence of element disbalance (potassium / calcium) at CKD-ІІ and especially at CKD-ІІІ) for patients with CG could assist forming of arterial blood pressure increase, metabolic abnormalities and abnormalities of water-electrolyte exchange, and also it influenced negatively on tonus of walls of vessels, that indirectly complicated motion of CG.

The level of maintenance of total cholesterol of blood serum in the group of patients with CG was relatively higher, than in control one; accordingly(5,20±0,41)mmol/L and(4,23±0,71)mmol/L, however it did not differ statistically. It associated with reverse dependence that took place in the indexes of content of ЕС(total cholesterol) depending on the stage of CKD. Revealed correlation interrelation between content of VLDL (very low density lipoproteins) and indexes of lipid profile, and also between VLDL and proteinemia, proteinuria and azotemic indexes was characterized by the same force and orientation, as interrelations between the level of content of triglycerids and above-mentioned indexes. The prospects of further researches are related to the study of cellular mechanisms of development of CKD in interrelation with the features of metabolic profile of patients, and also with determination of cellular indicators of CKD progress.


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Категорія: 3 (117) | Додав: siderman | Теги: efficacy of correction, primary glomerular impairment, хронічний гломерулонефрит, cellular-molecular mechanisms, chronic kidney disease
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