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Сазонова О.М. Порівняльний антропометричний аналіз лінійних розмірів тіла дівчаток 7-11 років з вегетативними розладами серцево-судинної сис
31.07.2014, 17:34

Сазонова О.М. Порівняльний антропометричний аналіз лінійних розмірів тіла дівчаток 7-11 років з вегетативними розладами серцево-судинної системи.
Встановлено статистично значуще зменшення маси тіла у хворих на вегетосудинну дистонію (ВСД) міських дівчаток (р<0,001) в порівнянні із здоровими. Виявлено статистично значуще збільшення висоти лобкової точки та висоти плечової точки у хворих на ВСД міських дівчаток в порівнянні із здоровими (р<0,05). Встановлено статистично значиме зменшення дистальних епіфізів передпліччя, стегна та гомілки у хворих на ВСД міських та у сільських дівчаток (р<0,01) в порівнянні із здоровими однолітками.
Ключові слова: анатомія, антропометрія, вегетативна дисфункція, дівчата.

Сазонова О.Н. Сравнительный антропометрический анализ линейных размеров тела девочек 7-11 лет с вегетативными расстройствами сердечно-сосудистой системы.
Выявлено статистически значимое уменьшение массы тела городских девочек 7-11 лет, имеющих вегетососудистую дистонию (ВСД) (р<0,001) в сравнении со здоровыми сверстниками. Выявлено статистически значимое увеличение высот лобковой и плечовой точек у больных с ВСД городских девочек по сравнению  со здоровыми (р<0,05). Установлено статитистически значимое уменьшение ширины эпифизов предплечья, бедра и у городских и сельских девочек с ВСД (р<0,01) по сравнению о здоровыми сверстниками.
Ключевые слова: анатомия, антропометрия, вегетативная дисфункция, девочки.

Sazonova O.M. Comparative anthropometric analysis of body dimensions in 7-11 year old girls with autonomic dysfunction.
Statistically significant decrease in the body weight in urban girls with VVD (p<0,001) in comparison to the healthy urban girls is constituted. Statistically significant increase in the height of the pubic and the height of the brachial point was constituted in urban girls with VVD in comparison to the healthy girls (p<0,05). Statistically significant decrease of the distal forearm epiphysis and the width of the distal thigh epiphysis indicated reliable decrease of this index in the urban and the country girls (p<0,01) in comparison to the healthy children of the same age. Comparison of the width of the distal tibia epiphysis indicated statistically significant decrease of this index in girls, who live in the city compared to the healthy children of the same age (p<0,01).
Key words: anatomy, anthropometric, autonomic dysfunction, girls.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. М.О. Пересадін

УДК 616-056.7-02:616.248-053.2

Харківський національний медичний університет МОЗ України

Харьковский национальный медицинский университет

Kharkiv National Medical University


Introduction. According to B. M. Nikityuk – N. A. Kornetov research, obtaining all the possible information  on the interaction  between  different constitutional features ( including anthropometric indexes, somatotype,  component composition  of  body weight) and the onset of  multifactorial diseases is one of the approaches of  the pheno- genetic analysis implementation. Yet, to define the constitutional criteria for these diseases it is necessary to separate off  the norm and the pathology, which needs accumulation of  data  on healthy people peculiarities.

        The purpose of the research is the study and the comparative anthropometric analysis of  body  dimensions in 7-11 year old girls (healthy ones and ones with autonomic dysfunction).

         Research methods and materials. The comparative analysis involved 375 7-11 year old girls, including 210 healthy (120- living in a city and 90 country girls) and 165 with vegetative-vascular dystonia (85 citizens and 80 country girls). Anthropometry was held within scheduled complex physical examinations of schoolchildren, using  method  developed  by V.V. Bunak.     

         Research results and their discussion. Тhe analysis performed on a series of  features- anthropometric, somatotypological and the component composition of body weight analyses  indicated several trends and peculiarities. In particular, anthropometric examination  of  healthy girls and the girls with VVD showed reliable decrease of  body weight in girls with VVD. A statistically significant decrease of body weight was found as in urban girls (p<0,001), same in teenage girls (p<0,05) in comparison to the healthy girls. In teenage  country girls with VVD just the tendency to the increase of  body weight in comparison to the girls of the same age was indicated.  

          Comparison  of  the altitude of the pubic point within the groups of sick urban and the country girls did not indicate any significant changes in this dimension.  The altitude of the pubic point among healthy urban or country teenage girls  showed decrease of  body weight (p<0,05) as in urban same in country teenage girls in comparison to the healthy girls of the same age. Statistically significant decrease in the height of the brachial point was constituted only in urban girls with VVD (p<0,05) in comparison to the healthy urban girls. Reliable decrease in the latitude of the head of the femur point was stated among the VVD sick urban and country girls in comparison to the healthy ones (p<0,05).

       Comparison of the index for the width of the distal forearm epiphysis  in healthy girls not considering the living area showed reliable decrease in this index within urban and country girls compared to healthy girls of the same age. Statistically significant decrease of  the width of the distal  forearm  epiphysis was found in urban teenage girls with VVD compared to healthy same aged girls (p<0,001)

    Among the girls with VVD only the reliable decrease in the width of distal thigh epiphyses is indicated in comparison to the healthy girls of the same age (p<0,05). Reliable decrease in the index of the width of distal thigh epiphysis in the healthy both urban and country girls (p<0,001)

    Comparison  of   the width of the distal tibia epiphysis of teenagers showed statistically significant decrease of this index among girls, who live in the city in comparison to the healthy teenagers (p<0,01), while in country girls with VVD no reliable index change is found. Between the groups of urban girls with VVD no reliable difference in this index is indicated.


  1. Statistically significant decrease  in the body weight in urban girls with VVD (p<0,001) in comparison to the healthy urban girls is constituted.
  2. Statistically significant increase in the height of the pubic and the height of the brachial point was constituted in urban girls with VVD in comparison to the healthy girls (p<0,05).
  3. Statistically significant decrease of the distal forearm epiphysis and the width of the distal thigh epiphysis indicated reliable decrease  of  this index in the urban and the country girls (p<0,01) in comparison to the healthy children of the same age. Comparison of the width of the distal tibia epiphysis indicated statistically significant decrease of this index in girls, who live in the city compared to the healthy children of the same age (p<0,01).

The perspective  of  the  further  research is in the study and the comparative analysis of  the perimeter body measures and the body components with the informative anthropometric indicators for the population screening identification.


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