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Головна » Файли » 2013 » 5 (119)

Сазонова О.М. Порівняльний антропометричний аналіз окремих парціальних розмірів і товщини шкірно-жирових складок тіла дівчаток 7-11 років з
31.07.2014, 19:18

Сазонова О.М. Порівняльний антропометричний аналіз окремих парціальних розмірів і товщини шкірно-жирових складок тіла дівчаток 7-11 років з вегетативними розладами серцево-судинної системи.
Досліджено окремі парціальні розміри і товщина шкірно-жирової складки серед здорових та дівчаток з ВСД: встановлено достовірне зменшення обхвату плеча в напруженому стані як у міських, так і у сільських дівчаток з ВСД (р<0,05), в порівнянні із здоровими; виявлено достовірне збільшення величини обхвату талії у сільських дівчаток в порівнянні із міськими та у дівчаток з ВСД в порівнні зі здоровими (р<0,05). Встановлене статистично значиме збільшення товщини шкірно-жирової складки на передній поверхні плеча у міських та сільських дівчаток з ВСД (р<0,01-0,05), в порівнянні із здоровими однолітками.
Ключові слова: антропометрія, парціальні розміри тіла, дівчатка 7-11 років.

Сазонова О.Н. Сравнительный антропометрический анализ отдельных парциальных размеров и толщины кожно-жировых складок тела девочек 7-11 лет с вегетативными расстройствами сердечно-сосудистой системы.
Исследованы отдельные парциальные размеры и толщина кожно-жировых складок среди здоровых и девочек с ВСД: выявлено достоверное уменьшение охвата плеча в напря-жённом состоянии как среди сельских, так и среди городских девочек с ВСД (р<0,05) по сравению со здоровыми одногодками; выявлено достоверное увеличение охвата талии у сельских девочек по сравнению с городскими и у девочек с ВСД по сравнению со здоровыми (р<0,05). Выявлено статистически значимое увеличение толщины кожно-жировой на передней поверхности плеса плеча у городских и сельских девочек с ВСД (р<0,01-0,05) по сравнению со здоровыми одногодками.
Ключевые слова: антропометрия, парциальные размеры тела, девочки 7-11 лет.

Sazonova О.M. Comparative anthropometric analysis of selected partial dimensions and dermal-fat roll thickness of 7-11 years old girls with autonomic disturbances of cardiovascular system.
Selected partial dimensions and dermal-fat roll thickness of healthy girls and girls with vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) have been researched. A verifiable decrease of shoulder circumference in tensioned state has been observed both among the urban girls and rural ones with VVD (р<0,05), compared to healthy girls; a verifiable increase of waist circumference has been observed among the rural girls compared to the urban ones, and among the girls with VVD compared to the healthy ones (р<0,05). A statistically significant increase of dermal-fat roll on the anterior surface of the shoulder has been determined among the urban girls and the rural ones with VVD (р<0,01-0,05) compared to the healthy girls of the same age.
Key words: anthropometry, partial dimensions of the body, 7-11 years old girls.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. В.І. Лузін

УДК 616-056.7-02:616.248-053.2

Харківський національний медичний університет МОЗ України

Харьковский национальный медицинский университет

Kharkiv National Medical University


The objective of this research was to examine and to perform comparative anthropometric analysis of selected circumference dimensions of the body of the girls aged 7-11 (healthy ones and the ones with autonomic disturbances of cardiovascular system).

Research materials and methods.In order to perform comparative analysis, 375 girls between the ages of 7 and 11 years have been examined, including 210 healthy girls (of which 120 urban girls and 90 rural ones) and 165 girls with vegetative-vascular dystonia (of which 85 urban girls and 80 rural ones). Anthropometric measurements were taken in the setting of the planned comprehensive medical exam of the schoolchildren according to V.V. Bunak’s methods [1].

Research results and discussions.Having examined shoulder circumference in tensioned state among the girls residing in the cities and in the rural area a verifiable decrease has been determined among the girls with VVD (both urban and rural ones) compared to the healthy girls (р<0,05).Also a verifiable increase of shoulder circumference in tensioned state among the girls with VVD, regardless of the place of residence, has been established compared to the healthy girls of the same age (р<0,05). Having compared shoulder circumference in tensioned state between the groups of unhealthy and healthy girls of various ages correspondingly, regardless of place of residence, a verifiable decrease has been determined both among the urban girls and the rural girls (р<0,05), compared to the healthy ones.

A statistically significant decrease of shoulder circumference in relaxed state has been determined only among the girls with VVD compared to the healthy urban girls (р<0,05). Having compared shoulder circumference in relaxed state in the groups of healthy urban girls and the ones correspondingly no significant difference was observed, whereas comparing shoulder circumference in relaxed state in the corresponding groups revealed a decrease of shoulder circumference in relaxed state among the teenager urban girls (р<0,05).

A statistically significant decrease of lower arm circumference in the upper third part among the girls with VVD, regardless of their residence, has been established compared to the healthy girls of the same age (р<0,05-0,001). Comparative analysis of lower arm circumference in the upper third part performed in the group of healthy girls residing in the urban and rural areas hasn’t revealed a statistically significant difference of this measurement(р<0,001)

A statistically significant decrease of the ankle circumference in the upper third part has been determined among the unhealthy urban girls (р<0,01) compared to the healthy girls of the same age. Comparative analysis of ankle circumference in the upper third part performed in the corresponding groups of the healthy girls has revealed a considerable decrease of this measurement among the girls from the rural areas compared to the girls from the urban areas (р<0,05). A verifiable increase of ankle circumference in the lower third part has been determined among the unhealthy girls from the urban areas (р<0,01) and rural (р<0,001) areas (р<0,05). A statistically significant increase of waist circumference has been determined among the unhealthy girls from the urban and rural areas (р<0,001) compared to the healthy girls of the same age. A significant increase of waist circumference has been established only among the unhealthy girls from the urban areas (р<0,001) compared to the healthy ones. Comparative analysis of waist circumference between the corresponding groups of healthy girls from the urban and rural areas reveals a verifiable increase of this measurement among the girls from the rural areas compared to the ones from the urban areas.

Comparative analysis of feet circumference performed in the groups of girls with VVD residing in the urban and rural areas has established a verifiable decrease of this measurement has been established among the unhealthy girls (р<0,001). Similar data has been obtained after performing a comparative analysis in the groups of healthy urban and rural girls, among which only verifiable decrease of this measurement has been established (р<0,001).

A statistically significant increase of dermal-fat roll thickness on the posterior surface of the shoulder has been established among the unhealthy rural and urban girls (р<0,001-0,01) compared to the healthy girls of the same age. A statistically significant increase of dermal-fat thickness on the anterior surface of the shoulder has been established among the unhealthy urban and rural girls (р<0,001-0,01) compared to the healthy girls of the same age. A statistically significant increase of dermal-fat thickness on the anterior surface of the shoulder has been established among the rural girls with VVD (р<0,01-0,05), compared to the healthy girls of the same age.

However, a comparative analysis of dermal-fat roll thickness on the anterior surface of the shoulder conducted in the groups of healthy urban and rural girls has only established a verifiable decrease of this measurement among the rural girls (р<0,001) compared to the healthy girls of the same age.A verifiable increase of dermal-fat roll thickness on the side of the body has been established among the unhealthy girls (р<0,001-0,01) compared to the healthy ones. No significant difference in dermal-fat roll thickness on the hip has been established in comparison between the unhealthy girls and healthy ones, however a significant increase of this measurement has been observed among the unhealthy rural girls compared to the healthy ones (р<0,05). Only a statistically significant decrease of dermal-fat roll thickness on the ankle has been established among the urban girls with VVD (р<0,05) compared to the healthy ones.


1. A comparative analysis of shoulder circumference in tensioned state that was performed in the groups of healthy girls and girls with VVD, regardless of residential area, has established a verifiable decrease of this measurement both among the urban and rural girls (р<0,05), compared to the healthy ones. A statistically significant decrease of lower arm circumference in the upper third part among the girls with VVD has been established, regardless of the residential area, compared to the healthy girls of the same age (р<0,05-0,001).

2. A comparative analysis of waist circumference that was performed in the groups of health rural and urban girls has established verifiable increase of this measurement among the rural girls compared to the urban ones. A comparative analysis of wrist circumference between the corresponding groups of healthy rural and urban girls has revealed a verifiable increase of this measurement among the rural girls with VVD compared to the healthy girls of the same age (р<0,05).

3. A statistically significant increase of dermal-fat roll thickness on the anterior shoulder surfaces among the urban and rural girls with VVD (р<0,01-0,05) has been established compared to the healthy girls of the same age. Only statistically significant decrease of dermal-fat roll thickness on the ankle has been established among the urban girls with VVD (р<0,05) compared to the healthy girls of the same age.

The aspects of further researches are related to examining and comparative analysis of body physical dimensions and its weight components, which should be followed by determining informative anthropometric indicators for population screening.


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