Головна » Файли » 2013 » 2 (116) |
28.05.2014, 17:27 | |
Резюме Рецензент: д.фарм.н., проф. А.Г. Сербін УДК 577.114:582.948.2 Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків) Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков) 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 53 National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov) Ukraine, 61002, Kharkov, 53, str. Pushkinska tatyanaviola@mail.ru INTRODUCTION Echium vulgare L. of Boraginaceae Juss. Family occurs all around Central and Eastern Europe; in particular, it is common in such countries as Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, and Switzerland [13]. This plant grows along roadsides, on stony slopes, dry meadows, and weeded areas. In addition, Echium is cultivated as an ornamental and melliferous plant. Herb and roots of Echium vulgare L. contain carbohydrates, alkaloids, organic and phenol carboxylic acids, naphthoquinones, vitamins А and Е, as well as ascorbic acid. Its chemical composition conditions antimicrobial, fungistatic and anti-inflammatory action of preparations made from Echium’s roots [1,11,14]. Thus, in Russia the following ones are used: “Shikonin oil”, wound covering “Digispon-A”, “Geshispon”, “Kollakhit-Sh”, treating tampons for women “Vitar-Sh”. In addition, herb extract is used in diseases of upper respiratory ways, as a calming and anticonvulsant agent in epilepsy; externally as an anti-inflammatory preparation in rheumatic joint pains and strained tendon [4]. Polysaccharides are a widely spread group of BAS in plant raw material, which has coating, softening, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing action; they are used in diseases of nasopharynx, bronchitis, and bowel diseases. It is found that some polysaccharides improve immunity and have hemostatic property [6,7,8,12]. This group of substances for raw material from Echium vulgare L. has not been studied yet. Relationship of the work with scientific programs, plans and themes: the work has been carried out in accordance to the plans of scientific and research works of the National University Pharmacy on the problem “Pharmacognosy study of biologically active substances, development of medicines of plant origin” (state registration No 0103U000476). The aim of our work was to extract water-soluble polysaccharides (WSPS) from herb and roots of Echium vulgare L., to study their monomeric composition, as well as a number of amino-acid and elemental composition. MATERIALS AND METHODS OF STUDY The objects of study were WSPS obtained from herb and roots of Echium vulgare L., harvested in 2009 – 2010 in Kharkov oblast, settlement Liptsy. In order to obtain polysaccharides, raw material was minced to particles that came through 2-mm sieve. First, lipophilic fraction was extracted from raw material with chloroform. The meal was dried and extracted three times on boiling water bath with 50% ethanol for 2 hours each. In order to obtain WSPS, dried meal was covered with purified water and extracted three times for 1 h. Water extracts were combined, evaporated to 1/3 of the volume, and then forced WSPS with 3-fold volume of 96% ethanol. The residue (WSPS) obtained was filtered under vacuum, dried and studied [2]. In order to determine monomeric composition, WSPS were hydrolyzed with 2-n sulfuric acid [6] and studied with chromatography on paper in the system of solvents: butanol - acetic acid - water (4:1:2) and pyridine - n-butanol - water (6:4:3), in parallel with standard samples. After drying, chromatograms were treated with aniline phthalate reagent and heated in an exsiccator at 100-1050 C, monosaccharides appeared as red and brown spots. Weight loss at drying and total ash were determined in accordance to the State Pharmacopeia of Ukraine, edition I (art. 2.2.32 and 2.4.16) [3]. Qualitative and quantitative compositions of WSPS amino-acid of Echium vulgare L. herb and roots were determined with amino-acid analyzer ААА-339. Exact weight of WSPS was hydrolyzed with 6-n hydrochloric acid with further removal of the latter. Quantitative estimation of amino acids was carried out due to peak areas in comparison with standard samples of amino acids from “Fluka”. Qualitative composition and quantitative content of mineral compounds in herb and root WSPS were studied with the method of atomic emission spectroscopy, based on complete evaporation of raw material in alternating-current arch discharge (excitation source: IVS-28) and registration of spectrograph DFS-8 irradiation [3,5,9,10]. RESULTS AND THEIR DISCUSSION WSPS yield from herb was 5.40±0.26% (amorphous light-brown powder), WSPS from underground organs: 6.18±0.07% (amorphous dark-brown powder). Weight loss at drying for herb WSPS was 9.64±0.16%, and the one for WSPS from underground organs: 8.21±0.21%. Total ash in herb WSPS was 18.13±0.78%, and in root WSPS: 17.50±0.21%. Whole protein content did not differ significantly: in herb WSPS it was 10.00±0.21% and root WSPS: 5.12±0.12%, respectively. When studying monomeric composition of WSPS from the objects studied, D-galactose, D-glucose, L- arabinose and L- rhamnose were identified. Amino-acid composition of Echium vulgare L. herb and root WSPS is shown in table 1. In both objects 16 amino acids were identified, 7 of which are essential ones. The content of total essential amino acids and total amino acids was 1.6-folds greater in WSPS from Echium vulgare L. herb, and 1.5 as for nonessential amino acids than in root WSPS. As for nonessential amino acids, root WSPS contained more lysine (247.10 µg/100mg), and herb WSPS: phenylalanine (244.53 µg/100mg). The content of threonine and phenylalanine in root WSPS was practically equal (see Table 1). As for essential amino acids, root WSPS accumulated tyrosine (236.20 µg/100mg) to a greater degree, as well as glutamic and asparaginic acids (184.95 µg/kg and 186.35 µg/100mg, respectively), in herb WSPS: glutamic acid and glycine (488.20 µg/kg and 283.54 µg/100mg, respectively). The content of glycine and serine was practically equal in root WSPS, whereas the one of glutamic acid and glycine in herb WSPS (see Table 1). Results of elemental composition of Echium vulgare L. WSPS are given in Table 2. There were identified 18 elements. The content of heavy metals did not exceed acceptable norms. The content of potassium, calcium, sodium and silicon was the greatest in both objects. Root WSPS contained potassium and calcium: 9,660 µg/kg and 2,710 µg/kg, respectively, and the herb one: 9,170 µg/kg and 2,220 µg/kg, respectively. There was 1.3-folds less sodium in Echium root WSPS in comparison with herb. The content of silicon in herb WSPS was 2,580 µg/kg, which is 1.7-folds greater than in root WSPS. CONCLUSIONS
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