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Мала О.С., Гонтова Т.М. Порівняльний аналіз елементного складу кори берези бородавчастої з різних місць заготівлі
22.07.2014, 00:25

Мала О.С.1, Гонтова Т.М.2 Порівняльний аналіз елементного складу кори берези бородавчастої з різних місць заготівлі.
Проведено порівняльний аналіз складу і вмісту макро – та мікроелементів у корі берези бородавчастої в залежності від місця заготівлі. Визначено, що з макроелементів в корі берези в більшой кількості накопичуються Na, K, Ca, Si, з мікроелементів – Al, Fe, Mn, Cu.
Ключові слова: макро та мікроелементи, кора, береза бородавчаста.
Малая О.С., Гонтовая Т.Н. Сравнительный анализ элементного состава коры березы бородавчатой с разных мест сбора.
Проведен сравнительный анализ состава и содержания макро– и микроэлементов в коре березы бородавчатой в зависимости от места сбора. Установлено, что из макроэлементов в коре березы бородавчатой в больших количествах накапливаются Na, K, Ca, Si,а из микроэлементов – Al, Fe, Mn, Cu.
Ключевые слова: макро– и микроэлементы, кора, береза бородавчатая.
Malaja О.S., Gontovaja T.N. Comparative analysis of the element’s compound of the birch bark from different соllection grounds.
The comparative analysis of the composition and content of macro-and microelements studied in the bark birch, depending on the collection grounds. There are many macroelements, such as Na, K, Ca, Si accumulated in birch bark, аnd from microelements – Al, Fe, Mn, Cu.
Key words: macro-and microelements, bark, common birch.
Рецензент: д.фарм.н., проф. А.Г. Сербін

УДК 615.322:582.632.1:581.821.2:577.118

Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

61002, г. Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 53

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov) Ukraine,

61002, Kharkov, 53, str. Pushkinska

1 ola-ms@rambler.ru

2 tatyanaviola@mail.ru

Introduction. Representatives of the birch family (Betulaceae) genus Betula L. are common in Ukraine. 51 species known are, the most common of them is birch (Betula verrucosa Ehrh.) [9]. Preparations of a birch are used for skin diseases such as eczema, allergic rashes, as well as grueling sweating, pulmonary tuberculosis, gout, etc. [4,12,13]. Buds in official medicine as are used as anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, wound healing, antispasmodic, antipyretic means [13]. In folk medicine a decoction of bark and leaves of a birch is used for burns, chronic purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, bruises, abrasions, dermatomycosis, itching, festering wounds, diseas of a liver, lungs and a bladder, female and sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, food poisoning, dropsy, gout, abscess, periodontitis [14-19]. Macro - and microelements are known to be accumulated in medicinal plants, their content and composition depend on several factors such as the soil which plants grow in, the distance from cities, roads, etc., the ability of certain types to accumulate certain elements [1,7,10,11].

PURPOSE. To conduct a comparative analysis of the qualitative and quantitative content of elements in birch bark from different places of the procumante.

METHODS. The bark is procured during the period of sap movement from the 6 breeding sites in areas: the 1 one is the in Botanical Garden of Odessa National University by Ilya Mechnikov, the 2 one is the in Botanical Garden of the National Pharmaceutical University (Kharkiv), the 3 one is the in p. Snihurivka (Mykolaiv region)., 4th one is in Lyptsi (Kharkiv region)., the 5th  one is in Dunaivtsi (Khmelnitsky region)., the 6th one is in Sverdlovsk (Luhansk region)..The qualitative composition and the quantitative content of mineral compounds in the series of birch bark were determined by atomic emission spectral analysis, based on complete evaporation of substances in the discharge curves of alternating current (excitation source - IBC-28) and recording emission by spectrograph DFS-8 [3.5 ]. Measuring the intensity of lines in the spectra of the studied samples and calibration samples was performed using a mikrofotometra NF-1. The relative standard deviation (for five parallel measurements) did not exceed 30% in determining the amounts of content elements [3,5,6].

RESULTS. The results of the study of the elemental composition of samples of birch bark is given in the table. According to the requirements of HFC I heavy metals were within the acceptable concenration [2,9]. Macronutrients in the samples under the investigation, accumulated in the following order: Na> K> Ca> Si> Mg> P. In the sample number 2 more sodium contained than in other samples (3200.00 mg/100g). The sodium content in the samples № 3, № 4 and № 6 was comparable and ranged (3010.00 - 3150.00 mg/100g). In samples number 1 and number 5 the sodium content is the least 2900.00 and 2300.00 mg/100g respectively. Potassium accumulated in the maximum quantity in samples number 1 and number 5 (2110.00 and 2060.00 mg/100g respectively). In samples number 3 and number 6 the quantity of this element was less than 1.3 times (less 1600.00 and 1460.00 mg/100g respectively). Almost the same content of this element was observed in samples number 2 and number 3 (see the table). The content of calcium and silicon is several times less than in potassium and sodium. In the sample number 1, these items accumulated in abundance (see the table). In the sample number 3 calcium 1.9 times lower than in sample number 1, and silicon by 1.3 times. Calcium collect at least in the sample number 6 (106.00 mg/100g) and silicon in the sample number 5 (120.00 mg/100g). In samples number 2 and number 4 calcium and silicon respectively was almost the same (see table).. The maximum amount of magnesium contained the sample number 1 (198.00 mg/100g) and in samples number 3 and number 5 this element accumulated almost the same amount (191.00 and 190.00 mg/100g respectively). In samples number 2 and number 4 magnesium content differed significantly and amounted 175.00 and 170.00 mg/100g respectively. The phosphorus content varied significantly in all samples from 90.00 mg/100g (in the sample number 5) to 19.00 mg/100g (in sample number 4).Trace elements accumulated in the following order: Al <Fe <Mn <Cu <Zn <Mo <Ni. In the analysis of the trace element composition we established that in the samples № 2, № 3 and № 4 in abundance Al, Fe, Cu, Zn accumulated (see the table). The aluminum content was the same in samples number 2 and number 4 (to 26.00 mg/100g) in samples number 1 and number 5 content of this element is slightly different (24.00 and 22.00 mg/100g respectively). The content of manganese in the samples number 1 and number 3 was almost identical (8.50 and 8.20 mg/100g respectively). Samples of bark number 2 and number 4 also contained almost the same amount of iron (15.00 and 14.90 mg/100g respectively). Copper in equal amounts accumulated in the samples number 2 and number 4 (at 0.70 mg/100g). In these samples the zinc content almost coincided (0.15 and 0.14 mg/100g respectively), and molybdenum accumulated in similar amounts (0.30 mg/100g).


1. For the first time a comparative analysis of the elemental composition of 6 series of birch bark from different places of procurement.

2. We found out that from macroelement Na, K, Ca and Si in all samples in abudance of accumulated from trace elements Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn did.

3. The results will be used later in the standardization of herbal drug development and MCQ.


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