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Дубинина Н.В. Изменение функциональной активности Т-лимфоцитов селезёнки на фоне химического канцерогенеза
30.07.2014, 00:14

Дубинина Н.В. Изменение функциональной активности Т-лимфоцитов селезёнки на фоне химического канцерогенеза.
Изучались изменения клеточной популяции тимуса на фоне химически индуцированной диметилбензантраценом опухоли. Показано истощение клеточного резерва с последующим развитием Т-клеточного иммунодефицита и вовлечением периферического звена иммунитета, проявляющееся в усилении миграционных потоков в системе тимус-селезёнка.
Ключевые слова: тимоциты, Т-лимфоциты, опухоли, канцерогенез.

Дубініна Н.В. Зміна функціональної активності Т-лімфоцитів селезінки на фоні хімічного канцерогенезу.
Вивчалися зміни клітинної популяції тимуса на тлі хімічно індукованої диметилбензантраценом пухлини. Показано виснаження клітинного резерву з подальшим розвитком Т-клітинного імунодефіциту і залученням периферичної ланки імунітету, що виявляється в посиленні міграційних потоків у системі тимус-селезінка.
Ключові слова: тимоцити, Т-лімфоцити, пухлини, канцерогенез.

Dubinina N.V. Changes in functional activity of T lymphocytes of spleen on the background of chemical carcinogenesis.
Changes in the cell population of thymus against dimethylbenz(a)anthracene chemically induced tumors. Were examined cell depletion allowance and the subsequent development of  T-cell immunodeficiency, and the involvement of peripheral immunity were displayed which, manifested in increasing of migration in the system thymus-spleen.
Key words: thymocytes, T-lymphocytes, tumor, carcinogenesis.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. О.І. Залюбовська

УДК 616-006.04-092.19/4

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

61002, г. Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 53

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)

Ukraine, 61002, Kharkov, 53, str. Pushkinska


The ecological crisis complicated by emergency situations in a number of regions of Ukraine and other CIS countries, contributes to the further increase in the number of cancer diseases. Taking into consideration the frequency of tumous under influence of it is necessary to carry out researches in the field of correction of immunological disorders observed in malignant growth.

The aim of the present work was to study the correlation of quantitative and qualitative changes in the immune response by induced carcinogenesis.

The experiment was conducted using the playback of fibrosarcoma by means of dimetilbenzantratsena ( DMBA ) in animals : Wistar rats , mice of lines A / Sn and C57BL / 6.

Investigations were carried out on the basis of Institute of Microbiology and Immunology. Mechnikov Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

Chemical carcinogenesis is inherent in a long latency period, against which there are profound disturbances of organismal homeostasis, affecting in particular the immune system. These features allow us to consider chemical carcinogenesis as an adequate model for studying the participation of thymus in the regulation of immunological interactions in the "tumor-organism".

In the research there was conducted a comparative study of changes in the functional state of the T- lymphocytes of  spleen and thymocytes.

The results of these studies showed that changes in the cell population of thymus on the background of development of chemically induced tumors are characterized from a qualitative point  by increase in the proportion of mature cells and decrease in immature forms, respectively. This imbalance can be interpreted as the depletion of cell reserve, which can eventually lead to development of profound T - cell immunodeficiency.     

Against the background of development of carcinogen - induced tumors were observed deep quantitative and qualitative alterations in both the central (thymus) and peripheral (spleen) immunity.

The total number of thymocytes in the latent phase of chemical carcinogenesis does not change significantly, but decreasis by the appearance of tumors. In the future, hypoplasty of thymus develops, the degree of which varies considerably depending on the genotype of animals, as well as their individual characteristics.

Regardless of the strain of mice, the results indicate a mechanism involving a close comparison of the thymus in the regulation of migrating activity of T - lymphocytes in the process of chemical carcinogenesis. A significant aspect of these phenomena is the sharp increase of migration flows in system the thymus - spleen, which is only the part of the whole picture of changes in migration patterns of relationships between the individual links of the immune system in the development of experimental tumors.

Summarizing the results of the studies it can be concluded that there is relation of changes of the cell population of thymus against chemically  DMBA induced tumors, which is accompanied by development of T-cell immunodeficiency, involving peripheral immunity.


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