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Половко Н.П. Аналіз ринку лікарських препаратів і косметичних засобів, що використовуються в терапії рубцевих змін шкіри
02.08.2014, 14:39

Половко Н.П. Аналіз ринку лікарських препаратів і косметичних засобів, що використовуються в терапії рубцевих змін шкіри.
Проаналізовано ринок лікарських препаратів та косметичних засобів, що використовуються для лікування рубцевих змін шкіри. Показано, що в терапії даного патологічного процесу використовуються ферментативні препарати, поверхнево-адгезивні еластомери, лікарські препарати, які проявляють фібринолітичну, протизапальну, регенеруючу дію та косметичні засоби, що мають подібний ефект. За результатами аналізу літературних джерел встановлено, що лікування келоїдних та інших видів рубців потребує комплексного підходу з використанням хірургічних, апаратним методик, та лікарських і косметичних засобів.
Ключові слова: маркетингові дослідження, лікарські препарати, рубцеві зміни шкіри.
Половко Н.П. Анализ рынка лекарственных препаратов и косметических средств, которые используются в терапии рубцовых изменений кожи.
Проанализирован рынок лекарственных препаратов и косметических средств, которые используются для лечения рубцовых изменений кожи. Показано, что в терапии данного патологического процесса используются ферментативные препараты, поверхностно-адгезивные эластомеры, лекар-ственные препараты, которые проявляют фибринолитическое, противовоспалительное, регенерирующее действие и косметические средства, которые имеют подобный еффет. На основании результатов анализа литературных источников установлено, что лечение келоидных и других видов рубцов требует комплексного подхода с использованием хирургических, аппаратным методик, а также лекарственных и косметических средств.
Ключевые слова: маркетинговые исследования, лекарственные препараты, рубцовые изменения кожи.
Polovko N.P. The market analysis of drugs and cosmetics, which are used in the treatment of skin scarring.
The market of medicinal preparations and cosmetics, which are used for the treatment of skin scarring. It is shown that in the treatment of this disease process uses enzymatic preparations, surface - adhesive elastomers, drugs that exhibit fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect and cosmetics that have a similar effet. Based on the analysis of literary sources that treatment of keloid scars and other types requires an integrated approach using surgical, hardware techniques, as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
Key words: marketing research, medicine, skin scarring.

Рецензент: д.фарм.н., доц. О.М. Євтушенко

УДК 615.26:339:138

Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)



Introduction. Scarring as a special type of wound healing has great scientific and practical interest. A complex problem is the treatment of scars [2, 3]. To date, the universal methods of treatment. In each individual case the effectiveness of a method will be different. These methods can be used both individually and as part of a comprehensive treatment program [3, 5, 6, 11].

The main treatment options include surgical technique, laser resurfacing, and cry therapy, the effect of pressure, including topical application of surface-adhesive elastomers (silicone patches or gels) [3, 5, 6, 11]. Among the drugs used introduction to scar steroid medicines and topical application of creams, gels, ointments of various kinds of action. Despite an arsenal of techniques used treatment, scars tend to constant recurrence [7].

Results of surgical and conservative methods do not satisfy both surgeons and dermatologists and beauticians. For this reason, the actual development and introduction into clinical practice of new therapies that ensure treatment of patients with scarring of the skin, ensures that no recurrences and satisfactory cosmetic result [3, 5, 11]. Considered to be the most effective combination therapy, in which was used several treatments. An example is the integrated use of hardware and surgical techniques, and the use of new drugs and cosmetics [3, 5, 6, 11].

The aim of our study is the analysis of pharmaceutical and cosmetic market of this action orientation to determine the feasibility of potential development of domestic medicinal and cosmetic preparations for the prevention and treatment of scar [1, 4].

Materials and methods research

We used statistical methods for marketing and research of electronic and paper sources. The object of the study was to information registered in Ukraine and other countries of medicines and cosmetics that are used in the treatment of scars

Obtained results and discussion

The analysis showed (table, fig. 1.) Limited range of drugs for treatment of keloid scars. They are enzymatic preparations of surface-adhesive elastomer (silicone gels and coatings) and the so –called drug “new generation” that exhibit a number of pharmacological effects [8-10]. Tools are available in different dosage forms, so the 15 items, 3 – a lyophilized powder for solution that can be used for injection administration and hardware techniques – electrophoresis and iontophoresis. This dosage form is characteristic of enzyme preparations (table, fig. 2)

The special shape are surface – adhesive elastomers (silicone gel and coating), the mechanism of which is to delay the water molecules in the tissue scar, leading to softening and reducing its thickness and density. Besides the pressure that occurs during their use contributes to the parallel alignment of the fibers of the scar that is formed and leads to an increase in its flexibility, alignment and reduction in size.

Drugs with antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, softening and smoothing effect (Contractubex, Mederma) are presented in the form of creams and gels (table, fig.2) [8].


Medicinal and cosmetic products for the prevention and treatment of scars











Enzymatic preparations


Set electrode roforezu (lyophilized powder), a set of applications and phonophoresis (gel), a set of applications (cream)

High Tech, Russia

enzyme composition of collagen proteases from 9 MM 20 – 100 kDa derived from marine invertebrates

Care for problem skin with scars after surgery, wounds, burns, inflammatory skin diseases, acne.



Bayer AG, Germany

heparin, hyaluronidase

Treatment in the early stages of scarring


Lyophilized powder for injection and topical application

Imunopreparat, Russia

kolalizyn proteolytic enzyme

The aqueous solution was injected into their homes redok defeat by electrophoresis, phonophoresis, mikroin’yektsiyno and cutaneous

Сollagenase CC

Lyophilized powder for districts injection and topical application

Imunopreparat, Russia

complex collagen-of-nolitychnyh teyinaz with MM 23-36 kDa, with crabs (ana-log fermenkolu)

Treatment and prevention of young hypertrophic and keloids

Surface-adhesive elastomers


Silicone gel and silicone gel plates

«Polytech silimed GmbH», Germany

polysiloxane oligomers and siloxanes

Treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars, erythema after burns, surgeries, dermabrasion, peeling. Prevention of hypertrophic scars, keloids and erythema








Silicone gel



cyclopentasiloxane, dimethicone essential oil of rose musk

Prevention and reduction of scarring. Treatment postpilinhovoyi erythema. Increase in skin elasticity after the operating period


Silicone gel

Valeant Pharmaceutical Switzerland GmbH, Switzerland

polysiloxane mixture of silicon oxide

Prevention and reduction of scarring. Treatment postpilinhovoyi erythema. Increase in skin elasticity after the operating period and postpilinhovomu



Silicone gel, spray

Advanced BioTechnologies, USA-Germany

polysyloksan and silicone dioxide

Treatment and prevention of atrophic, hypertrophic and keloid scars




Scarguard Labs, LLC), USA


hydrocortisone, vitamin Е

Treatment and prevention

atrophic, hypertrophic and keloid scars


Silicone gel plates

Rofil Medical Nederland B.V., Holland


Treatment, prevention and decrease of keloid and hypertrophic scars, reducing erythema



Silicone gel plates

Rofil Medical Nederland B.V., Holland

polysiloxane, vitamin E, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10 and zinc oxide


Preparations of the "new generation" of integrated action



Merz pharma GmbH & Co Germany

onion extract, heparin, allantoin

Treatment of keloids



Merz pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA, Germany

onion extract, heparin, allantoin

Treatment cosmetic scars and striae




Sandoz Pharm. GMBH, Німеччина

urea, heparin sodium, camphor, menthol

Treatment and prevention normotrofichny, keloid and hypertrophic scars




Gernetic, France

fatty acids, vitamins B, C, D, and E, antioxidants, olihoelementy, amino


Correction of keloids




fatty acids, amino acids and olihoelementy

Acne treatment, prevention of age-related changes, and treatment of scars stand




Vitamins A, E, D, B, amino acids, olihoelementy

Correction of age-related changes, the treatment of dermatological ele-voryuvan: acne, scars, stretch marks, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea

Cells life



Proteoglycans, amino acids, proteins mukohli-koproteyinovyy complex chondrules-yitynu sulfate, Gia-luronova acid, hydroxyproline peptides

Normalization of oxidation-restorative processes in the rumen



Elitsyna, Russia

Extract snail, allantoin, proteins collagen, elastin, glycolic acid

Correction of age-related changes, the treatment of dermatological diseases: acne, scarring, formation, psoriasis



Analysis of the literature on treatment outcomes shows that relapses almost always occur in the treatment of only one method [6, 11]. In the complex there is a positive treatment results, with fewer relapses. Significant role in treatment given and medicinal and cosmetic preparations local action. They are the best complement of surgical techniques and hardware, as well as an effective means of prevention. The most rational use of medicinal purposes enzyme preparations (Fermenkol, Kolalizyn) and surface- adhesive elastomer (Kelokot, C- Kaderm , MedGel , Dermatyx et al.). In order to use preventive medications Kelofibraze, Kontraktubex, Mederma, exhibiting fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect. Sharing these drugs with hardware techniques (electro-and phonophoresis) can achieve optimum results in therapy. Essential cosmetics are rational application which helps normalize the skin condition, prevents the emergence of a number of dermatological diseases, reduces symptoms and scar formation


The market of medicinal preparations and cosmetics, which are used for the treatment of skin scarring. It is shown that in the treatment of this disease process uses enzymatic preparations, surface - adhesive elastomers, drugs that exhibit fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect and cosmetics that have a similar effet. Based on the analysis of literary sources that treatment of keloid scars and other types requires an integrated approach using surgical, hardware techniques, as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.



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  6. Alster T.S. Laser treatment of hypertrophic scars, keloidsand striae / T.S. Alster // Dermatol. Clin. – l997. – Vol. 15, № 3 . – Р. 419–429.
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  8. Ферменкол. Противорубцовый эффект [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://fermencol.ru/
  9. Методы лечения и коррекции гипертрофических и келоидных рубців [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www.scar.com.ua/metod_lechenija_gipertrof.htm
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