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Рибченко Л.А. Фактори ризику раку молочної залози у BRCA-позитивних та BRCA-негативних осіб.
31.07.2014, 19:14

Рибченко Л.А. Фактори ризику раку молочної залози у BRCA-позитивних та BRCA-негативних осіб.
Проаналізовані основні фактори ризику розвитку раку молочної залози у BRCA-позитивних та BRCA-негативних осіб. Встановлено, провідними факторами ризику BRCA-позитивного РМЗ є вік до 50 років та обтяженість сімейного анамнезу щодо РМЗ та/або РЯ. Серед BRCA-негативних пацієнтів значно частіше зустрічаються репродуктивні чинники розвитку РМЗ, а саме раннє менархе, грудне вигодовування менше 3 місяців.
Ключові слова: рак молочної залози, фактори ризику, мутації BRCA.
Рыбченко Л.А. Факторы риска рака молочной железы у BRCA-положительных и BRCA-отрицательных лиц.
Проанализированы основные факторы риска развития рака молочной железы у BRCA-положительных и BRCA-отрицательных лиц. Установлено, ведущими факторами риска BRCA-положительного РМЖ является возраст до 50 лет и отягощенность семейного анамнеза относительно РМЖ и / или РЯ. Среди BRCA-отрицательных пациентов значительно чаще встречаются репродуктивные факторы развития РМЖ - раннее менархе, грудное вскармливание менее 3 месяцев.
Ключевые слова: рак молочной железы, факторы риска, мутации BRCA.
Rybchenko L.A. Risk factors of breast cancer for BRCA- positive and BRCA- negative individuals.
The basic risk factors of breast cancer in BRCA- positive and BRCA- negative individuals are analyzed. Established that age before 50 years and family history of breast cancer and / or ovarian cancer are principal risk factors for BRCA- positive breast cancer. Reproductive factors of breast cancer are much more common among BRCA- negative patients (earlier menarche, breastfeeding less than 3 months).
Keywords: breast cancer, risk factors, BRCA mutations.
Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. М.А. Пілінська

УДК 618.19-006:616-001. 28:575 (083.13)

Державна установа «Національний науковий центр радіаційної медицини НАМН України» (Київ)

Государственное учреждение «Национальный научный центр радиационной медицины АМН Украины» (Киев)

State Institution "The National Research Center for Radiation Medicine AMS of Ukraine" (Kyiv)


Introduction. Breast cancer takes first place among malignant neoplasms in female population of Ukraine. Therefore, determination of factors, which cause this disease, is of great importance for conduction of preventive measures of BC.

Objectives: to determine BC risk factors in BRCA-positive and BRCA-negative individuals.

Material and methods

Four hundred twenty five women have been enrolled in the study: 146 women with BC and 279 individuals without this disease. Data on individuals have been put down in developed questionnaires, and included information concerning life and disease anamnesis, presence or absence of BC risk factors, in particular, reproductive factors, bad habits, cases of breast and ovarian malignant neoplasms in pedigree. Patients have been selected for study according to the principles of declaration of Helsinki after the study has been approved by Committee of Ethics of NRCRM.

Genome DNA has been extracted from samples of peripheral blood with use of Nucleospin DNA Mini-Kit (Duren, Germany) and with formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded samples of tumor tissue with use of kit for DNA extraction Quiamp DNA Micro Kit (Quiagen, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Conditions of DNA amplification and sequence of primers for identification of 5382insС and 185delAG mutations of gene BRCA1, 6174delT of gene BRCA2, published by Chan and co-authors have been used. Products of polymerase chain reaction for visualization have been divided according to the molecular weight using electrophoresis in 2.5% agarose gel with staining by ethidium bromide. Parametric indexes have been compared using two-tailed t-test, nonparametric – with use of Fischer exact test in two-tailed variant. Statistical calculations have been performed using Statistica 5,5 (StatSoft, USA).

Results and Discussion

Mutations of gene BRCA1 have been detected in 10 out of 141 (7.1%) cases: in 9 patients 5382insC mutation has been identified, in 1 patient – 185delAG. Among individuals without BC, 3 out of 279 (1.1%) mutations of gene BRCA1 has been detected, all presented by allele variant 5382insC. Comparing cohorts of women with and without BC, significant difference by frequency of pathogenic alleles has been determined (p=0,001). Among BC risk factors the following ones have been studied: presence or absence of  BRCA mutation, reproductive factors – early menarche age, late first childbirth, large number of abortions, small quantity of childbirths, breastfeeding of first child less than 3 months; BC and/or OC burdened pedigree, smoking, age at the point of manifestation of disease in BC individuals. Frequency analysis has detected higher number of BRCA-positive BC patients with manifestation of disease in the age up to 50 (p=0.03) compared with patients without mutations. While analyzing the role of burdened by BC and/or OC family anamnesis, has been determined that burdened pedigree is a predictor of development of BRCA-dependent BC’s (р=0.0001). In patients without BC, frequency prevalence concerning BC and/or OC burdened pedigree in BRCA-positive individuals compared with BRCA-negative ones has been determined (р<0.00001).

While analyzing risk factors among BRCA-negative individuals with and without BC, the prediction concerning the early menarche age in BC individuals has been observed (р=0.001). Breastfeeding of the first child less than 3 months is a predictor of BC development in group of patients with negative status of BRCA genes (р=0.02). Also frequency prevalence in BRCA-negative patients concerning the BC and/or OC burdened pedigree in BC patients compared with patients without BC has been determined (р<0.00001).


The leading risk factors of development of BRCA-positive BC are the age up to 50 and BC and/or OC burdened family anamnesis. Among BRCA-negative patients, reproductive factors of BC development, exactly early menarche, and breastfeeding less than 3 months are more often to be found.


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