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Головна » Файли » 2013 » 6 (120)

Аваков В.В., Рожко М.М. Дослідження ефективності комбінації метода глибокого фторування з різними адгезивними системами у дітей, які прожива
09.08.2014, 13:16

Аваков В.В., Рожко М.М. Дослідження ефективності комбінації метода глибокого фторування з різними адгезивними системами у дітей, які проживають у місцевості забрудненій солями важких металів.
Екологічно детерміновані стоматологічні патології, зокрема карієс у дітей, що пов’язаний з геохімічним та техногенним забрудненням місцевості, сприяє значному ураженню твердих тканин зубів, потребує некротомії значного об’єму твердих тканин з ризиком розкриття пульпової камери та провокує ріст ускладнень. Тому багатовекторний підхід до лікування карієсу у дітей, що мешкають в умовах техногенного забруднення солями важких металів, надзвичайно актуальний та важливий. Значну нішу в цьому підході виділено адгезивній підготовці в комбінації з методам локального фторування, з застосуванням фторпрепаратів нової генерації. В даній статті відображені дані, щодо застосування препарату «Глуфторед», який не чинить небажаного впливу на роботу адгезивної системи. Проведене дослідження крайової проникності показало, що даний препарат сумісний з сучасними адгезивними системами, та не порушує крайове прилягання реставрацій, а отже сприяє зміцненню тканин зубів, надаючи карієспрофілактичний ефект.
Ключові слова: діти, карієс, крайова проникливість, термоциклювання
Аваков В.В., Рожко Н.М. Исследование эффективности комбинации метода глубокого фторирования с разными адгезивными системами у детей, проживающих в местности загрязненной солями тяжелых металлов.
Экологически детерминированные стоматологические патологии, в частности кариес у детей, связанный с геохимическим и техногенным загрязнением местности, способствует значительному поражению твердых тканей зубов, нуждается в некротомии значительного объема твердых тканей с риском раскрытия пульповой камеры и провоцирует рост осложнений. Поэтому многовекторный подход к лечению кариеса у детей, проживающих в условиях техногенного загрязнения солями тяжелых металлов, чрезвычайно актуален и важен. Значительную нишу в этом подходе выделено адгезивной подготовке и комбинации метода локального фторирования, с применением фторпрепаратов нового поколения. В статье отражены данные, по применению препарата «Глуфторед», который не оказывает отрицательного влияния на работу адгезивной системы. Проведенное исследование краевой проницаемости показало, что данный препарат совместим с современными адгезивными системами, не нарушает краевое прилегание реставраций, а напротив, способствует укреплению тканей зубов, владея кариеспрофилактическим эффектом.
Ключевые слова: дети, кариес, краевая проницаемость, термоциклирования.

Avakov V.V., Rozhko N.М. The effectiveness research of combination of deep fluoridation method with differentadhesive systems among children living in areas contaminated by salts of hard metals.
Ecologically determined dental disease, including children’ dental caries associated with geochemical and techno genic pollution of locality against the background of significant fluoride deficiency, contributes to a significant lesions of dental hard tissues, requires necrotomy of considerable volume of hard tissue with the risk of pulp cavity disclosure and causes the growth of complications. Therefore, multi-vector approach to the treatment of dental caries of children living in conditions of techno genic pollution by salts of heavy metals is extremely urgent and important. Significant niche in this approach is singled out for adhesive preparation methods combined with local fluoridation, using fluoride medication of a new generation. This article reflects the data on the drug “Hluftored” that will not have an undesirable impact on adhesive system. The conducted marginal permeability research showed that the drug is compatible with modern adhesive systems, and does not violate the marginal restoration fit, and thus strengthens dental tissues, providing caries-preventive effect. There is a necessity for further research towards improving the efficiency of therapeutic treatment of permanent teeth caries of children, living in chemical contaminated area, by increasing of restoration basis resistance in combination with adhesive preparation.
Key words: children, dental caries, marginal permeability, thermocycling.

Рецензент: к.мед.н., доц. С.Ю. Труфанов

УДК 616.314-002+546.16+613.95+504.054

Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет

Ивано-Франковский национальный медицинский университет

Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University


Ecologically determined dental disease, including children' dental caries associated with geochemical and techno genic pollution of locality against the background of significant fluoride deficiency, contributes to a significant lesions of dental hard tissues, requires necrotomy of      considerable volume of hard tissue with the risk of pulp cavity disclosure and causes the growth of complications. Therefore, multi-vector approach to the treatment of dental caries of children living in conditions of techno genic pollution by salts of  heavy metals is extremely urgent and important. Significant niche in this approach is singled out for adhesive preparation methods combined with local fluoridation, using fluoride medication of a new generation. One such is "Hluftored" which promotes the formation of microcrystalline СаF2. Protocol of work with this new generation drug is based on the sequential precoating of enamel with magnesium-fluoride silicate, and then with suspension of  high desperasible calcium hydroxide, which promotes the formation of microcrystalline СаF2, magnesium and copper with the size of ~50Аº, leading to easy penetration of fluoride into pores of softening range. Moreover, microcrystals of SaF2 are protected by silicic acid gel from outwashing. Therefore  they release fluoride for a long period of time (over 1 year), which promotes remineralization and prevents complications of dental caries. This article reflects the data on the drug "Hluftored" that will not have an undesirable impact on adhesive system. The conducted marginal permeability research showed that the drug is compatible with modern adhesive systems, and does not violate the marginal restoration fit, and thus strengthens dental tissues, providing caries-preventive effect. Researches of  histological dentin structure by electron microscopy of permanent teeth native specimen among younger age group of people (11-16 years) (Tymoshenko О.А., 2006), indicate that the lumen of dental canaliculi in teeth with open apex ranges from 2 to 4 microns. This index, together with the number of dental canaliculi is consistent with index of permanent teeth in the middle age group of people (20-25 years). The difference is the structure around the pulp dentin. It is low mineralized in the younger age group  and its thickness is 12 microns, that is  topographic boundary of pulp chamber is increasing.  Cavities of 1 and 5 classes were formed to determine the marginal permeability of 12 teeth, which had been removed for orthodontic indications. Depending on the features of cavity preparation, the teeth were divided into 3 series. Series №1 included teeth from geochemically contaminated area, cavities of these teeth had been precoated with medication "Hluftored" before adhesive system application, and series № 2 included teeth from geochemically contaminated area, which hadn't been precoated with medication  "Hluftored" before adhesive system application. Series № 3 included teeth of geochemically clean areas that were treated only by adhesive system without "Hluftored".  Each series included the application of two adhesive systems, namely "AdperSingle-Bond» and «BondForce» in combination with resin luting Filtek Z 250 and Estelite Σ on the protocol of indicated manufacturers. Further thermal cycling was carried out (30 seconds in a tank of water 5°C and 55°C) and all models (teeth) were placed for 2 hours at 2% methylene blue solution with t 37º C. Then teeth were washed under running water and sprayed along the crown with diamond disks (NTI, Germany) during water cooling and examined marginal permeability using an electronic microscope ММ-2288-5Х-В (2.0 МР) with an increase x16. Evaluation of dye penetration at two zones was carried out in points by the established criteria, namely: the cervical part of the restoration - 0 points - no dye penetration; 1 point - penetration of dye to 1/3 of the gingival wall, 2 points - penetration of the dye into 2/3 of gingival wall; 3 points - penetration of the dye all over the gingival wall; 4 points - penetration of the dye all over the gingival wall, to the wall of tooth cavity; at the occlusal part of restoration - 0 points - no dye penetration; 1 point - penetration of dye along the enamel; 2 points - penetration of the dye along the enamel-dentin border; 3 points - penetration of dye outside the enamel-dentin border and deeper. Thus, obtained statistical data indicate significantly lower boundary permeability of performed adhesive restoration work, in combination with «Gluftored», in the permanent teeth of children living in geochemical contaminated area. There is a necessity for further research towards improving the efficiency of therapeutic treatment of permanent teeth caries of children, living in chemical contaminated area, by increasing of restoration basis resistance in combination with adhesive preparation.


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