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Cоколова О.О., Гонтова Т.М. Вивчення динаміки накопичення елементів у листках соняшника однорічного
09.08.2014, 12:55

Cоколова О.О., Гонтова Т.М.  Вивчення динаміки накопичення елементів у листках соняшника однорічного.
Вперше вивчено динаміку накопичення макро- та мікроелементів у листках соняшника однорічного у залежності від фази вегетації. З макроелементів у найбільшій кількості у листках накопичувались калій, кальцій і кремній, їх вміст був максимальним у період цвітіння. З мікроелементів у листках соняшника однорічного у найбільшій кількості накопичувались залізо, алюміній, марганець. Вміст заліза був максимальним у період бутонізації, цинку, алюмінію та міді - у період масового цвітіння, а вміст марганцю – початку плодоношення. Вміст важких металів знаходився в межах вимог гранично допустимих концентрацій для сировини та харчових продуктів.
Ключові слова: соняшник однорічний, мінеральні речовини, макроелементі, мікроелементі.
Соколова О.А., Гонтовая Т.Н. Изучение динамики накопления элементов в листьях подсолнечника однолетнего.
Впервые изучена динамика накопления макро- и микроэлементов в листьях подсолнечника однолетнего в зависимости от фазы вегетации. Из макроэлементов в наибольшем количестве в листьях накапливались калий, кальций и кремний, их содержание было максимальным в период цветения. Из микроэлементов в корзинках подсолнечника однолетнего в наибольшем количестве накапливались железо, алюминий, марганец. Содержание железа было максимальным в период бутонизации, цинка, алюминия, и меди – в период массового цветения, а содержание марганца – начала плодоношения. Содержание тяжелых металлов находилось в пределах требований предельно допустимых концентраций для сырья и пищевых продуктов.
Ключевые слова: подсолнечник однолетний, минеральные вещества, макроэлементы, микроэлементы.
Sokolova O.О., Gontova T.N. The studying of accumulating dynamics of elements in leaves  of annual sunflower.
For the first time the accumulating dynamics of macro- and microelements in  leaves  of annual sunflower depending on the phase of growth. Among macroelements, potassium, calcium and silicon were being accumulated in the leaves in the greatest amount. Their content was maximal during the blossoming. Among microelements, iron, aluminum, manganese were being accumulated in the leaves of annual sunflower in the greatest amount. The content of iron was maximal in the budding period; the content of zinc, aluminium and copper was maximal during the period of mass blossoming and the content of manganese – during the fruitage beginning.The heavy metal content is within the requirements of maximum allowable concentrations for raw materials and foodstuffs.
Key words: sunflower annual, minerals, macroelements, microelements.

Рецензент: д.фарм.н., проф. І.О. Журавель

УДК 582.998.2:577118

Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)

1234osa4321@gmail.com, tatyanaviola@mail.ru

Introduction. The macro - and microelements are a part of the most important enzymes, vitamins and hormones. Under their influence the plants become steadier against unfavorable conditions of environment, damages by diseases and pests. Minerals take part in metabolism reactions, in processes of blood clotting, substances absorption in a gastrointestinal tract, hematopoiesis, provide constant acid-base balance in a human body. At previous times we had studied the dynamics of macro- and microelements accumulation in anthodiums of annual sunflower during the vegetative period. According to these data potassium, calcium and magnesium were being accumulated in anthodiums in the greatest amount among macroelements. Their content was maximal during the blossoming. Aluminum, iron, manganese, zinc were being accumulated in the greatest amount among microelements. The content of zinc, aluminum, iron was maximal in the budding period, and the manganese content - in the period of the blossoming beginning.

The purpose of our work was the studying of accumulating dynamics of elements in leaves of annual sunflower during the vegetative period.

Materials and methods. The leaves of annual sunflower were being prepared for our research since the beginning of blossoming (June) till the mass fruiting (July) in Kharkiv region in 2013. The element analysis of raw materials was studied by means of a nuclear and emissive spectrometric method with photographic registration on the DFS-8 device which has three-lens system of a crack lightening and a grating diffraction 600 lines/mm.

Results and their discussions. When carrying out the studying of accumulating dynamics of elements in the leaves of annual sunflower it was established that macroelements were being accumulated in the following order К>Са>Si >Мg>P>Na. During the blossoming beginning and the period of mass fruitage the content of potassium was almost the same (3340mg/100g and 3060mg/100g correspondingly). The maximal content of potassium was being accumulated in the period of mass blossoming (4830mg/100g). During the blossoming beginning and the fruitage beginning the content of calcium was the same. Its maximal content was the highest during the mass blossoming (1610mg/100g). A significant amount of silicon was contained in the leaves of annual sunflower. The silicon content was 1170mg/100g during the blossoming period. At the fruitage beginning its content was decreasing and during the mass fruitage period it was increasing up to 1070mg/100g. The content of magnesium was fluctuating approximately at one level during the whole vegetative period. Sodium and phosphorus were being accumulated in raw materials in the smallest quantity. The content of sodium was fluctuating within the limits 30-160mg/100g, and the content of phosphorus - within the limits 240-305mg/100g. Microelements were being accumulated in the leaves of annual sunflower in the following order Fe>Al>Mn>Sr>Zn>Cu. The maximal content of iron was during the budding and mass blossoming period (119mg/100g and 48mg/100g correspondingly). The highest content of aluminium was during the mass blossoming (48mg/100g). The maximal content of manganese was observed during the budding and the fruitage period (14 and 15mg/100g correspondingly). The maximal content of zinc was during the mass blossoming (16mg/100g). The copper content was fluctuating within the limits 1-3mg/100g. The content of heavy metals was within the limits of allowable concentrations for raw materials and foodstuffs.

Conclusions. Depending on a vegetation phase the dynamics of macro- and microelements accumulation in the leaves of annual sunflower is studied for the first time. Among macroelements, potassium, calcium and silicon were being accumulated in the leaves in the greatest amount. Their content was maximal during the blossoming. Among microelements, iron, aluminum, manganese were being accumulated in the leaves of annual sunflower in the greatest amount. The content of iron was maximal in the budding period; the content of zinc, aluminium and copper was maximal during the period of mass blossoming and the content of manganese – during the fruitage beginning. The received results will be used at standardization of medicinal raw plant materials and development of substance.


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