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Головна » Файли » 2013 » 6 (120)

Ігнатенко Г.А., Ігнатенко Т.С., Гончаров О.М., Кошелева О.М., Суботіна К.О. Гіпер- і дисліпідемія у хворих на хронічний гломерулонефрит
08.08.2014, 18:00

Ігнатенко Г.А., Ігнатенко Т.С., Гончаров О.М., Кошелева О.М., Суботіна К.О. Гіпер- і дисліпідемія у хворих на хронічний гломерулонефрит з супутньою ішемічною хворобою серця.
В роботі оцінено стан ліпідного обміну у хворих на хронічний гломерулонефрит з супутньою ІХС. Показано, що у хворих на коморбідну ренокардіальну патологію спостерігається розвиток високої гіперліпідемії. Включення до комплексної лікувальної програми гіпокситерапії і ліпосомальних засобів сприяло максимальному зниженню атерогенних ліпідів в сироватці крові.
Ключові слова: хронічний гломерулонефрит, ішемічна хвороба серця, порушення ліпідного обміну.
Игнатенко Г.А., Игнатенко Т.С., Гончаров А.Н., Кошелева Е.Н., Субботина Е.А. Гипер- и дислипидемия у больных хроническим гломерулонефритом с сопутствующей ишемической болезнью сердца.
В работе оценено состояние липидного обмена у больных хроническим гломерулонефритом с сопутствующей ИБС. Показано, что у больных коморбидной ренокардиальной патологией наблюдается развитие высокой гиперлипидемии. Включение в комплекс лечебной программы гипокситерапии и липосомальных препаратов способствует максимальному снижению атерогенных липидов в сыворотке крови.
Ключевые слова: хронический гломерулонефрит, ишемическая болезнь сердца, нарушения липидного обмена.
Ignatenko G.A.,Ignatenko T.S., Goncharov A.N., Kosheleva E.N., Subbotina К.А. Hyper- and dislipidemy for patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and coexistent coronary heart disease.
It is established the state of lipid exchange for patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and coexistent coronary heart disease in the research. It is shown that patients with comorbide cardiorenal pathology have progression of high hyperlipidemia. Adding of hypoxytherapy and liposomal preparations in the complex of treatment program assists to the maximal decline of atherogenic lipids in the blood serum.
Key words: chronic glomerulonephritis, coronary heart disease, abnormality of lipid exchange.
Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. Л.М. Іванова

УДК 616.611-002-036.12+616.24-007.271]-08-035-092

Донецький національний медичний університет ім. М. Горького

Донецкий национальный медицинский университет им. М.Горького

Donetsk National Medical University n. a. M. Gorky

83003, Украина, г. Донецк, пр. Ильича

16 Illicha Av. 16, Donetsk, 83003, Ukraine


The goal of the research consisted in determination of lipid abnormalities for patients with CGN and coexist coronary heart disease (CHD) by the use of liposomal preparations and interval normobaric hypoxytherapy (INBHT) in the integrated treatment of such comorbide pathology. For gaining the goal of research 200 patients with CGN and CHD took part in the project. They were divided into 4 study groups. Groups appeared to be identical by the age, gender and duration of CGN and CHD. The first group (50 patients) got the standard antianginal set of medicines (including statins) in combination with daily 50-60 minute sessions of interval normobaric hypoxytherapy (INBHT) at 11-12%  oxygen saturation of respiratory gas. The second group (50 patients) got the same therapy but in combination with liposomal preparations. "Lipin" in a dose of 0,5 g on 50 ml. of normal saline was inserted endovenously in the morning, and "Lipoflavon" was inserted in the evening (production association "Biolack", Kharkiv). Additionally in the day-time patients of this group had   inhalations 0.5 g of "Lipin" by means of suprasonic nebuliser. General duration of liposomal therapy was 15 days. The third group (50 patients) got triple therapy: standard antianginal, sessions of INBHT and liposomal facilities by the analogical sketch. The fourth group (group of comparison) got only antianginal therapy. All actual results of researches were compared with analogical ones of 50 practically healthy people of analogical age and gender (control). For realization of INBHT it was applied stationary hypoxicator "GIP 10-1000-0", firm Trade Medical (Russia) [2].

As it was appeared by the results of research patients with CGN and CHD had substantial abnormalities that showed up in the type of not only increase of serum concentration of total cholesterol but also triglycerides. Besides, in blood of patients there was an excessive concentration of atherogenic fractions of lipoproteins on the background of considerably atrabiliary level of alpha-cholesterol. On the background of treatment in 20 days running for patients of the 1st group it was observed decrease mainly of triglyceridemia, while in the 2nd group - mainly total cholesterol and lipoproteins of low and very low density. The analysis of results of the 3d group showed ability of the integrated treatment more effectively than each of methods separately to influence on some components of lipid profile. First of all the case is the serum level of total cholesterol and triglycerides and the least the levels of atherogenic fractions. In spite of enough positive effect of such treatment in relation to total cholesterol and triglycerides, integrated therapy (statins, liposomal preparations and hypoxytherapy) did not contribute to normalizations of lipid abnormalities. It is well known that target values of total cholesterol for patients with CHD are <4,5  mmol/L. Besides, we got a number 5,0 mmol/l for  patients of the 3d group by the  results of treatment . It is quite possible that insufficient hypolipidemic efficiency is conditioned by short duration term of supervision. Especially it refers to statins, the main effect of that is realized only in a few weeks from the beginning of treatment.

Hypoxytherapy is accompanied by specific accommodational changes in the human organism [1]: by the increase of nonspecific resistance, tolerability of tissue hypoxia, improvement of regulation of system and regional hemodynamics and microcirculation, optimization of the state of the neuroendocrinal system, gas-transport function of blood, intensification of some metabolic processes. In a number of researches it is shown the ability of hypoxytherapy to reduce the serum level of cholesterol [2, 4].  It is very important that patients with combined renicardiac pathology with INBHT assists  to decrease of  vascular tone, activation of collateral bloodcirculation, reductions of blood trombogenicity, decline and stabilizing of system blood pressure, intensification of peripheral bloodcirculation, increase of efficiency of oxygen delivery to  periphery.

So, the most hypolipidemic effect is got at combination of hypoxytherapy and liposomal preparations. To the same extent it refered to both influence on the concentration of total cholesterol and triglycerides and atherogenic fractions of lipoproteins.

In future we plan to study the dynamics of immunological indexes at application of hypoxytherapy with liposomal therapy for patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and  coexist coronary heart disease.


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  2. Іщук В.О. Рекомендації щодо застосування інтервальних нормобаричних гіпоксичних тренувань у пацієнтів літ­нього віку з ішемічною хворобою серця / В.О. Іщук, В.Б. Шатило // Кровообіг та гемостаз. - 2007. - № 1. - С 49-53.
  3. Кардиоренальные взаимодействия: клиническое значение и роль в патогенезе заболеваний сердечно-сосудистой системы и почек / Н.А. Мухин, С.В. Моисеев, Ж.Д. Кобалава, С.В. Моисеев, В.В. Фомин // Терапевтический архив. - 2004. - № 6. - С. 39-46.
  4. Колчинская А.З. Нормобарическая интервальная гипоксическая тренировка в медицине и спорте / А.З. Колчинская, Т.Н. Цыганова, Л.А. Остапенко. - М.: Медицина, 2003. - 408 с.
  5. Нефрология / Под ред. Е.М. Шилова. – М: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. - 688 с.
  6. Strutz F.M. EMT and proteinuria as progression factors / F.M. Strutz // Kidney International. – 2009. – Vol. 75. - P. 475-481.


Категорія: 6 (120) | Додав: siderman | Теги: abnormality of lipid exchange, chronic glomerulonephritis, coronary heart disease
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