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Головна » Файли » 2013 » 6 (120)

Проскочило А.В., Дем’яненко В.Г., Бабич Є.М., Скляр Н.І. Мікробіологічні дослідження зрідженогазових екстрактів із трави підмаренника справж
09.08.2014, 12:24

Проскочило А.В.1, Дем’яненко В.Г.1, Бабич Є.М.2, Скляр Н.І.2 Мікробіологічні дослідження зрідженогазових екстрактів із трави підмаренника справжнього.
Вивчено мікробіологічну чистоту та антимікробну активність екстрактів із трави підмаренника справжнього, одержаних за допомогою зрідженого дифторхлорметану. Досліджувані зразки за мікробною чистотою відповідали вимогам ДФУ щодо рослинних лікарських засобів для орального застосування. Дифторхлорметанові екстракти виявили протистафілококову, протиентерококову та антикандидну активність.
Ключові слова: екстракція, підмаренник справжній (Galium verum L.), дифторхлорметан, антимікробна активність.

Проскочило А.В., Демьяненко В.Г., Бабич Е.М., Скляр Н.И. Микробиологические исследования сжиженогазовых экстрактов из травы подмаренника настоящего.
Изучены микробиологическая чистота и антимикробная активность экстрактов из травы подмаренника настоящего, полученных с помощью сжиженного дифторхлорметана. Исследуемые образцы по микробной чистоте отвечали требованиям ГФУ для растительных лекарственных средств для орального применения. Дифторхлорметановые экстракты проявили противостафилококковую, противоэнтерококовую и антикандидную активность.
Ключевые слова: экстракция, подмаренник настоящий (Galium verum L.), дифторхлорметан, антимикробная активность.

Proskochilo A.V., Demianenko V.G., Babych Ye.M., Sklyar N.I. Microbiological study of liquefied gas extracts from Galium verum herb.
Microbiological purity and antimicrobial activity of extracts from Lady’s Bedstraw (Galium verum) herb, obtained with liquefied difluorochloromethane have been studied. Microbial purity of the researched samples conformed to the SPhU requirements stated for non-sterile oral herbal medicines. Difluorochloromethane extracts have showed antistaphylococcal, antienterococcal and anticandidal activities.
Key words: extraction, Lady’s Bedstraw (Galium verum L.), difluorochloromethane, antimicrobial activity.

Рецензент: д.фарм.н., проф. Д.І. Дмитрієвський

УДК 615.28:615.451.16:582.972.3

1Національний фармацевтичний університет (Харків)

Национальный фармацевтический университет (Харьков)

National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov)

2ДУ «Інститут мікробіології та імунології імені І.І. Мечникова HАМН України» (Харків)

Институт микробиологии и иммунологии им. И. И. Мечникова НАМН Украины (Харьков)

Mechnicov Institute of Microbiology and Immunology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" (Kharkiv)



Galium verum L. (Rubiaceae), is often used in folk medicine and homeopathy, as antibacterial and antifungal cures. In the past decade, Lady’s Bedstraw (Galium verum L.) has attracted the attention of researchers from different countries as a source of biologically active substances (BAS). Information about using Lady’s Bedstraw in the treatment of diseases caused by microbial nature has significant practical interest for the modern pharmaceutical science towards a new BAS, that have an antimicrobial activity.

Studies of antibacterial and antifungal action of Lady’s Bedstraw extracts can be found in several articles. During the critical analysis of these sources, it has been found that their data contain contradictory and ambiguous information.

Critical analysis presented in the Ukrainian version of the article.

However, these facts confirm the antibacterial and anticandidal activity of extracts Lady’s Bedstraw herb, that obtained by classical extraction methods.

In processing the medicinal plants by liquefied gases, depending on process parameters and nature of the gas (freon, carbon dioxide, propane-butane mixture, etc.) may obtain extracts of various qualitative and quantitative composition, with a significant reduction of process time and a number of other benefits.

We have previously obtained lipophilic complexes from Lady’s Bedstraw herb (LBLC) by extraction with liquefied difluorochloromethane, so the study of their antimicrobial activity is important.

The aim of this study was to study the antimicrobial activity of liquefied gas extracts from Galium verum herb.

Material and methods. Microbiological studies were subjected to such samples: A – LBLC obtained from aerial parts Lady’s Bedstraw herb, that has been collected in 2010 , B - LBLC obtained from aerial parts Lady’s Bedstraw herb, that has been collected in 2009.

Samples have been diluted with lactose for appropriate technological properties and facilities dispensing, the microbial contamination of that is also been studied.

The test cultures were reference strains of microorganisms S. aureus АТСС 25923, S. aureus АТСС 6538 Р, E. coli АТСС 25922, P. aeruginosa АТСС 27853, Е. faecalis ATCC 6783, C. albicans АТСС 885-653 and circulating clinical isolates of S. aureus (n=4), Е. faecalis (n=2) та C. albicans (n=2), extracted from pyoinflammatory diseases of the urogenital and the respiratory system.

Results and their discussions. The results of determining microbiological purity of extracts and lactose are shown in Table 1. (See Ukrainian version)

Experimental data on the antimicrobial activity of the samples shown in Table 2.(See Ukrainian version)

LBLC in the experiment has showed antistaphylococcal, antienterococcal and anticandidal activities. Further minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations (MIC and MBC) investigated only for sample A, the results are shown in Table 3. (See Ukrainian version).

MIC and MBC of LBLC have similar levels against strains E. Faecalis, that indicate his prospects as a new antienterococcal product, and create the preconditions for further research, given the current problems of resistance and virulence of opportunistic microorganisms.

Conclusions. Studies of the microbiological purity, antimicrobial and antifungal activity of LBLC obtained by using liquefied difluorochloromethane have been carried out. Microbial purity of the researched samples conformed to the SPhU requirements stated for non-sterile oral herbal medicines. A promising area of application of LBLC in the treatment of pyoinflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system caused by E. faecalis has been revealed.


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Категорія: 6 (120) | Додав: siderman | Теги: antimicrobial activity, extraction, difluorochloromethane, Lady’s Bedstraw (Galium verum L.)
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