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Головна » Файли » 2014 » 2 (122)

Шестопалова Н.С., Іванюра І.О., Коробейніков О.С., Єрмакова Т.С. Характеристика показників мікроциркуляції при інтенсивних фізичних тренув
31.07.2014, 18:14

Шестопалова Н.С., Іванюра І.О., Коробейніков О.С., Єрмакова Т.С. Характеристика показників мікроциркуляції при інтенсивних фізичних тренуваннях.
Результати досліджень ЛДФ-метрії свідчать про те, що інтенсивні фізичні тренування спортсменів викликають в організмі модифікаційні зміни мікроциркуляторної системи, яка забезпечує економізацію діяльності серце-судинної системи. Зміни в системі мікроциркуляції призводять до збільшення показника мікроциркуляції, середнього квадратичного відхилення, що характеризує величину кровоточу в тканинах, пере - розподілення току крові в капілярах з метою створення функціональних резервів. У спортсменів переважаючими становляться парасимпатичні впливи на мікроциркуляцію, про що свідчить зменшення індексу флаксмоцій.
Ключові слова: спортсмени, мікроциркуляція, серцево-судинна система, метод лазерної доплеровської флоуметрії, фізичні навантаження.
Шестопалова Н.С., Иванюра И.А., Коробейников А.С., Ермакова Т.С. Характеристика показателей микроциркуляции крови спортсменов при интенсивных физических тренировках.
Результаты исследования ЛДФ-метрии свидельствует о том, что интенсивные физические тренировки спортсменов вызывают в организме модификационные изменения микроциркуляторной системы, которая обеспечивает экономизацию деятельности сердечно –сосудистой системы. Изменения в системе микроциркуляции вызывают увеличение показателя микроциркуляции, среднего квадратичекого отклонения, что характеризует величину кровотока в тканях, перераспределение тока крови в капиллярах с целью создания функциональных резервов. У спортсменов преобладающими становятся парасимпатические влияния на микроциркуляцию, о чем свидельствует уменьшение индекса флаксмоций.
Ключевые слова: спортсмены, микроциркуляция, сердечно-сосудистая система, метод лазерной допплеровской флоуметрии, физические нагрузки.
Shestopalova N.S., Ivanyura I.A., Korobeynikov A.S., Ermakova T.S. Characteri-zation of blood microcirculation parameters of athletes during intense physical training.
Studies have found that in the process of athletic training the morphofunctional reorganization of cardio-vascular system occurs. Under the influence of the training processes is the definite answer on the part the various components and the microcirculation is formed: the transport direction of the  blood flow according to the needs regulatory blood circulation tissue; the exchange as a component of the chemical barrier. During long-term physical activity parasympathetic effects on the microcirculation becomes predominant, as evidenced by a marked reduction of the index of flaxomotion values (IFM). As a result these changes in athletes create significant functional reserve for both redistribution of the blood flow and for a better capillary blood flow within organs. Thus, the prediction of functional changes in the body and assessment of functional reserve capacity of vegetative systems can be based on the determination of regulatory mechanisms and quantitative characterization of the individual units of the microcirculation in athletes with varying intensity of physical activity.
Key words: athletes, microcirculation, cardio - vascular system, method of Laser Doppler Flowmetry, physical activity.
Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. М.О. Пересадін

УДК 612.13


Луганский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченка

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National Univesity


Modern sp+ort demands high level of preparation from the athletes, which requires in-depth study of the state of various systems and the reserve capabilities of human organism. The focus of athletic training has a significant impact on all parts of cardio - vascular system, systemic hemodynamics and the state of the vascular bed. It is particular important to understand the state of microcirculation during muscular activity and exercise. State of metabolism and organ functioning is directly affected by the adequate conditions of microcirculation. In contrast any pathological process occurs with the various changes in microcirculation. Changes in blood microcirculation are closely associated with alterations in the central hemodynamics, which allows to use microcirculation parameters as prognostic and diagnostic criteria in the evaluation of the physical condition and the state of human health.

The study involved 86 athletes ages 17 to 20 years old, who were divided into three groups based on the intensity of exercise. In order to study blood microcirculation we used the method of Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF). LDF method is based on non-invasive optical probing of tissue using monochromatic signal and the analysis of the frequency spectrum of the waves reflected from moving red blood cells. In this study, we have used a highly informative computerized Laser Doppler Flow Meter LAKK - 1. LDF test results were recorded in relative perfusion units, which reflect the degree of perfusion of predominantly erythrocytes fraction in a unit of tissue volume per unit of time and allow tracing the dynamics of blood flow in response to various causes. During the study the LDF method was utilized to record and calculate microcirculation parameter (MP), its standard deviation (SD) and the index of флаксмоций. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out on IBM PC using statistical program Microsoft Excel.

Studies have found that in the process of athletic training the morphofunctional reorganization of cardio-vascular system occurs. Under the influence of the training  processes is the definite answer on the part of the various components and the microcirculation is formed: the transport direction of the blood flow according to the needs regulatory blood circulation tissue; the exchange as a component of the chemical barrier .The following data on the state of blood microcirculation using LDF were obtained after long vigorous training of the athletes: MP levels were in the range from 7,7±0,66 perfusion units to 8,3±0,68 perfusion units and it was significantly increased after the dosage training to the range from 9.8 perfusion units to 11.5 perfusion units. Our results indicate that the standard deviation (SD), which characterizes the amount of blood flow oscillations in the tissues, was increased with statistical significance (Р<0,05) after dosed physical training, and reaches a maximum value at 18 years of age. During long-term physical activity parasympathetic effects on the microcirculation becomes predominant, as evidenced by a marked reduction of the флаксмоций index values (IFM). As a result these changes in athletes create significant functional reserve for both redistribution of the blood flow and for a better capillary blood flow within organs. Thus, the prediction of functional changes in the body and assessment of functional reserve capacity of vegetative systems can be based on the determination of regulatory mechanisms and quantitative characterization of the individual units of the microcirculation in athletes with varying intensity of physical activity.


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Категорія: 2 (122) | Додав: siderman | Теги: cardio - vascular system, method of Laser Doppler Flowmetry, microcirculation, athletes, physical activity
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