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Григорова А.О. Доопераційна стратифікація ризику патології пародонту серед пацієнтів з одонтогенними запальними захворюваннями ШЛД
10.10.2014, 17:19

Григорова А.О. Доопераційна стратифікація ризику патології пародонту серед пацієнтів з одонтогенними запальними захворюваннями щелепно-лицевої ділянки.
Вивчена частота, діагностична цінність та прогностичне значення окремих факторів ризику формування патології пародонту у пацієнтів з ЗЗ ЩЛД та виконано ранжування цих факторів. Обгрунтовано табличний алгоритм стратифікації пацієнтів з ЗЗ ЩЛД за ризиком формування патології пародонту, застосування якого дозволяє індивідуалізувати лікувально-реабілітаційну тактику, починаючи з доопераційного періоду. Виконана клінічна верифікація алгоритму та доведено, що його специфічність і чутливість є задовільними для застосування у якості попереднього етапу при формуванні груп ризику розвитку патології пародонту на доопераційному етапі серед пацієнтів ЗЗ ЩЛД.
Ключові слова: одонтогенні запальні захворювання щелепно-лицевої ділянки, стратифікація, патологія пародонту, лікування, реабілітація.

Григорова А.А. Дооперационная стратификация риска патологии пародонта среди пациентов с одонтогенными воспалительными заболеваниями челюстно-лицевой области.
Изучена частота, диагностическая ценность и прогностическое значения отдельных факторов риска формирования патодлогии пародонта у пациентов с воспалительными заболеваниями челюстно-лицевой области и выполнено ранжирование этих факторов. Обоснован табличный алгоритм стратификации пациентов по степени риска формирования патологи пародонта, применение котрого позволяет индивидуализировать лечебно - реабилитационную тактику, начиная с дооперационного периода. Выполнена клиничекая верификация алгоритма и доказана его достаточная специфичность и чувствительность на дооперационном этапе формирования групп риска развития патологи пародонта.
Ключевые слова: одонтогенные воспалительные заболевания челюстно-лицевой области, стратификация, патология пародонта, лечение, реабилитация.

Hryhorova A.O. Preoperative stratification of paradontium pathology risk among patients with odontogenic inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area.
It is studied frequency, diagnostic value and prognostic significance of separate risk factors of paradontium pathology forming for patients with inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area (ID MFA) and it is executed ranking of these factors. It is grounded the algorithm of stratification of patients with ID MFA after the risk of paradontium pathology forming, application of that allows to individualize curatively-rehabilitation tactics beginning from the preoperative period.  It is executed clinical verification of algorithm and it is proved that its specificity and sensitivity are satisfactory for application as the previous stage at forming of high-risk groups of paradontium pathology development on the preoperative stage among the patients with ID MFA.
Key words: odontogenic inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area, stratification, pathology of paradontium, treatment, rehabilitation.

Рецензент: к.мед.н., доц. С.Ю. Труфанов

УДК 616.31:[616.176.8+617.52]-001-036-07-08-084-092

Харківський національний медичний університет

Харьковский национальный медицинский университет

Kharkiv National Medical University


The goal of the research consisted in the grounding of algorithm of patients stratification with inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area after the index of integral risk of paradontium pathology.

Patients (n1=147) with odontogenic ID MFA took part in the research. They were previously arranged into two sub-groups: the first one (1n1=69 persons) consisted of patients that in the remote post-operative period had an indicator of the generalized needs index in treatment of paradontium CPITN≥2; the second one (2n1=78 persons) -  CPITN<2. The analysis of requirement in treatment of paradontium was conducted after the generalized index CPITN. While developing of stratification algorithm it was applied the successive Wald's analysis in modification of Hubler E.V.

The research of risk factors of paradontium pathology forming has revealed that from more than 30 possible factors, 20 are considerable and prognostic valuable for patients with the diseases of MFA.  So, the most informing occurred to be the presence of ССT in anamnesis of patients; ССT took place among (62,3±5,8)% patients with CPITN≥2 and only among (9,0±3,2)% patients with CPITN<2 in the remote post-operative period (р≤0,0001); the level of relative risk of  paradontium pathology forming  under condition of CCT presence was  practically in 12 times. The factor of presence of comorbid with the disease of MFA cardiovascular pathology appeared to be highly informative (І=1,680 bits), its frequency among patients with CPITN≥2 for certain (р≤0,0001) was higher than among patients with CPITN<2 in the remote post-operative  period (accordingly (63,8±5,8)% and (21,8±4,7)%.The level of relative risk of paradontium  pathology forming  under condition  of CVP presence is practically in 7 times higher. It is revealed that the high level of informativity in relation to forming of paradontium pathology   for patients with the diseases of MFA has such factor (η2=14,0%) as drug addiction (I=1,701 bits). In particular, the relative risk of paradontium pathology   for drug addict patients grows practically in 11 times in comparison with other patients (р<0,0001). The factor of alcohol abuse was characterized  by analogical  regularity of influence (η2=13,0%) that took place among (30,4±5,5)% patients with CPITN≥2 and only among (23,1±4,8)% patients with CPITN<2 in the remote post-operative period (р≤0,0001).

According to the data of comparative study of anamnestic, behavioural and clinical technological factors applying the standardized procedure of determination of its diagnostic value and prognostic significance is worked out the algorithm of prognostication of risk of paradontium pathology forming for patients with ID MFA. Clinical verification of the mentioned algorithm  is executed among 91 patients of the specialized in-patient department (the 1st sub-group consists of  patients with odontogenic ID MFA for that also in the remote post-operative period are registered the levels of requirement  in treatment of paradontium pathology at CPITN≥2; the 2nd one consists of  patients for that in the remote post-operative period the levels of requirement in treatment of paradontium pathology at CPITN<2) are registered   and it is well-proven that frequency of errors of the first class (α) is 4,2% (for 2 from 47 patients of the 1st sub-group) and errors (β) of the second class - 6,8% (for 2 from 44 patients of the 2nd sub-group). Thus, specificity of prognostic algorithm is 95,8% and its sensitivity is 93,2%  that allows to recommend it as the previous stage during the preoperative stratification of patients into the  high-risk groups of paradontium pathology development at ID MFA in the remote post-operative period.

Conclusions. It is studied frequency, diagnostic value and prognostic significance of separate risk factors of paradontium pathology forming for patients with ID MFA and it is executed ranking of these factors. It is grounded the algorithm of stratification of patients with ID MFA after the risk of paradontium pathology forming, application of that allows to individualize curatively-rehabilitation tactics beginning from the preoperative period.  It is executed clinical verification of algorithm and it is proved that its specificity and sensitivity are satisfactory for application as the previous stage at forming of high-risk groups of paradontium pathology development on the preoperative stage among the patients with ID MFA.

The prospects of further researches are related to development and approbation of analogical algorithm of necessity prognostication   at treatment of paradontium among patients with the damages of ССT.

Keywords: odontogenic inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area, stratification, pathology of paradontium, treatment, rehabilitation.


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