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Головна » Файли » 2014 » 4 (124)

Несен А.А., Шкапо В.Л., Грунченко М.Н., Чирва О.В. Качество жизни больных высокого кардиоваскулярного риска с коморбидной патологией.
10.10.2014, 17:34

Несен А.А., Шкапо В.Л., Грунченко М.Н., Чирва О.В. Качество жизни больных высокого кардиоваскулярного риска с коморбидной патологией.
В работе проведено исследование влияния на качество жизни составляющих образа жизни и таких факторов риска, как пол, курение, употребление алкоголя, ожирение у пациентов высокого кардиоваскулярного риска с коморбидной патологией. Показано снижение оценок по всем показателям качества жизни, а особенно, значительные ограничения в выполнении повседневной деятельности, обусловленной как физическим, так и психическим, состоянием. Выявлено, что ухудшение качества жизни у пациентов с коморбидной патологией существенно зависит от наличия сердечно-сосудистых осложнений.
Ключевые слова: качество жизни, факторы риска, коморбидная патология, опросник Sf-36.
Несен А.О., Шкапо В.Л., Грунченко М.М., Чирва О.В. Якість життя хворих високого кардіоваскулярного ризику з коморбідною патологією.
В работі наведено дослідження впливу на якість життя складових способу життя та факторів ризику - стать, паління, вживання алкоголю, ожиріння у пацієнтів високого кардіоваскулярного ризику з коморбідною патологією. Показано зниження оцінок за всіма показниками якості життя, а особливо, значні обмеження при виконанні повсякденної діяльності, обумовленої як фізичним, так і психічним, станом. Виявлено, що погіршення якості життя у пацієнтів з коморбідною патологією суттєво залежить від наявності серцево-судинних ускладнень.
Ключові слова: якість життя, фактори ризику, коморбідна патологія, опитувальник Sf-36.
Nesen A.А., Shkapo V.L., Grunchenko M.N., Chyrva O.V. Quality of life the patients high cardiovascular risk with comorbidity pathologies.
Presently, an increased cardiovascular risk and comorbidity not only are world medical problems and determine the individual prognosis of patient (duration and quality of life, functional possibilities) but also stipulate scale socio-economic consequences on family and population levels. For the patients of high cardiovascular risk with comorbidity pathology the considerable, as compared to a healthy population, decline of estimations is educed on all indexes quality of life, and especially, substantial limitations in implementation the everyday activity, conditioned by both physical and psychical, by the state (role functioning). Worsening quality of life for patients with arterial hypertension and comorbidity cardinally depends on the presence of cardiovascular complications.
Key words: quality of life, high cardiovascular risk, comorbidity, Sf-36.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. Л.М. Іванова

УДК: 616.1/.4-036.2

ГУ «Национальный институт терапии им. Л.Т. Малой НАМН Украины» (Харьков)

GI «L. T. Mala National Therapy Institute of the NAMS of Ukraine» (Kharkov)


At present an increased cardiovascular risk (CVR) and comorbidity are not only the world's health problems and not only determine the individual prognosis of the patient (the duration and quality of life (QoL), functionality), but also cause large-scale socio-economic impact on the family and population levels.

The aim was to evaluate QoL in patients with high CVR and comorbid diseases and to determine the features of impact of components and lifestyle risk factors (sex, smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity - OB) on the quality of life.

Materials and methods. The data of 95 patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and comorbid disorders were analyzed on the base of department of population studies. The study included 35 (36.8%) men and 60 (63.2%) women (mean age (60.5±0.4). The patients with overweight were dominated. All patients in addition to hypertension have such comorbidities: 72.6% had coronary heart disease (CHD), 10.5% had a history of myocardial infarction (MI), 35% had clinical signs of heart failure (HF) at the time of the survey, 22.1% - diabetes mellitus (DM), especially type 2, 27.4% - chronic kidney disease (CKD). QoL was measured using the total questionnaire SF-36, in accordance with 36 points.

Results. There was significant reduction of reduction estimates for all scales in surveyed patiants, compared with a healthy population. The scores on RP (42,1±4.6) and RE (49.5±3.2) were extremely low. This indicates that the patient has significant limitations in the performance of daily activities due to both physical and mental condition. Common indicators (PH and MH) were significantly lower compared with values in normal population - (42.0±5.1) and (40.8±2.7), respectively. The reduction of QoL’s indices (especially - significant limitations in daily activities due to both physical and mental condition (RP and RE)) is observed.  The QoL of these patients also strongly depends on the degree of the OB; increase in the degree of OB results in a progressive decrease in QoL assessment - both in PH and MH. The deterioration of the quality of life in hypertensive patients with comorbid disorders significantly depends on the presence of cardiovascular complications (myocardial infarction, stroke, multiinfarct brain disease, irregular heartbeat).

Conclusions. Significant reduction of estimates for all QoL’s indices, especially significant limitations in performing daily activities, was identified for the high CVR compared with normal population. Women had significantly worse QoL compared with the same parameters in men of the respective category. QoL of patients was significantly depended on the extent of the OB and led to a progressive decrease in performance assessment with increasing degree of OB. The deterioration of quality of life in patients with hypertension and comorbidity crucially depends on the availability of cardiovascular complications.


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