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Сергеєва О.Ю. Міждисциплінарні аспекти вивчення гомеопатії в структурі освітніх програм на післядипломному етапі
13.10.2014, 22:50

Сергеєва О.Ю. Міждисциплінарні аспекти вивчення гомеопатії в структурі освітніх програм на післядипломному етапі.
Гомеопатію розглянуто як єдину наукову систему, статистичними даними та станом фармацевтичного ринку багатьох країн підкреслено всесвітнє відродження гомеопатії. Обґрунтовано актуальність подальшого удосконалення та поширення викладання гомеопатичної доктрини на академічному рівні, що обумовлено зростанням зацікавленість лікарів різної фахової спрямованості, які використовують гомеопатію як основну або компліментарну терапевтичну систему.
Ключові слова: загальна практика-сімейна медицина, лікарі-інтерни, гомеопатія.
Сергеева О.Ю. Междисциплинарные аспекты изучения гомеопатии в образовательных программах на последипломном этапе.
Гомеопатия рассматривается как единая научная система, статистические данные и состояние фармацевтического рынка многих стран подчеркивает всемирное возрождение гомеопати. Обоснована актуальность дальнейшего усовершенствования и распространения преподавания гомеопати на академическом уровне, что обусловлено растущим інтересом врачей различных спеціальностей, использующих гомеопатию как основную или комплиментарную терапевтическую систему.
Ключевые слова: общая практика-семейная медицина, врачи-интерны, гомеопатия.

Sergeyeva О.Yu.  Interdisciplinary aspects of homoeopathy studying in the educational programs at the post-graduate stage.
Homoeopathy is considered as a single scientific system, statistical data and state of pharmaceutical market of many countries emphasizes the world revival of homoeopathy. Actuality of further improvement and distribution of teaching homoeopathy at the academic level is reasonable, that is caused by increasing interest of doctors of different specialties using homoeopathy as basic or complementary therapeutic system.
Key words: general practice – family medicine, internship doctors, homoeopathy.

Рецензент: д.мед.н., проф. Л.М. Іванова

УДК 615.


Харківська медична академія післядипломної освіти МОЗ України

Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования

Kharkov medical academy of Postgraduate Education


The goal of the research consisted in realization of problem-purpose analysis of modern homoeopathy structure and determination of perspective directions of use of the applied methods of homoeopathy in the work of general practice doctors.

As research material it is used the printed results of clinical, experimental and sociological researches of the last years after the theme and also factors, reasons and terms that influence on the features of homoeopathy teaching and its application in practice activities of general practice doctors. At implementation of work it was applied the methods of system analysis: logical structuring, component architectonics of the phenomena, functional approach and description. It is executed scientific reviews and publications of the first two levels of evidence.

In many countries of the world the amount of doctors of different directions that widespread apply homoeopathic medicinal facilities grows every year.

Unfortunately, in Ukraine there is no culture of wide usage of homoeopathy possibilities that is the consequence of absence of corresponding knowledge for population, the enough long  period of official counteraction to homoeopathy, insufficient volume and level of homoeopathy teaching   in medical higher education institutions of the country. Taking into account the mentioned circumstances, on the chair of family medicine, folk and alternative  medicine, sanology of the Kharkiv medical academy of postgraduate education teaching of homoeopathy is realized academic in the complete conforming to the requirements of departmental activity. Teaching of homoeopathy is conducted mainly on the basis of educational-thematic plan of specialization of folk and alternative medicine that is depended on the doctors of therapeutic profile. From all the term of specialization that includes 5 months (780 hours) teaching of bases of homoeopathy and homotoxicology includes 112 hours (almost 15% of all time of teaching). From them 8 hours are taken for lectures, 82 hours are taken for realization of practicals, 22 hours are seminars. In the process of studies is envisaged teaching of such questions as a place of homoeopathy in the system of modern medicine, history of homoeopathy development, philosophical aspects and principles of homoeopathy, homoeopathic conception of development of pathological process, studies about  constitution and its interpretation, Haneman's theory of miasma , Haneman's theory of chronic disease  and other questions of theoretical bases of homoeopathic doctrine. On practicals and seminars there is an acquaintance with special technics of work of doctor homeopathist that includes special methods of collection and analysis of patient’s complaints, methodology of examination and homoeopathic diagnosis, technique of repertorization and work with professional reference books and computer programs.

Undoubtedly, presence of the mentioned sections of specialization and improvement is an important step on the way of further development of homoeopathy in our country, its integration in the system of general medical practice. But homoeopathic education of doctors in Ukraine needs further development. For comparison it is possible to consider the plan of education of specialists-homoeopaths in India. From 1949 homoeopathy is officially declared by the government of this country as an integral medical system, it is allowed its application in in-patient and out-patient departments. Education of doctors-homoeopathists in India is conducted according to the unified program during 5,5 years. Today is also rational acceptance of two-level structure of homoeopathy studies [6]. It is preparation of the so-called "social homoeopathist" and doctor-homoeopathist. A difference between them consists in that the first makes a therapeutic diagnosis and a doctor-homoeopathist makes both therapeutic, constitutional and clinical diagnoses.

Regardless of category of studies (classic or social homoeopathy) teaching of homoeopathy bases must be complex on the appropriate methodical level.


1. Homoeopathy quickly spreads almost all over the world, a requirement in the homoeopathic method of treatment increases and grows amount of doctors that practice this method. These circumstances can be explained by that homoeopathic preparations have a high therapeutic action and does not have side and toxic effects.

2. Presence of the previously mentioned detailing of directions of homeopathy development proves that modern homeopathy is a unified scientific system with a structured theoretical base and considerable row of special applied methodologies that are carefully worked out on its basis.

3.  Teaching of homoeopathic medicine in Ukraine is substantially improved during the last years, it takes place at state level according to ratified by the Ministry of Healthcare of research and practice plans and programs, but needs further propagation and improvement.

4. Familiarization while post-graduate education of general practice doctors - family medicine with a structure and conceptual issues of the conceptual system of homoeopathy gives possibility to spread its use as a method of complementary medicine.

The prospects of further researches are related to realization of structural and logical analysis of educational programs with the aim of further integration of homoeopathy method in pedagogical technologies.


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